韶 关 学 院
毕 业 设 计
题 目:年产3000吨花生乳饮料工厂设计
学 号:
系 〔院〕:英东食品科学与工程学院
专 业:食品科学与工程
班 级:10食品2班
指导教师姓名及职称:张俊艳 讲师
起止时间:2021 年4月——2021年4月
Design of aPlant with an Annual Output of 3000 Tons of PeanutMilk BeverageProducts
Abstract:To design a plant with an annual output of 3000tons of peanut milk beverage products isthe purpose of this project. Before confirming the location of the factory,themarket economy of the factory of this city, the geographical environment near the factory and the local economic policy and other conditions must be observed and studied. Then, in order to make this designreasonable and confirm the process flow diagram, production workshop flat plan and total flat plan of the plant, it’s necessary to analyze the productprogram, technological demonstration, equipment selection and material balance.At the same time, for the sake of determining the economic benefits and social benefits of the factory, economic balance is needed. The results show that, the project of an annualoutput of 3000tons of peanut milk beverage productsassets of investment million yuan totally and the profit can reachmillion yuan of the year. Its recovered period would be2 years.