The third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation(“一带一路” 国际合作高峰论坛) was successfully held in Beijing from Oct. 17 to 18. This year marks the 10th anniversary(周年) of the Belt and Road Initiative(the BRI, “一带一路” 倡议).
57 partner countries have opened direct(直接的) air lines with China.
7 railways have opened, such as the Jakarta-Bandung(雅加达—万隆) High-Speed Railway in Indonesia, grain(粮食) and oil rail lines between North Kazakhstan(哈萨克斯坦) and China etc.
7. 6 million people are expected to get out of extreme poverty(极度贫困) by 2030 because of the BRI.
313 Confucius Institutes(孔子学院) and 315 Confucius Classrooms in 132 partner countries.
1.When did the BRI start?
A.In 2003.    B.In 2013.    C.In 2023.
2.Which is NOT MENTIONED(未提及) in the passage?
A.Air lines.    B.Rail lines.    C.Shared bikes.
3.What can we infer(推断) from the passage?
A.The BRI will help many people live a better life.
B.People can get to Jakarta from China by train.
C.There will be fewer and fewer people learning Chinese
China’s 12th manned spaceflight(载人航天), the Shenzhou XI mission, launched(发射) successfully on Oct. 26, 2023. It sent three astronauts—Tang Hongbo, Tang Shengjie and Jiang Xinlin to the Tiangong space station.
The launch came just a few as after China celebrated the 20h anniversary(周年) of its first manned mission(任务). On Oct 15, 2003, Yang Liwei, China’s space hero, made the country’s dream of getting into outer space come true.
Yang once said, “All astronauts for the manned lunar missions(登月任务) must have the experience of traveling to the Tiangong space station.” So the Shenzhou XⅦ manned mission makes the country get closer to its dream of walking on the moon.
The Shenzhou XⅦ crew(航天员乘组) is planned to stay inside the Tiangong for around six months and return to Earth around April. Their tasks include some usual tasks such as doing scientific experiments, having spacewalks to install(安装)things, checking the station and collecting(收集) some important data(数据), as well as helping to test the support abilities from the ground.
The Shenzhou XⅦ mission and its crew also have many firsts. The crew is the youngest of all China’s manned missions, with an average(平均的) age of 38. It is also the first to have members from the second-generation and the third-generation astronauts. Tang Hong
bo, finishing his first space mission about two years ago, is the first space traveler to revisit China’s Tiangong space station.
4.Who was sent to the Tiangong space station in 2003?
A.Yang Liwei.    B.Tang Shengjie.    C.Tang Hongbo.
5.________ is necessary for the astronauts for the manned lunar missions.
A.Testing the spacecraft on the ground
B.Experience at the Tiangong space station
C.Revisiting the Tiangong space station
6.Which is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Astronauts will back to Earth in April 2023.
B.No experiments will be done at the station.
C.Astronauts need to collect important data.
7.What is the main idea of Paragraph 5?
A.China’s Tiangong space station.
B.A brief introduction of the Shenzhou XⅦ.
C.New tries of the Shenzhou XⅦ and its crew.
If you’re studying English or another foreign language, you might be thinking, “How is this going to help me in my life?” It turns out, just studying and thinking in a foreign language has its own benefits (益处)!
In a 2012 study, Boaz Keysar, a professor at the University of Chicago in the US, led an experiment about the relationship (关系) between foreign languages and people’s way of thinking.
In the experiment, people needed to make a choice: Take a guarantee (保证) of one pound
or take a 50% chance of winning 2. 50 pounds. When given this choice in their mother language, most people took the safe choice of getting one pound. But they would like to make the riskier (更冒险的) choice when asked in a foreign language, according to The Guardian. Keysar said, “People just hate the possibility of losing, but they hate it less in a foreign language.”
In another study, Keysar and his team did an experiment in which people were given some related (相关的) words like “dream”, “snooze (打盹) ”, “bed” and “rest”. Later, when asked in their mother language which words they remembered, people were more likely to mistakenly remember “sleep”, which was not on the list. But it was much less likely to happen if they did the test in a foreign language. Keysar said, “People have more careful thinking when using a foreign language.”
