Many strange tales are told of this jungle.这片森林里,有许多天方夜谭的故事
But none As the tale of the cub we call mowgli. 但其中最离奇的,莫过于我们称之为无忌的小毛孩的故事
Y ou must be the very worst wolf I've ever seen. 你是我这辈子见过的最差劲的狼
Y eah, but if that branch didn't break, i would've made it. 我无话可说。但如果那根树枝不断的话,你未必抓得到我……
Crossing upwind, breaking from your numbers. If you can't learn to run with 所心所欲,独来独往……如果你不跟上狼的节奏
One of these days, you'll be someone's dinner. 迟早变成别人的晚餐
How'd we do? - Not mowgli, again. 我们怎么办?无忌又被抓住了!
- He's never gonna make the council. - Let's go! -他跟不上队伍了-我们走
Race you to the top! 走到前面去
It was higher ground. 站得高看得远
Wolves don't hide in trees. 狼从不藏在树上
I can't keep up with them, bagheera. 我跟不上他们,老大。
I tried. I just picked the wrong tree. 我想赶近路,没想到会踩上一根枯枝It was a dead tree. 那棵树早就死了
How was I supposed to know it was dead? 这我哪里看得出来是死是活?
It had a fig vine. 树干上缠着无花果藤。
Any tree girdled by a creeper is either dead or close to it. 凡是被匍匐枝缠绕的树……不是已经死了,就是快要死了。
- These are things a wolf must know. - Y eah. 狼都知道这些
But if the branch didn't break, i would've made it. 我还是不服,如果树枝不断,你抓不
I realise you weren't born 我知道你不是生而为狼,但……
But couldn't you at least act like one? 至少该有三分狼性吧?
Bagheera'. When I Many 许多年前,当我发现他的时候
He was just an infant, abandoned in the woods. 他被遗弃在森林里,奄奄一息
Get the deer! 抓住那头鹿!
If he was going I knew he needed a people. 我知道,要想救活他,就必须给他
A people to protect him. 一个强有力的依靠
That's why I entrusted him to the wolves. Look well,
考虑再三,我把他托付给了狼Akela was a just and noble leader. Akela扛把子,正直又善良的头狼,
He allowed mowgli to dwell among them, all those years. 这么多年,一直把无忌当自己的孩子抚养
The trouble was, wolves grew so fast 但是,慢慢的问题来了:那些小狼崽
象吹气一样长的飞快,反观无忌……Let's just say he liked to take his time. 可以这么说,他长得可真是不慌不忙Mowgli, pick me up high! - My turn! - Stop. Not now. -无忌,把我举高高!-这会没心情
It was raksha who raised him. She was the only mother he ever knew. 无忌是吃Raksha的奶长大的,她就是他真正的母亲
- Come on, let's play! - I don't feel like playing, gray. -快来,无忌,嗨起来-我这阵没心情
Come on, you're my brother. Y ou have to play with me. 玩两把就好了,快来
Let's go chase some mice. 抓几只老鼠打打牙祭
How did it go? 今天怎么样?
Caught me again. 又被抓住了
If it's meant to be It will be. 顺其自然就好,再努力
Let me hear the law. 来,跟我一起念
"This is the law of 丛林法则
"As old and as true as the sky. 千秋万载
"The wolf that keeps it 顺之者昌……
"But the wolf that breaks it will die.逆之者亡
"Like the creeper that girdles the 人人为我
"The law runneth over and back. 我为人人
"For the strength of the pack is 精诚团结
"And the strength of the wolf is the pack." 众志成城
Soon, the rain ceased to fall and the dry season arrived. 很快,雨季走了,干旱来临
Heat crept through 热浪炙烤着大地
Turning 森林由绿变黄
Then black. 由棕变黑林正英僵尸鬼片大全
But that year. Was the driest season that anyone could remember. 那一年,在所有人的记忆中,是最干旱的一年
Even the mohwa didn't flower. 摩瓦树都没来的及开花
My leaf. 这是我的叶子
This is mine. Mine, mine, mine. 我的,我的,都是我的这边还有其他
There's a rock. That's mud. That's mud. 石头,泥巴!泥巴,
There's a rock. That's my rock. 石头!是我的石头!
