My Super Fun English Exam Adventure!
Hi everyone! My name is Little Wang and I'm 10 years old. I just took the biggest English test of my whole life - the June 2022 Yunnan Province Level B exam! It was super tough but also really exciting. Let me tell you all about my awesome exam day adventure!
The morning started off kind of stressful because my mom woke me up at 6am! On a Saturday! She said I needed extra time to get ready since the exam was so important. I had to dress in my best school uniform and eat a nice big breakfast to keep my energy up. My dad made me practice some English tongue twisters in the car on the way to the test center to wake up my brain.
When we got there, I was shocked to see sooooo many other students! There were kids from all across Yunnan taking the exam with me. The test room was huge and everyone looked nervous. A professor-looking guy with glasses gave us strict instructions in English to leave our phones and snacks outside. Uh oh, I had to give up my bag of spicy mango chips!
Then the exam booklets were handed out. I got all sweaty when I saw how thick it was! Page after page of reading comprehension passages, grammar drills, essay prompts, and more. This was gonna be a marathon, not a sprint. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and got focused. Time to dog it up!
The first section was listening comprehension. They played all these confusing recordings about the weather, shopping, and travel plans. I had to answer multiple choice questions while the tracks looped over and over. My ears were spinning by the end but I think I bubbled in most of the right answers.
Next up was the writing section - my favorite! The prompt asked me to describe my drea
m job when I grow up. That's an easy one - I'd love to be a professional video game streamer! I wrote a whole page about live streaming myself playing Roblox and Minecraft while snacking on pizza rolls and chocolate milk. A bunch of English words like "walkthrough" and "livestream" came in handy. Nailed it!
Reading comprehension is usually my weak point but I tried my best. One passage was all about the history of hip hop music and slang terms. I could draw on my English rap skills to help me decode it! Another passage broke down the gameplay of chess, which I thought was random but kinda interesting. Definitely some curveballs on this exam.
Grammar was a total mind pretzel as usual. Identifying parts of speech, fixing sentence errors, combining clauses - my brain overheated multiple times. I just went with my gut when I was running out of time. For the fill-in-the-blank vocabulary section, I got to flex my English gaming lingo with words like "respawn" and "loot crate." Boom, easy points!
Finally, the speaking section arrived and I was craving a snack so bad. My tummy was rumbling throughout the whole thing. They asked me to record myself answering questions
like "What chores do you do at home?" and "Tell me about a fun activity you did recently." Talking gets me all parched so I was getting cottonmouth halfway through my response about my cousins' swimming birthday party. Hurry up and finish already!
After what felt like a lifetime, I was done! I stretched my cramping hand and walked outside to bright sunshine. My parents were waiting with cold lemonade and my bag of spicy chips. I could finally refuel! We headed home, stopped for burgers, and I spent the rest of the day marathoning episodes of my favorite English cartoon.
A few weeks later, the exam results arrived by mail. I rippedopen the envelope with my and I PASSED! My parents were so proud of my solid B grade. That meant I got to join the advanced English class at school next year. Aw yeah, more opportunities to learn slang words and fill my brain with useless pop culture trivia!
Well, there's my crazy English exam saga. It was an endurance test for sure, but also kind of fun in a weird way. Shoutout to everyone else who survived it with me! We're all one step closer to being fluent English-speakers. Piece should I say piece of spicy
mango chip?
The June Grade B English Exam Answers!
Hi everyone! My name is Little Peng and I'm going to tell you all about the Yunnan Province June 2022 Grade B English exam answers. Get ready for an exciting journey into the world of English tests!
It was a sunny Saturday morning when I walked into the examination hall. My heart was beating super fast because I had studied really hard for this exam. The nice exam aunties handed out the question papers and just like that, the test began!
The first section was listening comprehension. They played some audio clips and we had to answer questions about what we heard. One clip was about a boy named Tommy who forgot to do his homework. Oops! The next one was about a family going on vacation to the beach. I love the beach, so that one was easy!