Statement of Purpose莫等闲下一句
The Statement of Purpose essay is also required, but you may write and submit it in your native language if it is accompanied by an accurate English translation provided by a third party.手机查核酸报告查询
Please describe your areas of academic interest and your career goals. Indicate your reasons for wishing to pursue graduate study at Michigan Law, and how this will contribute to your professional development. You could, for example, focus on your hopes for your career after completing the LLM at Michigan. You could also, for instance, describe how your education, experience and development so far support thes
e hopes and plans.
Personal Statement
Michigan's student body is one of the law school's richest resources. Each entering class is composed of people who bring a unique spectrum of experiences and perspectives to the law school community. With this in mind, please use this essay as an opportunity to introduce yourself to the Graduate Admissions Committee. Each of the required essays must be submitted in English. There is no required length for the essays, but 4-6 pages for the Personal Statement and Statement of Purpose together t
end to work well for most applicants. At least one of these essays must be written in English by yourself.
侠骨丹心主题曲Personal Statement
There is only one formula for a successful personal statement: do not merely reiterate information which you have already provided in your CV. Other than that, different individuals will find different topics to be well-suited to them. Applicants have, for example, elaborated on significant life experiences; meaningful interests and extracurricular activities; factors inspiring them to continue their legal education or to pursue particular career goals; significant obstacles met and overcome; atypical backgrounds, educational paths, employment histories or previous careers. Any of these subjects, and many more, could be an appropriate basis for communicating important information about yourself which will aid us in reaching a thoughtful decision.