a large wild animal of the cat family, that has yellowish fur with black lines and lives in parts of Asia”。虎的原产地在亚洲,西方人很少能接触到虎,西方传统文化中也就缺乏虎的意象。西方文化中lion(狮子)才是“百兽之王”。
语里的“虎将”),常用来称赞骁勇善战的勇士。英国国王理查一世(King Richard Ⅰ)因勇猛过人而被称为“狮心王(The Lion Heart)”。英国是一个十分崇拜“狮子”的国家。英国的钱币印有狮子图案。狮子纹章是英国国徽,the British Lion用来转喻“大英帝国”。lion象征勇猛(courage)、威武(dignity)和王权(royalty)。动画片《狮子王》即使在中国也几乎家喻户晓。荣获奥斯卡六项提名的影片Lion(《雄狮》)的主题是“做自己的雄狮,即使孤独,即使落魄,虽败犹荣”。
a large powerful animal of the cat family, that hunts in groups.”。社会名流或社交明星叫作great lion;捧红某人则用短语“make a ”;see/show the lions观赏名胜古迹;lion-hunter巴结社会名流的人;a literary lion文学名人。the lions share (of sth):
(BrE) the largest or best part of sth when it is divided指最大(或最好)的一份。总体而言,英语中的lion习语数目繁多,而且多倾向用于褒义。
例如:1946年8月主席提出的著名论断“一切反动派都是纸老虎”译为:All reactionaries are paper tigers. “纸老虎”直译为paper tiger传神易懂,早已作为正式英语进入词典:“paper tiger:
a person, a country or a situation that seems or claims to be powerful or dangerous but is not really”,(指人、国家或局势)纸老虎,外强中干者。(《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》第6版,第1246页)
对于李安导演的影片《卧虎藏龙》,国际上最流行的英译是Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon。“虎年”是The Year of the Tiger而不是The Year of the Lion。属相“虎”更是堂而皇之地译为tiger!
坐山观虎斗 sit on the mountain and watch tigers fight (watch in safety while others fight)
不入虎穴,焉得虎子? How can you catch the tigers cubs without entering the tigers lair?
苛政猛于虎 (Tigers devour people, but) tyranny is fiercer / more cruel than tigers.
饿虎扑食 like a hungry tiger pouncing on its prey
虎啸风生 tigers howl with the rise of winds
秋老虎 Autumn Tiger
When two tigers fight, one is sure to lose.
谈虎变 turn pale at the mention of the tiger
调虎离山 lure the tiger out of the mountains
虎父无犬子 A tiger does not produce a dog.
龙腾虎跃 dragons rising and tigers leaping
前怕狼后怕虎 fear the wolves ahead and tigers behind—be full of fears
三人成虎 three people make a tiger—gossip can be as ferocious as a tiger
九牛二虎之力 strength of nine bulls and two tigers—Herculean effort
骑虎难下 he who rides a tiger is afraid to dismount—have a tiger by the tail
1. 译“虎”为“狮”
拦路虎a lion in the way
虎口拔牙beard the lion in his den
虎落平阳被犬欺little birds pick a dead lion / hares may pull dead lions by the beard
虎蛇尾in like a lion, out like a lamb
虎胆英雄hero as brave as a lion
置身虎穴place oneself in the lions mouth
摸老虎屁股twist the lions tail
虎虎生威as majestic as a lion
龙潭虎穴the lions den
狐假虎威like a donkey on a lions hide / an ass in a lions skin
诚如李佐文在《语言与文化》中所言:The lion is regarded as the king of beasts in English speaking countries, while the Chinese regard the tiger as ‘百兽之王. Therefore instead of saying ‘as brave as a lion, the Chinese say ‘猛如虎.
2. 归化为其他喻体
虎父无犬子 Eagles do not breed doves.老虎头上都有王字吗
养虎遗患 cherish a snake in ones bosom
刚出虎穴,又入狼窝 out of the frying pan into the fire
骑虎难下 hold a wolf by the ears / grab the bear by the tail / have a bear by the tail
例如:母老虎(母大虫)如果译为a tigress / female tiger,西方读者不但不明白源语本意,反而会心生误会:汉语中既然有female tiger也应该有male tiger呀!英文中又无与“母老虎”匹配的喻体,译者只好舍“喻体”之“形”而取“母老虎”之“喻意”:virago/termagant(泼妇,悍妇)。同样,虎背熊腰如果译为喻体“tigers back, bears waist”,英语读者也会莫名其妙,译者只要译出此习语本体“膀大腰粗(broad-shouldered and thick-waisted / of a powerful build)”就大功告成了。
如虎添翼 with might doubled
龙潭虎穴 an extremely dangerous place
养虎遗患 appeasement brings disasters
狼吞虎咽 devour ravenously
三人成虎 lies turning into truth
降龙伏虎 e powerful adversaries