【最新编排】PEP小学英语六年级 比较级和过去时练习题
【最新编排】PEP小学英语六年级 比较级和过去时练习题
1. My brother is two years __________ (old) than me. 2. Is your sister __________ (young) than you? Yes, she is. 3. Who is __________ (thin), you or Helen? Helen is. 4. Whose pencil-box is __________ (big), yours or hers? Hers is. 5(Ben jumps __________ (high) than some of the boys in his class. 6(Does Nancy sing __________ (well) than Helen? Yes, she does. 7(My eyes are __________(big) than hers.
8(Which is __________ (heavy), the elephant or the pig? 9(Who gets up __________ (early), Tim or Tom?
10(Do the girls get up __________(early) than the boys? No, they __________. 11(Jim runs __________(slow). But Ben runs __________(slow). 二、选择正确的词填空
Sarah is 12 years __________ (old, older). She is one year __________ (older, oldest)
than me. But I am 0.1 meter __________ (taller, tallest) than her. She studies in
Guangzhou interational Shool. She studies __________ (harder, hardest) in her class.
Everyone likes her.
Yesterday, she was ill. She took some medicine and she feels ________ (good, better)
( )1. The yellow shoes are ______ than the blue ones. A. expensive
( )2. A cow is ______ bigger than a mouse.
A. C.many
( )3. Who's the ______, Jean, Joan or Jennet?
A.thinner B.thinest C.thinnest
( )4. Tim is______than Jack.
A.funny B.much funny C.funnier
( )5. I'm taller than others in my class. I'm ______. A.tall B.tallest C.the tallest
( )6. Who can sing better ______ Rose?
A.than B.then C./
( )7. I have ______ books than you have.
A.many B.
( )8. His uncle's house is very ______.
A.old B.older C.oldest
( )9. My bike is ______, but his bike is ______. A.new,w,w,newest
( )10. Please clean your room. It's ______ now. A.clean B.dirty C.tidy
1. 谁比Jim年纪大,是你。
________ is ________ than Jim? ________ are.
2. 谁比David更强壮,是Gao Shan.
________ ________ than David? Gao Shan ________.
3. 谁的铅笔更长,他的还是她的,我想是她的。
________ pencil is ________ , ________ or ________? ________ is, I think. 4. Yang Ling每天睡得比Su Yang晚。
Yang Ling ________ to ________ ________ than Su Yang every day. 5. 你放风筝比王兵放得高吗,不,我比他放得低。
________ you ________ the kite ________ than Wang Bing? No,I ________ it ________
than ________.
6. 我的起得比我早。
My ________ ________ up ________ than me.
7. 她不擅长体育。但我跳得没有她高。
She doesn't ________ ________ in PE. But I don't ________ ________ than ________.
1. We ________ students
years ago. 2. Patti and I ________ good friends.
3. Today ________ Tuesday, yesterday ________ Monday. 4. Sue ________ on the slide a moment ago.
5. Where is my hat? It ________ on the desk just now. 6. I ________ (watch) a cartoon on Saturday.
7. Her father ________(read) a newspaper last night.
8. We ________ to zoo yesterday, we ________ to the park. (go) 9. ________ you ________(visit) your relatives(亲戚) last Spring Festival?
10. ________ he ________(fly) a kite on Sunday? Yes, he ________. 二、句型转换
1. She was angry yesterday. (改为一般疑问句)
2. They were in the park just now. (对画线部分提问)
____________________________________________ 3. There were some plates on the table. (改为否定句)
____________________________________________ 4. The little dog was 1 years old last year. ____________________________________________ 5. Were Lily and Patti at school this morning? (作肯定、否定回答)
____________________________________________ 6. Which shirt do you like, the red one or the blue one? ____________________________________________ 7. My friend Tom/Canada/year/in/last/was (连词成句)
____________________________________________ 8. were/some/cars/the/just now/ground/there/on/the (连词成句)
____________________________________________ 9. How did you go to park yeaterday?
10. did/what/you/yesterday/do
____________________________________________ 11. watch/John/did/TV/weekend/last
____________________________________________ 12. went/I/to/by/park/a/bike
____________________________________________ 13. jumped/the/into/lake/he/and/the/to/swam/kite ____________________________________________ 三、选择填空
( )1.She watered the flowers ____.
A.tomorrow B.sometimes
C.yesterday morning
( )2.What ____ Mike do last weekend?
A.do B.does C.did ( )3.I ____ my room last Sunday.
A.cleaned B.clean C.am cleaning ( )4.I often help my mother ____ housework.