That's my rock. Nobody touches my rock. 都是我的石头!没人碰我的石头There's another rock. Two rocks. Three rocks. 一块石头,两块手头,三块石头Peace rock? Peace rock! 和平岩!快看,和平岩!
It's the truce! The water truce! 枯水期来了,休战期开始了
It's the water truce! 休战期开始了!
It had been many, many years 和平岩已经很多很多年前没有露出水
since the peace rock 一旦露出来,
And the water truce was called.就意味着休战期开始
Hunting at the riverbank was 河岸边狩猎就被禁止了
Because, by law of the jungle, drinking comes before eating. 因为跟据丛林法则,饮水比食物更重要
So, you could come to the peace rock, on a day 所以你可以一整天在这里闲逛无需害怕
And find all people side-by-side. 肩并肩手拉手
Don't forget. No hunting. -一定要牢记-不许打猎
Playing ony playing, only. I got it, ami. -只能去玩玩-只能玩,记住了,妈!
And remember. Not everyone here has seen a man-cub in the jungle before. 还要记住,这里很少有你这样的小毛孩进来
So, behave yourself. 所以一定要安分守己,不能闯祸Okay, can I go now? 行,行,行,我能去玩了吗?
Take the pups with you. 跟小伙伴一起去
Wait for me! Come on, gray! -等等我! -快点,Gray!
Oh, take a look at this guy. 看这家伙长的好搞笑
Excuse me. Sorry. -借过-噢,不好意思
- He's walking on two legs. - Don't stare. -他两条腿走路-别拿盯着人家看Hey, look. A wild boar. 嘿!有一只野猪
And a rhino. - And a mongoose. 还有犀牛,还有猫鼬
Everybody's here. 这么多人
Is that a peacock? 一只孔雀?
- Ooh, a stick! -Lkkl: Oh, that's my stick. -这是我的棍子!-放屁,这是我的- I like this stick. - Seriously, that's my stick. 我喜欢我的棍子,我要报警,那棍子
- This is my stick. - No, that's my stick! 这是我的棍子,不是你的,是我的!- Let go of my stick! -It's a water truce! 放开我的棍子,现在是休战期
It's a water truce! 现在是休战期
My bad! It's involuntary.我的错。不过没事,
Lkkl: I could pee on it. 哥的尿是止痛良药,让我给你尿一泡
Watch yourself, please. 当心点
Dad, what is that? 粑粑,那是啥?
I think that's a man-cub. 如果我没看错,是个人类的小屁孩What's a man-cub doing here? 小屁孩来森林里干啥
Whoa. Don't forget the truce. -噢,别忘了现在是休战期
I know the law, bucks. -我记得很清楚,
What is that? 那啥?
- Weird. - That's weird. -怪,怪,怪-怪咖
Akelai mowgli. 无忌
What was the rule about your tricks? 无忌,还记得我怎么嘱咐你的吗?
It's not the wolf way. 这不是狼应该干的
No more tricks. 像一条真正的狼一样
Chin up, little one.别灰心,小屁孩。
We'll make you a fine wolf, yet. 你最后会成为一条真正的狼
What about me? Am I gonna be a fine wolf? 那我呢?我能成为一条真正的狼吗?Look at me howl! 看看本少动听的嚎叫
In some packs, the runt gets eaten. 在一些族里,像你这样瘦弱的狼早
被吃掉了Oh... 噢!
Mowgli, behind me.无忌,到我身后来Don't leave my side. 别离开我身边
Everyone comes to peace rock. So many smells to catch up on. 看来各路豪杰都来和平岩了,很好很好
But, um... 但
I can't help 本王今天怎么感觉
There's this strange odour today. 这里不大对劲
What is it, this scent that I'm on? 到底是啥东西让本王如此烦躁
I almost think it was some 并肯定这是个人类的
Man-cub. 小崽子
Mowgli belongs to my pack, shere Khan. 无忌是我的族人,Shere Khan阁下Mowgli? 无忌?
