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摘  要
10万左右什么车好In recent years, fingerprint identification technology has developed rapidly in China and abroad, because of its good security now that the technology has been widely used in daily life and work. With the decline in the cost of the fingerprint recognition technology and the comprehensive promotion and general trends should be.
Fingerprint recognition technology is a technology of biology-authentication widely used and legalized in international today because of its low-price and finer application. Fingerprint just is a small part of the skin, but it contains a great deal of information .The veins of the skin are different in pattern and cross point and break point. Medicine has proven that these characteristics are different for each finger and these characteristics are unique and permanent. So we can put a person's fingerprints correspond with him by comparing his fingerprint characteristics and pre-stored fingerprint features, you can verify his true identity.
The system design of fingerprint recognition electron password lock based on Single-chip microprocessor is developed in the thesis. The system STC89C52 MCU as the core mod
ule, through the serial communication control FM608 fingerprint module for taking fingerprints and store fingerprint data and liquid crystal display by HS12864-15C ratio than on the processes and results, supported by simulation of DC relays and LEDs unlock action. The system is small, cost-effective, and fast and suitable for families and units.
Key Words:Single-chip microprocessor; fingerprint detection; LCD
