2 Broke Girls(破产妹)第一季 中英文剧本字幕
2 Broke Girls S01E01
2--看电影学英语 看美剧学英语
3--十二  四  十一号桌上菜Pick up! Tables 12, 4, 11.
4--来了Got it.
5--等你丫有空...Hey, when you get a second,
6--麻烦把淫眼从我奶上移开stop looking at my boobs.
7--麻烦一下Excuse me.
10--您好  请问要点什么Hi, what can I get ya?
12--看了会不爽吗Is that annoying?
13--觉得对方又又无礼吗Is that obnoxious and rude?
14--你工作时有人这么弄你Would you find it distracting if someone did that to you
15--你会觉得烦吗while you were working?
16--哎呀  忘记你没工作了  抱歉Oh, you don't have a job. Sorry.
17--靠  伙计  她完胜呀Damn, dude, she burned you.
18--别搞错了  小痞子No, hipster.
19--别以为我跟你是一国的Do not think we're on the same team.
20--咱俩到死都不是同路人We have nothing in common.
21--戴帽子挡酷寒I wear knit hats when it's cold out.
22--二货戴帽学酷玩[乐队]You wear knit hats cause of Coldplay.
23--你的纹身是想气死你爹You have tattoos to piss off your dad.
24--我爹压根不知他是我爹My dad doesn't know he's my dad.
25--最后And finally,
27--一声穿云指  我千军万马来服务this is the sound that gets you service.
29--一声穿云指  我如瀑下阴也干枯This is the sound that dries up my vagina.
30--那位俄国服务生呢  怎么不见了The other waitress disappeared, the Russian one.
31--我们想要山葵酱We need horseradish.
33--妹妹真乖  这样才有礼貌嘛That, ladies, is how you treat a waitress.
35--爽  爽死了Oh, so... so good, oh...
36--抱歉  不知道你在休息Oh, sorry, I didn't realize you were on break.
37--我要山葵酱I just need some horseradish.
38---给  -收到- Here. - Oh, cool.
39--请问  服务生去哪了Excuse me, where's my waitress?
40--她马上来[高潮]She's coming.
43--我做了你最爱的红丝绒蛋糕I made your favorite, red velvet.
44--我的蛋蛋妹给我带来了小蛋糕My little cupcake brought me a cupcake.
45--我还是把钱给你吧Let me pay you for that.
46--不用  我请客Oh, no, no. It's on the house.
47--你生日嘛It's your birthday.
48--过完生日要几岁了啊How old are you gonna be?
50--厄尔  你要小个三岁  咱俩就成了Oh, Earl, if you were just three years younger.
51--麦克斯  麦克斯  大新闻Max, Max, big news.
52--新老板炒了俄国妞宝莲娜The new boss fired that Russian waitress, Paulina.
53--大胸金丝猫被发现其实是个死间谍Turns out chesty Kournikova was Vladimir Puttin' it out.
54--早安  我带了你的工资来Hello today. I have paycheck for you.
55--我有话问你  你炒了宝莲娜吗  阿憨I need to talk to you. You fired Paulina, Han?
56--我已经不叫李憨了I am no longer Han Lee.
57--我取了新的英文名字I have new American name
58--好适应新时代"得"社会to go with changing neighborhood.
59--是新时代"的"社会To go with the changing neighborhood.
60--移民考试的时候别又说错了You need to remember this for your immigration exam.
61--行  好适应新时代"的"社会Correct. To go with the changing neighborhood.
63--你改名叫李小笼啊Your name is Bryce Lee?
64--等等  等一下Wait, wait, um, um, um...
65--别再招新人来了  好吗Don't hire a new waitress, okay?
66--反正活儿总是我全包I've been doing all the work anyway,
67--让我多拿一份工资  补贴家计吧and I really could use the extra money.
68--你需要帮手You need help.
69---不用  -谁都需要帮手- No, I don't. - Everyone need help sometimes.
70--我不用  我当了一辈子的侍应I don't. I've been waiting my whole life, okay?
71--在餐厅  酒吧都做过侍应I've waited on tables, I've waited in bars,
72--甚至在家等验孕结果I've waited on home pregnancy tests.
73--[Waited: 等待  侍应 一词多义]
74--我已经雇新人了I already hire new waitress.
75--她以前在曼哈顿顶级餐厅工作过She work in all top restaurants in Manhattan.
76--我都把宝莲娜的制服给她了I gave her Paulina's uniform.
77--李先生  有点事情想问问Mr. Lee, not to complain,
78--这件制服好像有人穿过了呢but I think someone wore this uniform before me,
79--而且是刚刚才穿过like right before me.
80--可不可以帮我换一件全新的呀Is it possible that I could get another one?
81--换件没这么湿漉漉的Maybe one that's a little less moist.
82--另外  我的肤跟黄芥末不太搭Also this mustard color doesn't really go with my skin tone,
83--跟芥末渍也不搭neither do the
84--跟这各式污渍  异味更是不搭And these various other stains, and smells.
85--白白的是蛤蜊浓汤渍吧...I hope that's clam chowder.
87--为了大家I think it'd be better for everyone,
88--以及我的免疫系统着想including my immune system,
89--我就穿自己这身就好了if I just keep on wearing what I'm wearing,
90--那件就省了  我这身可是香奈儿and not the apron,'cause this is chanel.
91--感谢聆听So thank you,
92--本小要上岗啦and let's waitress.
93--这娇娇女明显就是Whatever that is,
94--来错地方打错工了it does not belong in this diner.
95--她应该去演电视It belongs in a show on Bravo.
96--她是金发妞  金发闪闪But she blonde, hair so shiny,
97--有助财源广进啊good for business.
98--你都去哪到这些歪瓜裂枣的啊Where do you even find these people?
99--俄罗斯  再前一位还是妹The Russian hooker, the one before that was a meth addict.
