
序号 中文名称 英文名称
1 1号线 Line 1
2 换乘站 Transfer Station/Transfer
3 八通线 BATONG Line
4 车站编号 Station XXX
5 往四惠东方向 To SIHUI East
7 本站首末车时间 First/Last Train from This Station
8 首车 First Train
9 末车 Last Train
10 下一站 Next Station
11 您在此 You Are Here
12 站长室 Station Master
13 XXX站示意图 Map of XXX Station
14 XXX站地面示意图 Map of XXX Area
15 北京地铁线路图 Beijing Subway Map
16 检票处 Ticket Check
17 (地铁)售票处 Ticket Office/Tickets
18 此口为地铁出入口,不通广场 Subway Exit/Entrance. No Through Passage to the Square.
19 本线票价三元(1号线和2号线);换乘八通线票价4元;换乘13号线票价5元;当日有效 Tickets:Line 1 & Line 2: 3 Yuan each;Transfer to BATONG Line: 4 Yuan each;Transfer to Line 13: 5 Yuan each;Ticket valid only on day of issue.
20 1北京地铁运营时间号线、2号线换乘票票价五元 5 Yuan per transfer ticket for Line 1 & Line 2.
21 IC卡售卡充值 IC Card Vending and Recharging
22 IC卡售卡充值请走A口或B Exit A or B for IC Cards
23 请您当面点清票款 Please Check Your Change and Ticket
24 请您保管好小磁票,出站验票收回 Please Keep Your Magnetic Ticket for Exit
25 售卡充值机故障,请您去临站办理 Machine out of order. Please go to the nearest station to buy or recharge IC cards.
26 在此刷卡 Swipe Your Card Here
27 刷卡设备故障、请您使用其它设备 Machine out of order. Please use other ones.
28 列车运行时间 Train Schedule
29 地铁运力不足,有急事者请选择其它交通工具 Subway capacity insufficient. Please use other vehicles for rush.
30 车站值班室 Duty Office
31 升降车严禁攀登,平台下严禁站人 Don't climb on the lift truck. Stand clear of the platform.
32 机房重地,乘客止步 Machine Room. No Admittance.
33 请您尽量往前站 Please Move Forward
34 专业设备,请勿动 Special Equipment. Don't Touch.
35 残疾人牵引车(升降平台) Wheelchair Lift
36 此口临时停止进站 Temporarily Closed
37 请到检票处换硬币 Coin Change at Ticket Check
38 硬币兑换处 Coin Change
39 自动售票机 Automatic Ticket Machine/Ticket Vending Machine
40 补票处 Fare Adjustment
41 IC卡查询业务 IC Card Inquiry Service
42 IC卡查询机 IC Card Analyzer
43 换票处 Ticket Changing
44 自动查询机 Automatic Analyzer
45 自动充值机 Refilling Machine/Recharging Machine
46 自动报纸机 Newspaper-Vending Machine
47 站台 Platform
48 始发站 Departure Station
49 终点站 Terminus
50 公交换乘 Public Transport Transfer
51 出租车换乘 Taxi Transfer
52 火车换乘 Train Transfer
53 机场换乘 Flight Transit
54 暂停运营 Temporarily Closed
55 沙桶 Sand Bucket
56 防爆桶 Explosion-Proof Tank
57 设施服务时间 Service Hours
58 乘客乘梯须知 Instructions on Escalator Use
59 列车运行间隔 Train Interval
60 请顺序出站 Please Exit in Order
61 非常紧急手柄 Emergency Door Handle
62 逆时针方向扳动手柄90 Turn Handle Counterclockwise 90 Degrees
63 手动开门 Open Door by Hand
64 通道禁止停留 Don't Block Access
65 本车今日已消毒 Train Disinfected
66 北京地铁**号线线路图 Route Map of Beijing Subway Line XX
67 为了行车安全,请勿打扰司机 Don't Distract the Driver
68 车内发生紧急情况时,请按按钮报警 Press Button in Emergency
69 按下红按钮,绿灯亮时对准话筒报警 Press red button, wait for green light and speak into the microphone.
