携手并肩辞旧岁 百尺竿头著新篇旧年即逝,新年悄至;举首回望,在快速变换脚步中,中山欧科又走过了不平凡的一年!在过去的一年里,我们历经了许多的变革和一次次的挑战,也一次次从失落中站起,克服了一个又一个的的困难,取得了不少的成绩:首先是我们的发展规模日益壮大,截止目前为止,已由2001 年最初的100来人发展至今2000多人的队伍;产量大幅度攀升, 2003年的年累积出产854,167台,而20xx年则达1,472,647 台;库存周转率明显下降,由最初的47天下降到现在的22 天;集团产品销售额一再攀升,11月份达16,120,174美元,再创集团销售历史新高!在20xx里,年我们稳固达到了生产目标,出地完成了KPI设定的各项指标:
如定单完成率, 出货不良率,标准工时准确率,报废率,产品通过率,来料合格率,库存周转率等均达到设定目标。同时我们的管理在变革中也日趋走向成熟及系统化;员工队伍日趋稳定,精神面貌积极向上。为了给员工提供一个个人表现,发展的空间,让员工与我们的企业共同成长,公司组织开展了一系列活动,例如,庆中秋节卡拉OK大赛、员工拔河比赛、篮球赛,每个月都有不同主题的运动。员工对公司管理的参与感和对活动参与的积极性明显增加,
力成本的上升的环境,我们将面临更大的挑战。这就要求大家要更加协调一致,精诚合作,提高自身素质,提高工作效能,最大限度地降低运作成本,以更高的效率获取更大的收益!这些都更需要所有人积极参与,共同付出,同公司一起成长。一言以蔽之,让我们抓住机遇,迎接挑战,将欧科建成一个所有员工都引以为傲的、百灵达集团的世界级的生产基地!回首20xx年,我们为历经艰辛所取得的成就充满欣慰;展望20xx,我们创业、创効的信心和勇气更甚!相信即将到来的20xx年会是一个崭新的开始,让我们并肩携手共创欧科公司的新篇章!中山欧科的明天会更加美好!最后,我想代表公司管理层全体成员,祝所有员工及家人在新的一年里工作顺利,快乐健康!Let Us Start the New Chapters Together…..Dear Colleagues and Friends:Year 20xx is approaching toward the end and a new beginning is just around the corner. Once again, in this fast moving and dynamics environment, Zhongshan Eurotec has ride through another extraordinary and eventful year. Over the past one-year, we had been experiencing numerous eventful challenges and significant changes in organization. Despite some of the constraints and limitations, we managed to overe all those challenges and 20xx was indeed remarkable. Our workforce has been growing progressively and steadily from a mere 100 staffs in 2001 to its present strength of
more than 2,000 employees. Our Manufacturing throughput has increased tremendously from 854,167 units in year 2003 to 1,472,047 units in 20xx. Inventory has reduced substantially from 47 days to 22 days. Our Group sales turnover has once again broken its highest sales ever recorded, achieving USD 16,120,174 in November 20xx! We have been consistently achieved our manufacturing goals and objectives in Order Fulfillment, Process Yield, Productivity, Line Attrition, Inventory Control and Quality Acceptance Rate for the last couple of months. We have not only achieved the operations KPIs set for year 20xx, our workforce and overall setup have been growing to be more stable, systematic and organized. Significant efforts and resources are also injected into molding and nurturing a strong corporate culture within Eurotec. Since September 20xx, we have successfully organized several caigns and activities such as 5-S, Safety &; Health, Environment &; Hygiene, Karaoke petition, Basketball Tournaments, Tug-of-War game…etc. These monthly-activities and caigns have attracted tremendous response and participation from our employees. Apparently, our staffs are delighted and enthusiastic of these initiatives and looking forward to have more. A music band group and a basketball team were also formed
to create a corporate identity. It is also evident that the success of these activities instills the confidence and loyalty of our staff towards the pany. Staff turnover has dropped from its highest peak at 8.20% to the most recent 3.22%. While we are improving our recreation and culture activities, we did not neglect our staff welfare. We have set up our Library and Medical Centre to cater to the needs of the growing staff population. We have established staff development plan for every employees, ensuring that each and every one of them have a role to play and all have equal opportunities to grow within this dynamic and growing organization. On-job training and various seminars such as personal safety, 5S, and fire fighting were held regularly as part of the staff personal development programs. Overall, we have enhanced the quality of our staff in almost every aspect. All the above achievements driving home one very importance message, and that is, we, in Eurotec have acplished and together, we ride through a very fruitful year in 20xx. We wouldn’t achieve these without the support and involvement from our employees. Therefore, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you and your family for your unreserved support and contributions. Though we are pleased with ourselves of our excellent performance in the p
ast year, we must not lose sight of what we must do in this ing year. Year 20xx is going to be a promising and exciting year for all of us. While we might be hopeful and excited over the promising future, we need to remind ourselves constantly of the new challenges ahead of us. Every employee will be given greater resources, chances and fair opportunities to develop and grow with the pany. The stiff market petition is expected to be fiercer than ever with the increased price in raw materials, labor and logistics costs. To stay petitive and survive in this market place, we must keep our operating cost low with higher productivity and efficiency. Looking back in 20xx, we are proud of what we have achieved, looking forward to 20xx, we are full of confidence and eager to face the new challenges. Let us work together once again as an incredible team to start a new chapter as a proud owner of Eurotec. Lastly, on behalf of the management, may I wish you and your family a blessed new year in 20xx. Thank you.