Northeastern cuisine, or Dongbei cuisine, is a regional Chinese cuisine originating from the Northeast China region, which consists of the provinces of Heilongjiang, Jilin, and Liaoning. It is known for its hearty dishes that are often based on pork, cabbage, and potatoes.
Some of the most popular dishes from Northeastern cuisine include:
Goubuli baozi (狗不理包子) Steamed pork buns with a thin, chewy skin and a savory filling.
Shandong braised chicken (山东酱油鸡) A whole chicken braised in a rich soy sauce-based broth.
Pig ear salad (猪耳朵沙拉) A cold salad made with sliced pig ears, cucumbers, and carrots.
La ba doufu (拉巴豆腐) A deep-fried tofu dish that is typically served with a sweet and sour sauce.
Big plate chicken (大盘鸡) A stir-fried dish made with chicken, potatoes, and peppers.
Northeastern cuisine is often characterized by its use of strong flavors, such as garlic, chili peppers, and cumin. It is also known for its generous use of oil and fat, which results in dishes that are both flavorful and rich.
东三省是哪三个省 东北菜中比较有名的菜肴有:
狗不理包子 皮薄馅大,香而不腻的蒸包。
山东酱油鸡 整鸡用酱油老汤长时间炖制的菜肴。
猪耳朵沙拉 由切片的猪耳朵、黄瓜、胡萝卜制作的凉拌菜。
拉巴豆腐 油炸豆腐,通常配以甜酱或酸辣酱食用。
大盘鸡 用鸡肉、土豆、青椒爆炒的菜肴。