    My Awesome Family Vacation
    Last summer, my family went on the best vacation ever! We traveled all the way to California to visit my aunt and uncle who live in Los Angeles. I was so excited because I had never been to California before.
    The trip started with a long flight from our home in New York City. I had never been on a plane for that many hours before. It felt like forever! But my parents had prepared lots of activities and snacks to keep me and my little brother entertained. We played games, watched movies, ate snacks, and I even got to do some of my summer reading for school.
    When we finally landed in Los Angeles, it was already getting dark outside. The airport w
as huge! We grabbed our suitcases and headed outside to meet my aunt and uncle. They greeted us with big hugs and smiles. I was so happy to see them since we don't get to visit very often living so far apart.
    We stayed at their house for the whole trip. It was really nice to have a whole upstairs to ourselves instead of being crammed into a tiny hotel room. My brother and I had our own bedroom which was awesome! And my aunt and uncle had a beautiful backyard with a swimming pool which was perfect for the super hot California weather.
    Our first full day in LA, we headed to the beach in Santa Monica. I had seen beaches in movies before, but experiencing one in real life was amazing! The sand was soft and warm between my toes. The ocean water was freezing cold at first, but after a little while I got used to it. We spent the whole day swimming, making sandcastles, and collecting seashells. For lunch we had delicious fish tacos from a little stand right on the beach. I had never tasted anything like them before - so fresh and flavorful! At the end of the day, we watched a beautiful sunset over the Pacific Ocean.
    The next day, we drove down to Anaheim to go to Disneyland! I was completely star struck as soon as we entered the park and saw Cinderella's Castle. We went on tons
    My Fun Trip to the Beach!
    Last summer, my family went on a really fun trip to the beach! We haven't gone to the beach in a really long time, so I was super excited when my mom told me we were going. I started packing my suitcase weeks before we even left because I was so excited!
    The drive to the beach took forever. My little brother Jacob kept asking "Are we there yet?" like a million times. I thought we'd never get there! But finally, after what felt like a bajillion hours in the car, we made it to the beach town where we were staying.
    Our beach house was amazing! It had this super cool deck with a view of the ocean. As soon as we got there, I ran right out onto the beach. The sand was warm between my toes and the ocean looked so pretty and blue. I started collecting seashells right away to bring b
ack home with me. Jacob tried to eat one of the seashells I found, but my mom said "No Jacob, that's full of germs!" Can you believe he tried to eat a seashell? Gross!
    That first night at the beach, we went mini golfing at this really fun miniature golf course. Mini golf is my favorite thing ever! The holes at this course were all beach and ocean themed. One of the holes even had a giant clown fish that you had to hit your ball through! My dad got a hole-in-one on that one. On another hole, there was a spinning windmill that you had to putt through. That one was really tricky. Jacob cried when he couldn't get through the windmill, but my mom gave him ice cream after so he stopped.
    The next day, we finally got to go swimming in the ocean! The water was freezing at first, but after a little while it felt really nice and refreshing. We spent all day riding the waves and building sandcastles. For lunch, we had hot dogs and french fries that we bought from a food truck parked right on the beach. They were delicious!
    In the afternoon, we rented beach umbrellas and chairs and relaxed on the sand. My dad fell asleep and started snoring really loudly. Jacob and I buried him in the sand everyw
here except for his head! It looked so funny. When my dad woke up, he was so surprised and we all laughed really hard. Don't worry though, we dug him out after.
    That night, we went to the boardwalk and rode tons of rides at the amusement parks. My favorite was the rollercoaster - it went so fast and high! The whole time I was screaming at the top of my lungs. Jacob wasn't quite tall enough for the big kid rides yet, so he had to go on the kid rides. He didn't seem to mind though because he was having a blast. We also got towering swirls of cotton candy and played lots of games to win prizes. I won a giant teddy bear that was almost as big as me!
