1.0 电影赏析
1.1 电影简介
Judy和Nick查明车子是黑社会老大的,但他们却不幸被抓。当黑社会老大正要将Judy和Nick杀害时,黑老大的女儿出现,说当时是Judy伸出援手,才使她免遭甜甜圈压死。黑老大为了报恩,不仅放了Judy和Nick, 还邀请他们参加女儿的婚礼,并告诉他们水獭失踪一事的经过:水獭为黑老大做事,他失踪那天,黑老大派人叫水獭回来,不料中途水獭发疯,袭击了黑豹司机,逃走了。
Jud和Nick去黑豹司机,结果发现司机也发疯了,并对他们展开攻击。Judy 向警局发出求助,警队赶来并没有发现黑豹,认为他们被耍了。牛警长很生气,要求Judy交出。Judy感到非常失落,Nick此时贴心地站出来鼓励她,说她还有时间来完成任务。
1.2电影片段( 5-10mints)
1.3 视听任务
Chief Bogo: Let’s go!
Judy: Wait, sir. I’m not the only one who saw him. Nick!
Chief Bogo: You think I’m gonna 1 a fox?
Judy: Well, he was a key witness,
Chief Bogo: Two days to find the otter, or you quit. That was the 2 . Badge. Judy: But, sir, we...
Chief Bogo: Badge!
Nick: Uh, no.
Chief Bogo: What did you say, fox?
Nick: Sorry. What I said wa s, “No.” She will not be giving you that badge. Look, you give her a clown vest and a three-wheeled joke-mobile and two days to 3 a case. Y ou guys haven’t cracked in two weeks? Yeah. It’s no 4 she needed to get help from a fox. None of you guys were gonna help her, were you?
Chief Bogo: Ho...
Nick: Here’s the thing, Chief. You gave her the so, technically, we still have
10 5 to find our Mr. and that is exactly what we’re gonna do. So, if you'll 6 us, we have a very big lead to follow and a case to crack. Good day. Officer Hopps.
1. believe
2. deal
3. solve
4. wonder
5. left
中国黑老大6. excuse
1.4 经典台词
1.4.1 I will take your kindness and pay it forward.
1.4.2 Never let them see that they get to you.
1.4.3 I, Nicholas Wilde, promise to be brave, loyal, helpful, and trustworthy.