2019高考全程复习方略英语一轮复习课时作业:8.1 A land
课时作业(三十六)选修8Unit1A land of diversity
Lakshmi grew up in India in the first half of the twentieth century,seeing many people around her who did not get enough food,were often sick and died young.
In the1960s,she was asked to help manage a program to improve nutrition in her country.At that time,most advice on nutrition came from North American and European countries.Nutritionists suggested foods that were common and worked well for people who lived in these nations.
For example,they told poor Indian women to eat more meat and eggs and drink more orange juice.But Lakshmi knew this advice was useless in a country like India. People there didn't eat such foods.They weren't easy to find.And for the poor,such foods were too expensive.
Lakshmi knew that for the program to work,it had to fit Indian culture.So she decided to adjust the nutritio
n program.She first found out what healthy middle­class people in India ate.She took note of the nutrients(营养物)available in those foods. Then she looked for cheap,easy­to­find foods that would provide the same nutrients.
She created a balanced diet of locally grown fruits,vegetables,and grains.These foods were cheap and could be cooked with simple equipment.Her ideas were thought unusual in the1960s.For example,she insisted that a diet without meat could provide all major nutrients.Now we know she was right.But it took her continuous efforts to get others to finally accept her diet about50years ago.Because of Lakshmi's program, Indian children almost doubled their food intake.And many children who would have been hungry and ill grew healthy and strong.
【长难句分析】Lakshmi grew up in India in the first half of the twentieth century, seeing many people around her who did not get enough food,were often sick and died young.
句式分析:本句为主从复合句,Lakshmi grew up in India in the first half of the twentieth century是主句。
seeing many people died young作伴随状语,seeing后跟宾语从句,many people是宾语从句的主语,were和died是由and连接的并列谓语,who did not get enough food为定语从句,修饰many people。
1.Why did Lakshmi think European nutritionists'advice was useless?
A.It worked well for European people.
B.It suggested too many foods for Indians.
C.It was not practical in India at that time.
D.It included foods that didn't exist in India.
答案与解析:C'考查细节理解。根据题干中的useless到文章中信息,根据文章第三段中的“But Lakshmi knew this advice was useless in a country like India. People there didn't eat such foods.They weren't easy to find.And for the poor,such foods were too expensive.”可知,欧洲营养学家们的建议在当时的印度是不合实际的。故选C项。
2.Lakshmi studied healthy middle­class people's diet in order to________.
A.know about their eating habits
B.learn about Indian culture
C.find out nutrients in their food
2018广东高考D.write a report on food nutrients
答案与解析:C'考查细节理解。根据第四段最后一句“Then she looked for cheap,easy­to­find foods that would provide the same nutrients.”可知,拉克希米之所以研究印度健康的中产阶级的饮食,为的是发现便宜的、易到的能提供相同营养的食物。故选C项。
3.Lakshmi's balanced diet was considered unusual because people thought ________.
A.those foods were too cheap
B.it should include some meat
C.it provided all major nutrients
D.it enabled kids to grow healthy
答案与解析:B'考查推理判断。根据最后一段中的“For example,she insisted that a diet without meat could provide all major nutrients.Now we know she was right.”可知,拉克希米经过研究发现,不含肉的饮食也能提供所有主要的营养。这个观点当时却不为人所接受,但现在证实她是正确的。故选B项。
4.What can we infer about Lakshmi?
A.She came from a rich family.
B.She disliked middle­class people.
C.She worked with European nutritionists.
D.She was a determined scientist.
答案与解析:D'考查推理判断。根据文章最后一段中的“But it took her continuous efforts to get others to finally accept her diet about50years ago.”可知,经过不断的努力,她才使人们接受她的饮食观点,由此可推测,拉克希米是一个意志坚定的人。故选D项。
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