【三套试卷】广州市小学六年级英语下册第一单元练习试卷及答案_百度文 ...
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课题:  Unit 1  How tall are you?                                   
课型 :新课            课时:第二课
一、教学目标:Remember the words, the phrases, language points..
二、教学重点:Master some sentences
5大一岁 _______6.51千克_________ 7.又高又壮_________8.大二岁_________
二、写出下列比较级:1.small ______2.big _________3.thin_______4. heavy________
1.164cm_____________________________ 2.170cm___________________________
3. 50kg______________________________ 4.65kg ___________________________
A: How tall are you?                        A: _____ _____ are you?
B: Im 164cm tall. Youre shorter than me.    B: Im _______tall. _______________.
A: Yes. Im 160 cm. Youre 4 cm taller than me.A: Yes. Im ______. _______________.
练习:1. 她有多高?How tall ____ ____? 2. 她身高158厘米。She ___ ______ ______.
3.她比我矮3厘米。She _____3 cm _______than ______.
1.A: ____ _____ are you ?      B: Im 11 years old. What about you?
A: Im 12. Im _____ _____ ______大一岁 than you.
2. A: _____ ______ are you?  B: Im 51kg. What about you?
  A: Im 50kg. Youre _______heavier than me.
四:小结:1.询问某人多大/多高/多重句型:How old /______/______+ _____+主语?
  A +am /is /are +数词+ 单位/量词+taller / shorter / older /heavier…+than +B
1.This is my father. He is _____(old) than me.
2.Im twelve years old. She is one year______(young) than me.
3.Mary is 164cm. You are 160cm. Mary is 4cm ______(tall) than you.
4.This book is ________(thin) than the red book.
5.In summer the days are _________(long) than the nights.
6.Beijing is much ________(big) than Qiqihar.
7.Tom is very fat. He is _______(heavy) than you.
二.选择题:(    )1.  _____ is he? Hes 172cm.  A  how tall  B How old C How tall
(    )2. Im three _____older than you.  A  year  B  years  C  /
(    )3. ______ is Kate? She is 48kg.  A  How big  B  How tall  C How heavy
(    )4.My sister is two years _______than me.  A  smaller  B younger  C young
(    )5.Youre 5kg _______ than me.  A  heavy  B heavyer  C heavier
(    )6. My aunt is taller and ______.  A  thiner  B  thinner  C thin
三、句型转换:1. Im 11 years old.     _____________________________
2. Tom is 65kg.      ____________________________________
3. My mother is 163cm tall.   ______________________________
4. Are you stronger?  Yes,_____ _______.  No, _____ _______.
5. There are three elephants in a zoo.( 变一般疑问句 )________________________
四、翻译句子:1.Sarah 比Chen Jie 小两岁。
Sarah is ______ _______ ______ than Chen Jie.
2.这匹小红马只有70 厘米高。 The red horse is only ____ _____ _______.
3.我的书包比你的书包大。  My bag is ________than yours.
4.你比我矮5厘米。  Youre ____ _____ _____ _____ me.
五、改错:1.This elephant is much strong than that one.  _______ 改________
2.My friend is 160 cm taller.    ______ 改_______
3. Im two year older than you.    _______改 _______
4.Youre 1.70 cm tall.      ______改 _______
5. She is 2 kg heavy than her sister.    ______改 _______

1.big________      2.thin________    3. heavy________        4.strong________    5.happy________ 
6.angry________    7.hot________   
8.metre(复数)______    9.foot(复数)______    10.mouse (复数)______ 
A. B. C. D.
(  )1.The Englishman is very strong.
(  )2.This egg is bigger than that one.
(  )3.The girl is shorter than the boy.
(  )4. The panda is heavier than the duck.
1.你体重多少?                  A. Sarah’s fish is smaller than Amy’s.
2.我体重48公斤。                B. He is stronger than her.
3.你比我重。                    C. How heavy are you?
4.John 比Mike瘦。              D. I’m 48 kilograms.                                                                                                                                                                                               
5.他比她强壮。                  E. You’re heavier than me.
6.Sarah钓的鱼比Amy 的小。        F. John is thinner than Mike.
(   )1. I'm two years _______than you .
A. young                  B. shorter            C. younger 
(   ) 2.How  big ______  your feet ?
      A. is                    B. are                        C .it
(   )3 ._______ ? ------80cm
      A. How tall are you ?    B. How long are your legs ?      C .How old are you ?
(   ) 4.How ____is your best friend ?  -- Thirteen years old .
       A. old                  B .tall                          C. heavy
(   )5.How tall is Chen Jie?
       A. He is 12 years old.    B. I'm 147cm.                C .She is 150cm. 
1. I am 1.52 _____. I’m tall.(meters, kilograms)
2. _____ tall are you? (How, What)
3. I’m 12. Lily is 11. I’m ________ than her. (shorter, older)
六、 阅读理解。 
    Girl: Mom, look, there are some birds. 
    Mom: Which bird do you like? 
  Girl: I like the green one. It’s taller than the blue one.
  Mom: Which bird is stronger?
    Girl: The blue one is stronger. 
  Mom: I like the blue bird. I think it’s younger. 
  Girl: But the green bird’s tail is longer than the blue one.
    Mom: I think it’s about 20 cm long. 
    (  )1. The green bird is shorter than the blue one.