70 通话 话筒 报警 Speak Microphone Alarm
71 仅供紧急情况下使用 Emergency Use Only
72 八通线下行出站(土桥——广播学院)车厢显示信息:本次列车开往四惠站方向,列车运行前方是****站。土桥站首班车时间520,四惠站首班车时间600。土桥站末班车时间2205,四惠站末班车时间2245。请自觉遵守《乘客须知》,按线候车,先下后上,主动为老幼病残孕乘客让座,爱护站内、车内设施,保持清洁卫生,共创文明乘车环境。****站就要到了。(开门)****站到了。列车运行前方是****站。 This train is bound for SIHUI. The next station is XXX. The first train leaves TUQIAO Station at 520 and the last train leaves at 2205. The first train leaves SIHUI Station at 600 and the last train leaves at 2245.We are arriving at XXX.
73 八通线上行出站(四惠——梨园)车厢显示信息:本次列车开往土桥站方向,列车运行前方是****站。土桥站首班车时间520,四惠站首班车时间600。土桥站末班车时间2205,四惠站末班车时间2245。列车运行前方是****站。请自觉遵守《乘客须知》,按线候车,先下后上,主动为老幼病残孕乘客让座,爱护站内、车内设施,保持清洁卫生,共创文明乘车环境。****站就要到了。(开门)****站到了。 This train is bound for TUQIAO. The next station is XXX. The first train leaves TUQIAO Station at 520 and the last train leaves at 2205. The first train leaves SIHUI Station at 600 and the last train leaves at 2245. We are arriving at XXX.
74 高碑店站下行出站车厢显示信息:列车运行前方是四惠东站,换乘地铁1号线请做好准备。 (开门)四惠东站到了。 The next station is SIHUI East, the transfer station for line 1. Please get ready for your arrival.We are arriving at SIHUI East.
75 四惠东站下行出站车厢显示信息:列车运行前方是终点站四惠站,请带好随身物品准备下车。换乘地铁1号线请由换乘大厅进入1号线乘车。欢迎您再次乘坐地铁列车,再见。 The next station is SIHUI, the terminus of the line. Please get ready for your arrival and make sure you have all your belongings with you. Passengers transferring to Line 1 please go through the Transfer Hall. Welcome to take Beijing subway on your next trip. Have a nice day.
76 高碑店站下行出站车厢显示信息:列车运行前方是四惠东站,换乘地铁1号线请做好准备。 (开门)四惠东站到了。 The next station is SIHUI East, the transfer station for line 1. Please get ready for your arrival.We are arriving at SIHUI East.
77 临河里站上行出站车厢显示信息列车运行前方是终点站土桥站,请带好随身物品准备下车,欢迎您再次乘坐地铁列车,再见。 The next station is TUQIAO, the terminus of the line. Please get ready for your arrival and make sure you have all your belongings with you. Welcome to take Beijing subway on your next trip. Have a nice day.
78 乘客您好,本次列车的终点站古城到了,有去往苹果园的乘客请您乘坐下次列车,再见。 We are arriving at GUCHENG. Passengers to PINGGUOYUAN please take the next train.
79 乘客您好,本次列车的终点站四惠到了,有去往四惠东的乘客请您乘坐下次列车,再见。 We are arriving at SIHUI. Passengers to SIHUI East please take the next train.
80 乘客您好,欢迎乘坐地铁13号线列车,列车开往望京西站、霍营站方向,终点站是西直门站。列车运行前方是柳芳站,下车的乘客请提前做好准备。各位乘客,在乘车过程中请协助保持环境卫生,爱护站内、车内设施,遵守《乘客须知》,共同抵制乞讨、卖艺等行为,谢谢合作。(开门)柳芳站到了。 Welcome to Subway Line 13. This train is bound for XIZHIMEN. The next station is LIUFANG. Please get ready for your arrival.We are arriving at LIUFANG.
81 列车运行前方是光熙门站,下车的乘客请提前做好准备。(开门)光熙门站到了。 The next station is GUANGXIMEN. Please get ready for your arrival.We are arriving at GUANGXIMEN.
82 欢迎乘坐地铁13号线列车。列车运行前方是芍药居站,下车的乘客请提前做好准备。远途的乘客请往车厢中部走。(开门)芍药居站到了。 Welcome to Subway Line 13. The next station is SHAOYAOJU. Please get ready for your arrival.We are arriving at SHAOYAOJU.
83 列车运行前方是望京西站,下车的乘客请提前做好准备。各位乘客,尊老是中华民族的传统美德,请把座位让给需要帮助的乘客,谢谢合作。(开门)望京西站到了。 The next station is WANGJING West. Please get ready for your arrival.We are arriving at WANGJING West.
