SSPC SP11中英文对照
November 1, 1987
Editorial Revisions November 1, 2004
SSPC SP11 Power Tool Cleaning to Bare Metal
SSPC SP11动力工具清理到裸露金属
1. Scope
1.1 This standard covers the requirements for power tool cleaning to produce a bare metal surface and to retain or produce a minimum 25 micrometer (1.0 mil) surface profile.
1.1 本标准涵盖了使用动力工具清理的要求,此要求为产生裸露金属表面并保留或形成最低25微米(1.0密耳)的表面粗糙度。
1.2 This standard is suitable where a roughened, clean, bare metal surface is required, but where abrasive blasting is not feasible or permissible (see Notes 10.1 and 10.2).
1.2 本标准适用于粗糙的,干净的,裸露的金属表面,但磨料喷砂清理不可行或不允许的场合(见注释10.1和10.2)。
1.3 This standard differs from SSPC-SP 3, Power Tool Cleaning, in that SSPC-SP 3 requires only the removal of loosely adherent materials and does not require producing or retaining a surface profile.
1.3 本标准不同于SSPC-SP 3,动力工具清洗,SSPC-SP 3只需要去除松散的粘附材料,并不需要产生或保留一个特定表面粗糙度。
1.4 This standard differs from SSPC-SP 15, Commercial Grade Power Tool Cleaning, in that SP 15 allows stains of rust, paint, or mill scale to remain on the surface, SP 11 only allows materials to remain at the bottom of pits.
1.4 本标准不同于SSPC-SP 15,商业级动力工具打磨标准,在SP 15中允许锈迹,油漆,或轧制铁鳞留
在表面,而SP 11只允许这些残留在腐蚀麻坑的底部。
2. Definition
2.1 A steel surface cleaned with power tools to bare metal, when viewed without magnification, shall be free of all visible oil, grease, dirt, dust, rust, paint, oxides, mill scale, corrosion products, and other foreign matter. Slight residues of rust and paint may be left in the lower portion of pits if the original surface is pitted (see
Notes 10.3 and 10.4).
2.1 钢铁表面通过动力工具清理到裸露金属,此时不使用放大观看,应无可见的油迹,油脂,污垢,灰尘,铁锈,油漆,氧化物,轧制铁鳞,腐蚀产物和其他异物。如果原始的表面有腐蚀麻坑,轻微铁锈和油漆可以残留在腐蚀麻坑的底部(见注释10.3和10.4)。
2.2 Acceptable variations in appearance that do not affect surface cleanliness as defined in Section 2.1 include variations caused by type of steel, original surface condition, thickness of the steel, weld metal, mill or fabrication marks, heat treating, heat affected zones, or the use of a variety of power tools.
2.2 在2.1中所定义的不影响表面清洁程度的,可接受的外观变化包括由以下原因所引起的变化:钢铁的类型,原始的表面状态,钢铁的厚度,焊接的金属,打磨或制造的标记,热处理,热影响区,或使用其他各种动力工具。
2.3 The surface profile roughness shall be a minimum of 25 micrometers (1.0 mil), as measured in accordance with Method C of ASTM D 4417 or other mutually agreed-upon method (see Notes 10.5, 10.6, and 10.7). The peaks and valleys on the surface shall form a continuous pattern with no smooth, unprofiled, spots in between.
2.3 表面粗糙度应为最低25微米(1.0密耳),测量方法依据ASTM D 4417中的方法C,或其他双方商定的方法(见注释10.5,10.6和10.7)。波峰和波谷应形成一个连续的形态,之间不可存在不平滑、无粗糙度和斑点。
2.4 Immediately prior to paint application, the surface shall comply with the degree of cleaning specified herein.
2.4 施工油漆之前,表面应符合本规定的清洁程度。
3. Surface Preparation Power Tools and Media
3. 表面处理的动力工具和材料
3.1 SURFACE CLEANING POWER TOOLS: Any tool on which the media described in Section 3.3 can be properly mounted and used to produce the required surface profile is acceptable. These tools may or may not alter or destroy the existing surface profile.
3.1 表面清理动力工具:任何工具,能在其上正确安装3.3中所描述的材料并用于产生所需的表面粗糙度,都是可以接受的。这些工具可能会或可能不会改变或破坏现有的表面粗糙度。
3.2 IMPACT AND OTHER PROFILE PRODUCING POWER TOOLS: Any tool on which the media of Section 3.4 can be properly mounted and used to produce the required surface profile is acceptable.
3.2 撞击及其他产生表面粗糙度的动力工具:任何工具,能在其上正确安装3.4中所描述的材料并用于产生所需的表面粗糙度,都是可以接受的。
3.3 SURFACE CLEANING MEDIA: The media used to clean the surface shall consist of the following:
3.3 表面清理的材料:用于表面清理的材料包括以下内容:
3.3.1 Non-woven abrasive wheels and discs constructed of a non-woven synthetic fiber web material of continuous undulated filaments impregnated with an abrasive grit.
3.3.1 无纺布砂轮由非织造合成纤维材料构成,此材料由含有磨料颗粒的连续波浪型细纤维丝制造。
3.3.2 Coated abrasive discs (sanding pads), coated abrasive flap wheels, coated abrasive bands, or other coated abrasive devices capable of running on power tools.
3.3.2 涂覆磨料的磨盘(砂垫),涂覆磨料的叠层抛光轮,涂覆磨料带,或其他可在动力工具上使用的涂覆磨料的装置。
3.3.3 Other materials that produce the requirements of Sections 2.1 through 2.3.
3.3.3 通过2.3的测量方法达到2.1中要求的其他材料。
3.3.4 A list of suitable types of media is found in Note 10.8.
3.3.4 注释10.8列表中所包含的合适的材料类型。
3.4 IMPACT AND PROFILE PRODUCING MEDIA: The media used to produce a surface profile shall consist of the following:
3.4 撞击及产生表面粗糙度的材料:用于产生表面粗糙度的材料包括以下内容:3.
