初中英语_八上 Unit 7 Section B (2a教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反 ...
Unit 7 Do you think you will have your own robot?
Section B (2a-2b)
1 机器人发展的历史;
我根据两派科学家的不同观点设计了机器人PK 人类的环节,即对文章进行了深层铺垫,又能调动学生兴趣,提前处理生词。
对机器人的现状我用大量的图片和视频进行展示,导入部分英文歌曲“ Ive got a robot,也是调动兴趣,拓展学生视野。
Step 1 Warming-up
1 Enjoy the song I’ve got a robot.
2 Robots PK humans 
3 Share some information about robots.
(设计意图:1 由与本课内容相关的歌曲激趣导入,既能调动学生兴趣,又能扩展学生知识面,引发学生思考。2 根据文章的一条主线两派科学家的不同观点,我设计了老师代表的机
器人与学生们代表的人类之间的比赛,在歌曲之后,进一步调动学生兴趣,引发学生思考;在此过程中,提前处理生词,对文章进行了深层铺垫。3 展示现在机器人不同的形状与功能,扩展学生视野,继续保持课堂对学生的吸引力,为稍后的小组活动设计自己的机器人奠定基础。)
Step 2 Reading
I Before you read
(Reading strategy:  Look at the title and the picture, and predict what you will read about. )
Question:  The article mainly talks about the robots _________.
            A in the future      B in the past      C now
( 设计意图:引导学生注意插图和标题,并对所涉及的内容进行预测,有利于对文章的理解。教给学生阅读策略。新英语课程标准在认知策略目标中明确指出:学生在学习中应善于利用图画等非语言信息理解主题。)
II While you read
Paragraph 1                Will robots think like humans in the future?
Paragraph 2                What will robots be like in the future?
Paragraph 3                What can robots do today?
Paragraph 4                What are robots like in movies?
Read the article quickly. Complete the sentences.
1 Robots can build _____________ in factories.
2 They can do _____________ jobs many times and never get bored.
3 Some can ______________ and ____________.
4 Some can help _______________ people under _____________.
Carefully Reading
一)Read Para. 1&2, and answer:
1 You have to: (1 point)
  In some movies about future, Robots are usually
  like __________________.
2 Have a try: (2 points)
  What can robots do now?
They ____________________and do jobs like working in __________________places.
They can________________, and they can do simple jobs over and over again and never get bored.
Read Para.1and 2 loudly, then show it in groups.
二)Read Para. 3 and answer:
1 What are scientists trying to do now? 1point
2 James White thinks that robots _________  think like humans. 2 points)     
    A can            B can’t        C will be able to
3  Some scientists don’t agree with James White. They think that robots can even talk like humans in the near future.  3points)                            (T    F )
四)Read Para. 4 and answer:
1 You have to  (1 point)
  How long will it take to have more robots in the future?
2 Have a try  (2 points)
  What can snake robots do?
3 Challenge  (3points)
    Do the writer think that the robots can think like human in the future?
    How do you know?
III After you read
The main idea:
  In movies, robots are usually like human servents. They can _________ the housework. And they can do simple jobs but never _________. Scientists try to make robots _________ humans and do __________ things _______we do. Some scientists think that robots can think like us, But others_________. Robots can have many different shapes. Snake robots can help__________ people under buildings. I think it is possible to have my own robots.
Step 3 Consolidation
Step 4 Group work
  Imagine what it will be like if you can have your own robot in the future. Work in groups and describe a picture of your own robots. And try to tell us what it can do.
Try to use these phrases: look like, help with, be able to.
Step 5 Homework
1 You have to:(必做作业)
What will your life be like in 20 years?Write a composition.
  In 20 years, I will______________________________________
2 Have a try: (小组合作,任选一项作业,一周内完成)
1)Try to make a model robot according to your design. Then show it to us.
2)Surf more information about robots on the Internet or books, and try to make a hand-written newspaper.