84 欢迎乘坐地铁13号线列车。列车运行前方是北苑站,下车的乘客请提前做好准备。各位乘客,现在介绍地铁13号线首末车时间:霍营站首班车时间525分;西直门站首班车时间6点整;东直门站首班车时间6点整;西直门站开往东直门站方向末班车时间2242分;西直门站至霍营站区间末班车时间2345分;东直门站开往西直门站方向末班车时间2242分;东直门站至回龙观站区间末班车时间2345分。(开门)北苑站到了。 Welcome to Subway Line 13. The next station is BEIYUAN. Please get ready for your arrival. The first train leaves HUOYING Station at 5:25; the first train leaves XIZHIMEN Station at 6:00; the first train leaves DONGZHIMEN Station at 6:00; the last train leaves XIZHIMEN for DONGZHIMEN at 22:42; the last train leaves XIZHIMEN for HUOYING at 23:45; the last train leaves DONGZHIMEN for XIZHIMEN at 22:42; the last train leaves DONGZHIMEN for HUILONGGUAN at 23:45.We are arriving at BEIYUAN.
85 列车运行前方是立水桥站,下车的乘客请提前做好准备。远途的乘客请往车厢中部走。(开门)立水桥站到了。 The next station is LISHUIQIAO. Please get ready for your arrival.We are arriving at LISHUIQIAO.
86 欢迎乘坐地铁13号线列车。列车运行前方是霍营站,下车的乘客请提前做好准备。远途的乘客请往车厢中部走。(开门)霍营站到了。 Welcome to Subway Line 13. The next station is HUOYING. Please get ready for your arrival.We are arriving at HUOYING.
87 乘客您好,欢迎乘坐地铁13号线列车,本次列车开往西直门站方向。列车运行前方是回龙观站,下车的乘客请提前做好准备。各位乘客请注意,列车在回龙观站将要开启左侧车门,请不要倚靠或手扶车门,以免发生危险。(开门)回龙观站到了。 Welcome to Subway Line 13. This train is bound for XIZHIMEN. The next station is HUILONGGUAN. Please get ready for your arrival. The door on the left side will open. Please keep clear of the door.We are arriving at HUILONGGUAN.
88 列车运行前方是龙泽站,下车的乘客请提前做好准备。远途的乘客请往车厢中部走。列车从龙泽站起,将要开启右侧车门,请不要倚靠或手扶车门,以免发生危险。(开门)龙泽站到了。 The next station is LONGZE. Please get ready for your arrival. The door on the right side will open. Please keep clear of the door.We are arriving at LONGZE.
89 欢迎乘坐地铁13号线列车。列车运行前方是西二旗站,下车的乘客请提前做好准备。远途的乘客请往车厢中部走。(开门)西二旗站到了。 Welcome to Subway Line 13. The next station is XI'ERQI. Please get ready for your arrival.We are arriving at XI'ERQI.
90 列车运行前方是上地站,下车的乘客请提前做好准备。各位乘客,为了您和他人的安全,请不要携带易燃易爆等危险品进站乘车,谢谢合作。(开门)上地站到了。 The next station is SHANGDI. Please get ready for your arrival.For your safety and security, please don't carry inflammable and explosive articles on board.We are arriving at SHANGDI.
91 欢迎乘坐地铁13号线列车。列车运行前方是五道口站,下车的乘客请提前做好准备。远途的乘客请往车厢中部走。各位乘客,现在介绍地铁13号线首末车时间:霍营站首班车时间525分;西直门站首班车时间6点整;东直门站首班车时间6点整;西直门站开往东直门站方向末班车时间2242分;西直门站至霍营站区间末班车时间2345分;东直门站开往西直门站方向末班车时间2242分;东直门站至回龙观站区间末班车时间2345分。(开门)五道口站到了。 Welcome to Subway Line 13. The next station is WUDAOKOU. Please get ready for your arrival.The first train leaves HUOYING Station at 5:25; the first train leaves XIZHIMEN Station at 6:00; the first train leaves DONGZHIMEN Station at 6:00; the last train leaves XIZHIMEN for DONGZHIMEN at 22:42; the last train leaves XIZHIMEN for HUOYING at 23:45; the last train leaves DONGZHIMEN for XIZHIMEN at 22:42; the last train leaves DONGZHIMEN for HUILONGGUAN at 23:45.We are arriving at WUDAOKOU.
92 列车运行前方是知春路站,下车的乘客请提前做好准备。(开门)知春路站到了。 The next station is ZHICHUNLU. Please get ready for your arrival.We are arriving at ZHICHUNLU.
