1. 故宫博物院
The Palace Museum, also known as the Forbidden City, is located in the heart of Beijing and was the imperial palace for almost 500 years from the Ming Dynasty to the end of the Qing Dynasty. It is one of the finest surviving examples of ancient Chinese palatial architecture and has over 9,000 rooms containing a priceless collection of imperial treasures.
2. 长城
The Great Wall of China is the world's longest wall, stretching over 13,000 miles. It was built over 2,000 years ago and still stands as a testament to the determination and skill of the Chinese people. The Great Wall is made up of many sections, each with its own unique characteristics and history.
3. 兵马俑
The Terracotta Warriors and Horses are located in the city of Xi'an and were discovered by local farmers in 1974. The warriors are life-sized and were buried with the first emperor of China, Qin Shi Huang, to protect him in the afterlife. The army consists of over 8,000 soldiers, horses, and chariots, each with a different facial expression and unique clothing.
4. 孔庙及孔府
The Temple of Confucius and the Kong Family Mansion are located in Qufu, the hometown of Confucius. The temple was built in 478 BC and has been rebuilt several times. It is a beautiful example of traditional Chinese architecture and is the largest and oldest Confucian temple in the world. The Kong Family Mansion is nearby and was the residence of Confucius' descendants for over 2,000 years.
5. 庐山国家公园
中国英文Lushan National Park is located in the Jiangxi Province and is known for its natural beauty
and cultural significance. The park is home to many important temples and historic sites, including the White Deer Grotto Academy and the Lushan Conference Hall. Lushan is also home to many rare plant and animal species, making it an important ecological reserve.
6. 古城口镇
The Ancient City of Pingyao is located in the Shanxi Province and is one of the best-preserved ancient cities in China. It was a major center for trade and banking during the Ming and Qing dynasties and has many well-preserved buildings and architecture from that time. The city is also known for its city walls, which are over 2,700 years old.
7. 雅康高原
The Three Parallel Rivers of Yunnan Protected Areas are located in the Yunnan Province and consist of three rivers that run parallel to each other through steep canyons. The area is one of the most biologically diverse areas in the world and is home to many rare plant and animal species. It is also the site of many important cultural and historic sites, including the first Buddhist temple in China.
8. 石林风景区
The Stone Forest Scenic Area is located in the Yunnan Province and is a natural wonder of towering stone formations. The area covers over 350 square kilometers and is home to many unique geological formations, as well as rare plant and animal species. The area is also home to several ethnic minority groups, who have lived in the area for centuries.