    Visiting the Kind Grandmas and Grandpas (去探望可亲的奶奶和爷爷们)
    Last Saturday was a really fun day! My mom and dad took me to a special place called a nursing home. It's kind of like a big house, but just for grandmas and grandpas who can't live by themselves anymore. Some of them have kids who visit, but a lot of them don't have any family left. That makes me super sad to think about. I couldn't imagine not having my parents and my little brother around! The nurses who work there take great care of them, but my parents said it would mean a lot if we went to spend some time with the grandmas and grandpas too.
    When we got there, I was a little nervous at first. Some of the grandmas and grandpas looked kind of fragile and frail. A few of them were in wheelchairs or had to use walkers to get around. And there were a couple who just stared off into space and didn't really seem to notice we were there. But then we went to the main living room area, and some of the other grandmas and grandpas were sitting around playing cards and checkers and just chatting. Their faces lit up when they saw me and the other kids who came along. They smiled these big toothy grins and waved us over.
    I went over and sat next to this one grandma who looked like she was probably in her 80s or even 90s. Her name was Rose and she had these bright blue eyes that sparkled when she talked. She asked me all about school and what my favorite subjects and hobbies were. I told her I love gym class, art, and reading fiction books about adventure and magic. Rose thought that was just delightful! She said when she was a little girl, her favorite books were the same - stories about exploring enchanted forests and battling evil wizards. Can you imagine? A grandma who was into the same magic books as me almost 100 years ago! Rose and I became best friends that day.
    我走到一位看上去大约80多岁甚至90多岁的奶奶身边坐了下来。她叫罗斯,说话时那双明亮的蓝眼睛闪闪发亮。她问我学校的情况以及我最喜欢的科目和爱好是什么。我告诉她我最爱体育课、艺术课,还爱看一些有关探险和魔法的虚构小说。罗斯听了觉得非常高兴!她说当她还是个小女孩的时候,最喜欢的书籍也是一样的主题- 有关探险魔法森林或者打败魔法师的故事。你能想象吗?就连差不多一百年前的一位奶奶也和我一样喜欢魔法主题的书籍!就这样,我和罗斯奶奶那天成了无话不谈的好朋友。
    Some of the other kids read books and played games with the grandpas and grandmas too. But my favorite part was when we all gathered together and I got to sing songs with them! The nursing home had a piano, and one of the volunteers started playing all these classic, old-timey tunes. At first the grandmas and grandpas just tapped their toes and bobbed their heads along. But before long, we were all belting out the lyrics to songs I'd never heard before at the top of our lungs! Songs about daisies and butterflies, rivers and rainbows, puppy dogs and ice cream cones. Simple, happy songs from when the grandmas and grandpas were kids a bajillion years ago. I don't think I've ever smiled or laughed that hard!
    At the end, we all gathered in a circle and held hands while Miss Rachel (one of the nurses) said a little prayer of thanks. For the grandmas and grandpas being so strong and brave. For the doctors and nurses caring for them. And for us kids being able to come visit and make their day a little brighter. I gave Rose a big hug before we left and she whispered "You made this 97-year-old gal's heart bloom like a flower today, sweetie." I may have teared up a little at that!  I sure hope I can come back again soon.
nice是什么中文意思    Visiting that nursing home was one of the most fun, meaningful experiences I've ever had. The grandmas and grandpas there were just the kindest, most wonderful people. Making them feel special and putting smiles on their faces felt better than anything else in the world. Now I want to go all the time! I'm going to keep making
    Visiting the Cozy Pines Nursing Home
    Last Saturday, my mom and I went to the Cozy Pines Nursing Home to help out. I was really excited because I love spending time with elderly people! They have such cool stories to tell from when they were kids.
    When we got there, a friendly lady named Mrs. Jenkins greeted us at the front desk. She showed us to the activity room where we would be helping out that day. The room had lots of comfy chairs and tables set up for games and crafts.