93 欢迎乘坐地铁13号线列车。列车运行前方是大钟寺站,下车的乘客请提前做好准备。(开门)大钟寺站到了。 Welcome to Subway Line 13. The next station is DAZHONGSI. Please get ready for your arrival.We are arriving at DAZHONGSI.
94 列车运行前方是终点站西直门站,请携带好随身物品准备下车。西直门站为换乘车站,换乘地铁2号线的乘客,请您出站后,进入2号线西直门站乘车。终点站西直门站到了,请携带好随身物品顺序下车。感谢您选择北京地铁出行,欢迎再次乘坐地铁13号线列车,再见。 The next station is XIZHIMEN, the terminus of the line. Please get ready for your arrival and make sure you have all your belongings with you. Transfer passengers please exit the station and take Line 2. We are arriving at XIZHIMEN. Thank you for taking Beijing Subway. Welcome to take this line on your next trip. Have a nice day.
95 开往XXX(站名)方向的列车将要进站,请您站在安全线以内候车。 The train bound for XXX is arriving, please stand behind the yellow line.
96 本线首末车时间 Schedule for First/Last Train of This Line
97 列车行驶方向 This train is bound for XXX
98 阜成门站地面示意图 Map of FUCHENGMEN Area
99 票务服务 Tickets
100 阜内大街 FUCHENGMEN Inner Street
101 政协礼堂 CPPCC Auditorium
102 国土资源部 Ministry of Land and Resources
103 阜外大街 FUCHENGMEN Outer Street
104 月坛公园 Temple of Moon Park
105 万通新世界商品交易市场 Wantong New World Market
106 天意新商城 Tianyi New Market
107 华联商厦 Hualian Department Store
108 中复阜成门电讯商场 Zhongfu Telecommunication Store Fuchengmen Branch
109 阜外医院 FUWAI Hospital
110 阜昌典当行阜成门总店 Fuchang Pawnshop Fuchengmen Head Office
111 白塔寺 White Dagoba Temple
112 北京鲁迅博物馆 Beijing Lu Xun Museum
113 手递手接收点 Hand–to-Hand Free Ads Service
114 西北口 North-West Exit
115 东北口 North-East Exit
116 东南口 South-East Exit
117 西南口 South-West Exit
118 车站服务设施位置图 Map of Station Service Facilities
119 公交换乘信息 Bus Transfer Information
120 综合信息 Information
121 地铁列车时刻表 Schedule/Timetable
122 北京地铁(各条线路)运营时间 Service Hours
123 北京地铁 Beijing Subway Service Hotline
124 欢迎光临,请选择画面上的按钮! Please Select the Button/Welcome! Please Select the Button on Screen
125 请投入现金,然后按下确认按钮! Please Insert Cash and Push Button
126 请插入充值卡! Please Insert Your Card/Please Insert Your Rechargeable Card
127 站员操作中,请稍候! Please Wait!/Being processed, please wait.
128 该卡不能用,请到窗口处理! This card is not valid. Please see staff for assistance./The ticket is not valid. Please go to ticket office for help.
129 请您充值 Please Adjust Fare/Please Recharge the #118alue of Your Card
130 对不起,此票不能使用  Sorry, this ticket has expired./Sorry, the ticket is not valid.
131 请您购票 Please Buy a Ticket
132 请您再刷一次卡 Please Swipe Your Card Again
133 不要同时使用多张卡 Please don't use more than one card at the same time.
134 请您刷卡 Please Swipe Your Card
135 请使用其它通道 Please Use Another Gate
136 请插入卡 Please Insert Your Ticket
137 请确认您的卡 Please Check Your Ticket
138 对不起,此票不能使用  Sorry, this ticket is not valid./Sorry, the ticket has expired.
139 请您通知工作人员 Please See Staff for Assistance
140 请到售票处处理 Please Go to the Ticket Office for Help
141 余额不足 Sorry, your ticket has not enough #118alue.
142 暂停服务,请稍候 Out of Service. Please Wait.
143 车票无效,请使用有效车票 The ticket is not valid. Please use a valid ticket.
144 请查看基准票价 Please Check Basic Ticket Fare
145 请查看销售策略 Please Check Sales Policy
146 请查看计次票价 Please Check Multi-Ride Fare
147 请查看超时扣款 Please Check Overtime Fee
148 请选择要查询的线路 Please Select Line/Please Select Line Button
149 请选择起始站 Please Select Departure Station
150 请选择终点站 Please Select Terminus
  来源:翻译界  浏览次数:810  添加时间:2008-7-20