4.1 Rotary impact flap assembly: Flaps of a flexible loop construction with abrasive media bonded to the peening surfaces of each of the stud’s fastened to the loop.
3.4.1 旋转撞击拍打装置:旋转拍打,装置外侧的锤头表面黏合打磨材料。
3.4.2 Needle gun: A bundle of steel needles (actually chisels) is mounted in front of a piston that strikes them several times per second and pushes them against the surface being cleaned.
3.4.2 针:一束钢针(凿子)安装在一个活塞的前部,活塞每秒数次推动钢针束撞击正在清理的表面。
3.4.3 Cutter bundles consist of a number of carbon steel or tungsten carbide cutter assemblies that abrade a coating when rotated against a surface.
3.4.3 刀束由一些碳钢或钨碳合金刀具装配而成,当旋转撞击表面时打磨涂层。3.4.4 Hammer (flailer) assemblies consist of a number of carbon steel fingers that abrade a coating when rotated against a surface.
3.4.4 锤(连枷)组件由一些手指状碳钢材料装配而成,当旋转撞击表面时打磨涂层。
3.4.5 Suitable tools and media that produce the profile requirements of Section 2.3 are listed in Note 10.8. Guidance in the operation of power tools is given in Note 10.9.
3.4.5 注释10.8列出了用来产生2.3中所需表面粗糙度的适合的工具和材料。注释10.9给出了动力工具的操作指导。
4. Referenced Standards
4. 参考标准
4.1 The latest issue, revision, or amendment of the referenced standards in effect on the date of invitation to bid shall govern unless otherwise specified. Standards marked with an asterisk (*) are referenced only in the Notes, which are not requirements of this standard.
4.1 除非另有规定,自生效之日开始,使用发行,修订,或改正的参考标准的最新版本。标有星号(*)的标准只在附注中引用,不是本标准的要求。
4.2 If there is a conflict between the requirements of any of the cited reference standards and this standard, the requirements of this standard shall prevail.
4.2 如果所引用的参考标准和本标准在要求上有任何冲突,以本标准的要求为准。
2 Measurement of Dry Coating Thickness with Magnetic Gages * PA
* PA Guide 4 Guide to Maintenance Repainting with Oil Base or Alkyd
Painting Systems
1 Solvent Cleaning
3 Power Tool Cleaning
SP 15 Commercial Grade Power Tool Cleaning
* VIS 3 Guide and Reference Photographs for Steel Surfaces
Prepared by Power- and Hand-Tool Cleaning
4.3 SSPC标准:
* PA 2      磁性干涂层厚度测量器
* PA 指南4  重涂油基或醇酸树脂油漆系统的维护指南
1 溶剂清洗
3 动力工具清洁
SP 15 商业级动力工具打磨标准
*VIS 3 钢材表面使用动力和手动工具进行表面清理的指导和参考图片
D 4417 Standard Test Methods for Field Measurement of Surface
sp文Profile of Blast Cleaned Steel
4.4 ASTM国际标准:
D 4417  喷砂清理钢材的表面粗糙度的现场测量的标准测试方法
5. Procedure Prior to Power Tool Cleaning
5. 动力工具清理之前的操作流程
5.1 Prior to power tool cleaning, visible deposits of oil, grease, or other materials that may interfere with coating adhesion shall be removed in accordance with SSPC-SP 1 or other agreed-upon methods. Nonvisible surface contaminants such as soluble salts shall be treated to the extent specified by the procurement documents [project specifications] (see Notes 10.10, 10.11, and 10.15).
5.2 Surface imperfections such as sharp fins, sharp edges, weld spatter, or burning slag shall be remo
ved from the surface to the extent specified by the procurement documents [project specifications] (see Note 10.12).
5.2 表面缺陷,如鳍尖、锐边、焊接飞溅或烧渣,应按照采购文件[项目规格]中指定的方法从表面清除至指定程度(见注释10.12)。
6. Power Tool Cleaning Methods
6. 动力工具清理方法
6.1 Any method or combination of methods of surface preparation may be used to achieve a bare metal power tool cleaned surface. The surface produced shall meet the requirements of Sections 2.1and 2.3 (see Notes 10.8, 10.13, and 10.14).
6.1可以用于实现裸露金属程度的动力工具清理表面的任何方法或几种方法的组合。所产生的表面应当应符合2.1和2.3中的要求(见注释10.8 10.13,和10.14)。
6.2 Other methods of surface preparation may be used to achieve a bare metal power tool cleaned surface by mutual agreement between the contracting parties.
6.2 缔约双方都同意的,可以用于实现裸露金属程度的动力工具清理表面的其他处理方法。
6.3 Regardless of the method used for cleaning, if specified in the procurement documents for touch up work, feather the edges of remaining old paint so that the repainted surface can have a reasonably smooth appearance.
6.3 无论使用何种清理方法,如果在采购文件中指定润工作,则羽化保留的旧涂层的边缘,以便重涂的表面能有一个合理平滑的外观。
7. Procedures Following Power Tool Surface Preparation
7. 动力工具表面处理的伴随程序
7.1 Power tool prepared surfaces shall meet the requirements of this standard at the time of painting. Prior to painting, remove all visible deposits of oil and grease by any of the methods specified in SSPC-SP 1. (See Note 10.9.3 for information on oil contamination.) Remove dirt, dust, or similar contaminants from the surface.
