tabasheer 天竺黄
Chinese Taiwan beautyberry leaf 紫珠叶
talc 滑石
tall gastrodia tuber 天麻
tamarind pulp 酸角
tamariskoid spikemoss herb 卷柏
tangerine peel 陈皮
tangerine seed 橘核
tangut anisodus radix 山莨菪
tatarian aster root 紫菀
tenacious condorvine stem 通光藤
tender catchweed bedstraw herb 猪殃殃
ternate grape fern herb 阴地蕨
thatch screwpine root 露兜勒
thickleaf croton root 鸡骨香
thin evodia twig and leaf 三*苦
thinleaf adina fruit 水杨梅
thinleaf milkwort root-bark 远志
thorny elaeagnus leaf 胡颓子叶
threevein aster 红管药
thunberg fritillary bulb 浙贝母
thymifoious euphorbia herb 小飞扬草
tinospora stem 宽根藤
toad skin 蟾蜍皮
toad venom 蟾酥
tokay 蛤蚧
tortoise shell 龟甲
towel gourd stem 丝瓜藤
towel gourd vegetable sponge 丝瓜络
tree peony bark 牡丹皮
tree-of-heaven ailanthus bark 椿皮
tremolite or tremolite asbestos 阳起石
trifoliate acanthopanax root 三叶五加
trifoliate jewelvine root or stem 鱼藤
trifoliate-orange immature fruit 枸橘
triquetrous tadehagi herb 葫芦茶
trogopterus dung 五灵脂
tsaoko amomum fruit 草果
tuber fleeceflower root 何首乌
tuber fleeceflower stem 夜交藤
tuber onion seed 韭菜子
tuberculate speranskia herb 珍珠透骨草
tuberous sword fern rhizome 肾蕨
turmeric 姜黄
turmeric root-tuber 郁金
turtle shell 鳖甲
twelvestamen melastoma herb 地捏
twotooth achyranthes root 牛膝
umbellate rockjasmine herb 点地梅
uncinata spikemoss herb 翠云草
unibract fritillary bulb 川贝母
uniflower swisscentaury root 漏芦
ussuriensis fritillary bulb 平贝母
valerian root 缬草
vermiculite 金精石
vermiculite schist seu / hydrobiotite schist 金礞石
veronicastrum herb 腹水草
vietnamese sophora root 山豆根
villous amomum fruit / cocklebur-like amomum fruit 砂仁
virgate wormwood herb / capillary wormwood herb 茵陈
water calptrop base and peel 菱
watermeion peel 西瓜皮
waternut herb 通天草
weeping forsythiae capsule 连翘
white hyacinth bean 白扁豆
white mulberry root-bark 桑白皮
white mustard seed 白芥子
white paeony root 白芍
whitebackleaf mallotus root 白背叶
whiteflower hogfennel root/common hongfennel root 前胡
whiteflower leadword root 白花丹
whorlleaf loosestrife herb 黄开口
wideleaf osbeckia root 朝天罐
wild buckwheat rhizome 金荞麦
wild carrot fruit 南鹤虱
wild chrysanthemum 野菊花
wildcelery herb 芹菜
williams elder twig 接骨木
willowleaf hygrophila herb 大青草
willowleaf swallowwort rhizome / glaucescent swallowwort rhizome 白前
wilson begonia rhizome 一点血
winged euonymus twig 鬼箭羽
winged laggera herb 鹿耳翎
wingedtooth laggera herb 臭灵丹草
winterberry euonymus herb 丝绵木
wintersweet flower 腊梅花
wooly datchmanspipe herb 寻骨风
wormseed 蛔蒿
wormseed mustard 糖芥
wrinkled gianthyssop herb 藿香
yangtao actinidia root 藤梨根
yanhusuo 延胡索
yellow croaker ear-stone 鱼脑石
yellowmouth dutchmanspipe root 汉中防已
yerbadetajo herb 墨旱莲
yunnan manyleaf paris rhizome / chinese paris rhizome 重楼
zedoary 莪术
zhegucai 鹧鸪菜
