1.What can you see/hear?你能看见/听见什么?      2.I can hear an aeroplane/我能听见飞机的声音
3.what else can you hear?你还能看见其他的什么?4.what colour can you see?你能看见什么颜
5、I can see red我能看见红                  6.How many?多少?
7.What do you do?你能干什么?                8.I can play ping-pong我能打乒乓球
9.There is a bird in the tree树上有只鸟      10.what can you draw?你能画什么?
11.what can you do ?你能做什么?              12.she can sing Englinsh song 她能唱英语歌
13.there is some milk in the glass.在杯里有一些牛奶
14.there are some books on the desk 在桌子上有些书
15.I can see a bus,and some cars too 我能看到一辆公共汽车与许多小汽车
nice是什么中文意思16 there are many buses 这里有很多公共汽车
17.My sister likes English .I like English too 我妹妹喜欢英语,我也是
18 The ship is very big 这艘船很大
19.there is an aeroplane over there那边有架飞机
20.I go to school by bus every day 我每天坐公共汽车去上学
21.this is my fathers car 这是我爸爸的小汽车
22.How many students are there in your class 在你的班里有多少学生
23.How much milk do you want 你想要多少牛奶?        24.A glass 一杯
25.How much is the book?这本书多少钱?             
27.I cant see them ,but I can hear them 我看不到他们,但是我能听见他们的声音
28.I cant sing English songs 我不会唱英语歌
29.John and Tom are our good friends  约翰和汤姆都是我们的好朋友
30.Lisa likes singing and dancing 丽莎喜欢唱歌和跳舞
31.I have two bananas根香蕉          32.How does it feel?它摸起来感觉怎么样?
32.Its rough and soft 它是粗糙且软的        33.Thouch the glasses kitty摸一下玻璃杯子,凯蒂
34.How do they feel?他们摸起来怎样          35,Theres a supermarket这里有个超市
36.Lets go and get some food 让我们去买些食物吧!
37.I have a nice bag 我有一个好看的书包      38 She has some red apples她有一些红苹果
39.There is a pen on the books 在书上有一支钢笔  40.Dont touch the bananas不要摸香蕉
41.I have a banana and a pineapple我有一个香蕉和菠萝 42.Do you want ear?你想吃吗?
43.A glass of milk ,please请给我一杯水      44.Lets go to school让我们去上学
45.get his hats back拿回他的帽子            46.stand behind the wall站在墙后面
47.Turn off 关上  48 on the third of March 在3月3日  49.on the fifth of May在5月5日
59 play catch 作传球  60.Go away离开
61this is a cup of coffee 这是一杯咖啡            62.that is a chair 那是一把椅子
63.what are those 那些是什么            64 what are these?这些是什么
65 close your eyes 闭上你的眼睛          66 how does it smell/taste?它们闻(尝)起来怎么样?
67.Its nice 它很香          68.can I help you ?我能帮助你吗?
69.May I have some apples,please?我可以买一些苹果吗?
70.Taste this 尝尝这个    71.Is it sweet?它是甜的吗?72.How much are they?它们值多少钱?
73.they are lemons 它们是柠檬  74.what are they in the bos?在这个箱子里的是什么?
75.How many sweets do you have ?你有多少糖果  76.I like lemons 我喜欢柠檬
77.I dont like sour apples 我不喜欢吃酸苹果  78.The salt is white 这盐是白的
79.I drink coffee every day 我每天喝咖啡      80.The chocolate is bitter 这块巧克力是苦的
81 is the flower nice ?这话好看吗?       
82.How are you?I am fine thank you  你好吗?我很好,谢谢你
83.Its a fine day today 今天天气真好  84 what nice day it is 今天天气多好啊!
85.May I have a look at your new book ?我可以看一下你的新书吗?Sure.Here you are好的给你
86.May I have some apples ,please?我可以买些苹果吗?
87.Do you like monkeys ?你喜欢猴子吗?Yes I do是的,我喜欢
88.They are clever too 它们也很聪明
89.What animals do your friends like?你的朋友们喜欢什么动物?
90.He sees a tree and takes a rest under the tree他看见一棵树并且在树下面休息
91.We can see all kinds of animals in the zoo 在动物园里我们能看到各种各样的动物
92.Look at  dogs 看这些狗      93.It is a hot summer day 这是一个炎热的夏季里的一天
94.Do you like music?你喜欢音乐吗?95.Does he have a brother?他有一个兄弟吗?(这是一个有助动词DO引导的    一般疑问句 第三人称单数时。句中like是行为动词中的谓语,用行为动词作谓语的句子在变为一般疑问句时,在举手要加助动词do或者does(do    只用于主语是第三人称单数时)
95.They are  beautiful他们很漂亮  (They+形容词表示事物的特征
96.What do you like ?你喜欢什么?I dont like skateboards我不喜欢滑板车
97.she doesnt have a new pen (主语变成第三人称单数的时候用does)
98.Lets play together!让我们一起玩吧  I can rude it very well 我能滑的很好
99.What toys do your friends like ?你的朋友们喜欢什么玩具
100.what are those/these?那些/这些是什么?theyre horses它们是马(these用与指代复数概念的物品
101.Whats this in English ?用英语说这是什么?Its a hat它是一顶帽子
102.Are they zebras他们是斑马吗?No,They are horses不,它们是马
103.This is my hat 这是我的帽子  104.I want to buy this scarf 我想要买这条围巾
104.My jacket is white 我的夹克衫 是白的  105.There is a pair of gloves 这里有双手套
106.The socks are blue 这些袜子是蓝的      107.The shoes are mine    这些鞋子是我的
108.What are these in English ?用英语说这些是什么?they are horses它们是马
109.I want to ride it 我想骑它(Want表示想、想要意思)
110.May I have a try?我能试一试吗?  Sure当然可以
111.May I  have of water?我可以喝一杯水吗  of course当然
112.I have some shapes我有一些图形  can you make a house你们能做一间房子吗
113.How are you today?你们今天好吗?very well 非常好
