具体步骤 | |||
1 | 游戏名称 | Come here, go back | 1. 单字卡5张,让全班小朋友快速复习一遍 2. 每张卡片由最快大声读出的学生S获得,执卡于胸前 3. 每次可5张或只选其中3张单字卡使用,依“2”之方法,逐一分到Ss手中 4. 老师向学生说明,now I am a monster, you are small animals. You should read the word loudly and clearly, or the monster will catch you and eat you all! When monster says “come here”, you must go and follow it; when it says “go back!!”, you must go back as quick as you can, or you’ll be caught and be punished. 5. 老师模拟出魔鬼张牙舞爪的样子、凶狠的音效,制造游戏气氛。游戏开始。 6. 老师根据参与游戏的孩子的具体情况,可故意装作抓不到他们,或者抓到其中一、二。 7. 惩罚:被monster抓到的学生,需读单字或按照老师指定的规则做到。 |
适合班级 | 小班 | ||
适合循环 | 第一循环 | ||
所需教具 | 单字卡片或字母卡 | ||
计分方式 | 画猫咪脸/加葡萄 | ||
2 | 游戏名称 | Simon says | 1. 选一些学生已学过的口令进行游戏,例如:open the door, point to the window, touch the blackboard,… 2. 游戏前,先简单练习这些口令,作为热身 3. 向学生说明:In this game, you should listen carefully. For example, when you hear I say”open the door”, you can’t do the action unless I add “Simon says” in front of it! Understand? 4. 惩罚:出错的学生,可用塑料小锤适度敲其臀部、肩部等部位。惩罚时,故意做出很夸张的表情,增加刺激性。应注意安全使用小锤。 |
适合班级 | 小 中 大班 | ||
适合循环 | 第一循环 | ||
所需教具 | 实物、响锤 | ||
计分方式 | 擦猫咪脸/hangman | ||
3 | 游戏名称 | Yes or No | 1. 在白板下方摆放4把小椅,左右两边各2把。椅子上方对应白板处,分别画上笑脸与哭脸标记,以供两组比赛使用。如图示: 2. 向学生说明:You must listen my word (sentence) carefully, and compare it to the card (poster) which I show. For example, when I show you the “sunny” card, but I say it’s the “windy” card, yes or no? No! So, you should quickly run to the chair and sit down. I will read each word (sentence) twice a time, you should not move until I say”3 2 1, go!”. 3. 每个单字/句子,老师都应清楚读2遍,再发令 4. 扮演倒霉鬼的学生的腿,张到他的极限时,该组算输;对方获胜,获抽取分值卡机会,并决定是give or take. 应注意张腿学生的身体安全。 |
适合班级 | 中 大班 | ||
适合循环 | 一、二、三循环 | ||
所需教具 | 4把小椅、 | ||
计分方式 | 倒霉鬼张腿/ 抽分值卡 | ||
4 | 游戏名称 | Teacher, teacher what do you want? | 1. 游戏前,再次用实物练习所学单字 2. 将实物放在一起,逐一向学生展示 3. 2组各选一名学生参与游戏,进行比赛。并站在老师所画线之后,越线算违规。 4. 向学生说明:You should ask me:”teacher, teacher, what do you want?”, teacher will answer you”I want …(chalk)”, you can not go ahead unless teacher says”Ready, go!” 5. Then you run straight and pick up the one teacher need, read the word three times. If you have picked up the right one, but you can’t read the word, you also lose the game. 无越线、最快拿到指定实物同时能读出对应单字,才算获胜 |
适合班级 | 中 大班 | ||
适合循环 | 一循环 | ||
所需教具 | 卡片或实物 | ||
计分方式 | 抽分值卡、give or take | ||
5 | 游戏名称 | 体育 | 1. 选本课中较难的句子5句,逐一遍号①~⑤ 2. 老师故作神秘地在纸上写出2或3个号码,藏起。 3. 向学生说明:It’s the <Lottery Ticket>, so you can chose 2 or 3 numbers from those five and tell me them. For example, if you chose numbers 1,2,3, and what I wrote are the same three numbers, you’re the winner. You must read the whole sentece out. If not, you also lose the game. 4. 老师可根据最终的结果,对获胜条件做适当变通 5. 此游戏目的在于让学生开口完整念出句子,要对此做强调。如果准确选对号码,却没能读出句子,不可算获胜 |
适合班级 | 中 大班 | ||
适合循环 | 二、三循环 | ||
所需教具 | 大挂图、笔、纸 | ||
计分方式 | 抽poker card | ||
6 | 游戏名称 | 萝卜蹲 | 1. 全班分3-5队,每队一张卡 2. 向学生说明:逐对介绍You are team “tomato”, you are team “potato”, you are team “furit”… 3. when teacher says “furit team try!”, the “furit” team must all stand up quickly, and read loudly “furit try, furit try, after fruit tomato try,(or potato try)”. If you are slow, your team will lose this game, and all be punished. |
适合班级 | 十大游戏排名小 中 大班 | ||
适合循环 | 一循环 | ||
所需教具 | 单字卡/字母卡 | ||
计分方式 | 气球 | ||
7 | 游戏名称 | 成结党 | 1. 将5张单字卡固定在白板上,每张依次编号①~⑤ 2. 向学生说明:Now teacher is a monster, you should pay attention to what I say. When I read one word, you must quickly make sure the number, for example 3. So you must stand together with other 2 students! 3. 惩罚方式:读单字 |
适合班级 | 小 中 大班 | ||
适合循环 | 一循环 | ||
所需教具 | 单字卡/字母卡 | ||
计分方式 | 鲨鱼 | ||
8 | 游戏名称 | 冰山一角 | 1. 出示几张单字卡 2. 向学生说明:Here are some cards, I will show you a little part of the card, you should tell me what the word is according to what you saw. See who’s the quickest one! 3. 在露出冰山一角时,根据学生对单字的熟练度情况,相应调整难易度,增加或减少提示信息。 |
适合班级 | 小 中 大班 | ||
适合循环 | 一循环 | ||
所需教具 | 单字卡/字母卡 | ||
计分方式 | 鲨鱼牙 | ||
9 | 游戏名称 | 游戏 | 1. 参与游戏者可全班或7人左右,围成一圈 2. 老师示意手中的玩具球向学生说明:This is a bomb, when I say “A,B,C,D” then throw the bomb to any of you, the receiver must say ”E,F,G,H” as fast as possible! Then throw the bomb to the other. If you psuse or say the wrong letters, you’ll lose the game. If you throw to A, whom fail to hold the bomb, let it fall on the floor, you and A will both lose this game! 3. 老师可模拟出违规时爆炸的音效,增加刺激性 |
适合班级 | 小 中 大班 | ||
适合循环 | 自然拼音教学 | ||
所需教具 | 可假设作为的球或其它 | ||
计分方式 | 马桶 | ||
10 | 游戏名称 | 朋友 | 1. 在白板上写出5对左右字母的大小写,大致分上下两行,打乱所有顺序写下 2. 尽量用多种彩书写,使整体更鲜艳活泼 3. 请1或2名学生进行游戏 4. 老师边示范边向学生说明:We can see, here is a Capital A, so where is the Small a? We should find it out, and use marker to match them together! 5. 当所有字母都配对完成后,配对最多且正确的学生获胜。 |
适合班级 | 小班 | ||
适合循环 | 自然拼音教学 | ||
所需教具 | 字母大小写卡 | ||
计分方式 | 苹果树 | ||