Last summer holiday,I took a trip to Yunnan.It is in the southern part of our country.It is really a very beautiful place grand mountains,clean rivers and kind people.Trees and flowers are seen everywhere.Every year there are lots and lots of visitors.Maybe you have heard about Lin(stone forests).There are all kinds of strange stones.Some of the small stones look like graceful girls;and the big stones look like handsome men.Other stones look like cats,peafowls,double edged swords,mice,elephants and so on.Of all the stones,the stone like a beautiful girl in a legend is the most famous.Its name is A S.I also went to Li Jig.The roads in that city are just like the Eight Diagrams.Any road in the city goes to the center of Li Jiang.A river runs through the whole city.If you go along the river,you'll never get lost.There are many ethnic minority people in Yunnan.They are very cordial.And they all like singing and dancing.We danced with them around the campfire that night.I really had a good time.I like the elephants and fruits there best.An elephant is even taller than me!I even mounted the elephant,though I was very afraid at first.But the elephant seemed very friendly.I took some photos with it.The fruits there are very fresh and delicious.They are very good for our health.
The trip to Yunnan impressed me greatly.I will never forget it.去年暑假,我去云南旅行了。它在我国南部。它真的是一个非常美丽的地方,清澈的河流和善良的人们。树木和鲜花随处可见。每年都有许多的游客。也许你已经听说石林(石林)。有各种奇怪的石头。一些小的石头看起来像优雅的女孩;而大石头看起来英俊的男人。其他石头像猫,孔雀,一把双刃剑,老鼠,大象等。所有的石头,石头就像传说中的美丽的女孩是最著名的。它的名字是一个岛。我也去丽江。在那个城市的道路就像八个图。在城市道路去丽江的中心。一条河贯穿整个城市。如果你沿着河边走,你就不会迷路了。有许多人在云南少数民族。他们都很亲切。他们都喜欢唱歌和跳舞。我们与他们围绕在篝火跳舞。我玩得好开心。我最喜欢那里的大象和水果。大象甚至比我高!我甚至骑大象,但开始时我很害怕。但大象似乎非常友好。我拍了一些照片。有非常新鲜美味的水果。他们对我们的健康很好。云南之行给我留下了深刻的印象。我永远不会忘记它。
