Sample Question
语言栏没了Why are many native languages and
cultures lost and how can we save the loss ?
■ With the process of globalization and interaction among different nations, a variety of native languages and cultures have been lost. What are the main reasons for and effects of this phenomenon ?And what can countries do to save the great loss ?
Essay layout(布局谋篇)
第一段(引言段) 首先指出,随着全球化进程的加速,英语作为占据主导地位的国际语言,对国家之间的交流和文化差距的缩小起到了很大的作用。然后点出作者观点:随之而产生的许多当地语言和文化的消失是一件令人痛惜的事情。
第二段(主体段一) 陈述这种现象的原因,而其中全球化和经济发展的两大罪魁祸首。很多发展中国家为了能与先进国家交流,不得不舍弃了本国的语言。
第三段(主体段二) 阐述该现象所造成的影响,其中指出许多语言和文化的丧失是不可挽回的,并以美洲大陆上数以千计的印第安语的灭亡为例说明了其严重性。
第四段(主体段三) 向政府提出如何来保留这些语言和文化的建议,其中一条是:各级学校应该强调本国的民族认同感,并加强爱国主义的教育。
第五段(结尾段) 重申了全球化的趋势和迅速的经济发展导致了大量的当地语言和文化的销声匿迹这样一个事实,并再次提议政府应该采取严厉措施来挽救这种巨大的损失,并在保存文化遗产方面起到带头作用。
Excellent Vocabulary(经典语汇)
gain momentum
giant,multinational corporations
produce and sell their commodities
the increasing interaction among different nations
the dominance of English as the most preferred international language
bridge cultural gaps
a necessary step to economic prosperity
lament the great loss of many native languages and cultures
be the culprit
in the case of…
the predominant language in all mass media
effective communication
slim opportunities for free trade
prospects of economic advancement
make sacrifices for globalization
the irretrievable loss of their native languages
discover the American continent
thousands of native Indian languages
explore its western territories
together with their unique cultures and customs
a devastating catastrophe to the world’s cultural heritage
emphasize their national identities in all educational levels
promote cultural awareness and encourage patriotism
extracurricular activities
government agencies
civil services
use English and their native languages simultaneously
accommodate globalization
retain their national heritage
the rapid extinction of a wide range of native languages and cultures
save the huge loss
preserve their own heirlooms
Complex Sentences(精彩长句)