They've given it a name. 你们还给这个小崽子取了一个名字。When was it we came to adopt man into the jungle? 人类怎么会进入丛林?
He's just a cub. 他只是个孩子
Does my face not remind you of what a grown man can do? 好好看看我的脸,看看人类都对我下了什么毒手
Shift your hunting ground for a 你们在这里快活潇洒了好几年,And everyone forgets how the law works. 连丛林法则都忘记了
Well, let me remind you. 好,本王提醒你一次:人,始终是人A man-cub 只要是人,不管是谁,
And man is forbidden! 不准踏进这片丛林半步!
- What do you know about law? - Raksha. -你也懂得丛林法则,就凭你?Hunting for pleasure. Killing for power. 你奸淫掳掠,滥杀无辜,罪大恶极,
Y ou've never known law. The cub is mine! 从来不把丛林法则放在眼里,这是我
Mine to me. 是我的!
So, go back to where you came from, you burned beast! 你这个头上长疮脚底流脓的禽兽,哪凉快哪呆着去
The tiger knows who rules this part of the jungle. 他很清楚这里现在是谁的地盘
I'm sure he doesn't mean to come here and make
Especially during a water truce. 尤其是在休战期
No, I'm deeply respectful of these laws that keep us
我非常尊敬丛林法则,不会乱来So, here's my promise. 但本王在此发誓:
Nothing lasts forever. 你们潇洒不了多久了
The rains will return and the river will rise.雨季很快会来临,河水将会漫过和平
And when this rock disappears, that truce will end. 到时,休战期就结束了
Y ou want to protect him, fine. 你们想护着他?很好,摸着胸口想一
But ask yourselves, how many lives is a man-cub
Bagheera". How many lives? 多少条命去换?
Who could answer that question? 谁心里有底?
- The rain! - Rain! -雨来了!
- Rain! - The rain! -雨季来临了!
Keep it dry, keep it dry, keep it dry. 干燥,保持干燥,
These quills get stuck on everything! 一定要保持干燥!这些棍会把所有东
Bagheera". When the 雨季终于来了……
It was a question the council had to face. 狼不得不得不面对这个问题:面对
They deliberated and 主战派和投降派争来争去
For many days. 好多天也没想好到底是战是和
What do you think they're talking about? 无忌哥,你觉得他们在争啥呢?
No one had ever come between the pack before. 狼从没有这样人心惶惶过:
But shere Khan' Shere Khan的威胁
Was not to be ignored. 像一座大山压得狼喘不过气来Mowgli, you're not supposed to go up there! 无忌,你不能上去
He's got to go. 他必须离开
Look at the skies. 举头看天空
Shere Khan may be heading here as we speak. Shere Khan 也许都能听到我们说的话Please! 快下来!
I'm leaving. 我走!
I don't want to see anyone get hurt. 我不想看见大家为我流血
Mowgli, go back to the den! 无忌,回屋去
A man-cub belongs with man. 人,始终是人
We raised him as one of our own! -可我们把他当自己的孩子抚养-
- He'll have the boy, either way. - Akela. -我们挡不住Shere Khan的
Maybe I can be of help. 也许我能帮上忙
The boy's right. 小屁孩说得对。
Maybe it's time he found another people. 也许是时候让他去寻自己的族人了- No. -L'm the one who brought him to you. -不行!-当初是我把他带给你们的And now I'll return him to where he belongs. 现在我该带他离开了
I won't let you. 我不会让你带走他的,
He's my cub! 他是我的小孩!
We knew this day would come. 我们都知道这一天终究会来的
We are the only family he's ever known! 这里就是他唯一的家
Raksha. Raksha,我何尝不知,
It's the only place he'll be safe. 但只有去人类才能保护他的周全