大学体验英语第四版第二册-2A-How to have fun at work
Unit 2.
Passage A. How to Have Fun at Work如何从工作中得到乐趣
[1]  In the late nineteenth century physicists started to freak out. Some of them had noticed even earlier that everything they knew about Newtonian physics was suspiciously letting them down. They had been gaining a better and better understanding of the world of the very small elements. Imagine their shock when the electrons they had become so comfortable with as particles started displaying the properties of waves. Their brains must have exploded.
[2]  It took an extra hundred years for our brains to have the same reaction. Today we are in shock at the realization that nothing good can happen at work while we obsess about particle广州2a大学
s. The numbers in the cells on our spreadsheets are just the aftereffects of the waves traveling through a building or a team.
[3]  We can’t pretend we don’t feel the waves. Everybody knows when a workplace is light and buoyant and fun and cool, the forward energy is palpable. When you work in a place like that, you assume everyone has good intent because you do, and because these are the kinds of people who get hired into a place like that.
[4]  The greatest energy source we’ve got in organizations is the combined smarts and goo
dwill of people, but we shut down the energy source with crusty bureaucracy. That’s irresponsible to customers and shareholders, because we are cutting off our own power supply. People want to dig in and do an amazing job and have fun. That feeling is familiar to us. We know it from sports we played as kids and musical theater productions and any other activity where people join together to do something ambitious and awesome.
[5]  We can’t keep pretending to ourselves and one another that the forecast and the budget and the policy make a job worth going to or a company worth working with or buying from. It’s the energy, always, that brings people into an organization and keeps them there. The energy comes from the people who are already there. It multiplies. Wave tr
oughs and peaks build on one another in a symphonic way. Who wouldn’t want to work in a place like that?
[6]  Who wouldn’t rather deal with a human workplace than a crusty, frosty, bureaucratic one? We want to give our money and energy to causes and missions that deserve those investments. The best way to make money in your business is to take excellent care of the people on your team.
[7]  When work is fun, you don’t have to hire consultants to design bonus schemes no one
can understand. Here is Liz Ryan’s Rule of Bonus Plans: if you can’t explain how you get paid within the first ten seconds of waking up in the morning, your compensation plan is too complicated.
[8]  Our energy and passion don’t divide down into columns and rows, and everyone in a management role should know that. It’s insulting to pay people like they are not only coin-operated but motivated by weenie metrics appearing on a spreadsheet once a week. Give people an inspiring goal that they helped design and have a stake in and your motivation problems are solved.
[9]  The fun to be had at work is the fun of discovery and triumph. Extracurricular things like office contests and day trips can be a great addition if the trust level on the team is already high, and that is not a judgment that a manager should make on his or her own. If the trust level is low, then manufactured fake fun events are worse than tedious — they are insulting. They are a message that tells the team you believe pretending to trust is just as good as really trusting. Some people hate HR-type fun events and that’s their privilege. One of the worst feelings in the world is to be jollied or coerced into somebody else’s idea of fun.
