A卷(共四部分 满分100分)
第一部分  听力(共三节,满分30分)
第一节  情景反应(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
1. A. I’m fine, thanks.      B. I’m twelve.          C. He’s fine.
2. A. Well done.        B. That sounds good.      C. This way, please.
3. A. Yes, I could.        B. Good idea.          C. No problem.
4. A. That’s all right.      B. Thank you.          C. It’s wonderful.
5. A. Sorry to hear that.      B. It doesn’t matter.        C. Don’t play soccer.
第二节 短对话理解(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
6. Where did Alice visit last summer vacation?
A B. C.
7. What kind of animals does Bob like best?
A. B. C.
8. How often does David practice basketball?
A. Never.          B. Every day.        C. Twice a week.
9. What will the weather be like tomorrow?
A. Cloudy.        B. Rainy.          C. Sunny.
10. How much is the sweater now?
A. $10.          B. $15.          C. $25.
第三节  长对话理解和短文理解(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
11. What’s Jack’s favorite subject?
A. It’s science.        B. It’s geography.        C. We don’t know.
12. What is Mary’s geography teacher like?
A. Friendly and patient.  B. Interested and excited.    C. Strict but helpful
13. Who cooks meals in John’s family?
A. John.          B. John’s sister.        C. John’s mother.
14. When does John’s mother go back?
A. Every day.        B. On weekdays.        C. On weekends.
15. How long did Cindy stay in Hainan?
A. A month.        B. About half a month.      C. More than a moth.
16. How did Cindy go to Hainan?
A. By bus.        B. By train.          C. By plane.
17. Cindy did lots of things in Sanya EXCEPT ________.
A. enjoying the beauty of the sea  B. taking a lot of photos  C. gong swimming in the sea
18. Why did Robert come to the old woman’s house?
A. Because he was very hungry. B. Because he was very kind. C. Because he was very thin.
19. What did Robert and the old woman have for dinner?
A. Some rice.        B. Some tomatoes.        C. Some potatoes.
20. Eight years later, Robert came back to the old woman’s home to ________.
A. ask for some food    B. thank her          C. ask for money
第二部分  语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)
第一节  单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
1. It is believed that taking the panda-themed tourist train to Zunyi is ________ enjoyable experience.
A. the    B. an    C. a    D. /
2. The Communist Party of China was set up ________ July, 1921 and we will celebrate her 100th birthday this year.
A. on    B. at    C. in    D. by
3. The earth, the only home of ________, is now in danger.
That’s for sure. It’s our duty to save it.
A. yours    B. hers    C. his    D. ours
4. Ivy, ________ hard you are working!
President Xi always say that the more hard-working we are, the luckier we will be.
A. how    B. what    C. what a    D. what an
5. Don’ make noise! The children ________ online.
Sorry, I won’t.
A. studies    B. are studying    C. studied    D. were studying
6. According to the newest rules in China, students ________ bring their mobile phones to school.
A. couldn’t    B. wouldn’t    C. needn’t    D. can’t
7. Have you heard of the news about Yuan Longping?
What sad news! He is no longer with us, ________ he will be an inspiration to us all.
A. so    B. if    C. but    D. as
8. What is the ________ of your beautiful English handwriting?
Practice makes perfect!
A. secret    B. influence    C. choice    D. purpose
9. Hi! Alice, why are you in such a hurry?
________ my best friend from Canada at the airport.
A. Meet    B. Meeting    C. To meet    D. Met
10. There are 50 student in Class 1, they went to different places on Children’s Dayeach student only went to one place. According to the chart, ________ students went to Qionghai Wetland Park.
