1. red battle 血战
2. 颜代表的意义She is red with anger. 愤怒,生气
3. The policeman caught the thief red—handed.(当场)
4. Her face turned red (害羞)when i confessed my love for her.
5. red meat (牛羊肉)
6. the company is in the red. ( 赤字,亏损状态)
1. A white day 黄道吉日
2. A white lie 善意的谎言
3. White night 不眠之夜(a sleepless night)
4. A white night 护花使者
5. A white war 不流血的战争
6. White coffee 加牛奶的咖啡
7. A white hat 一个好人
8. We always pick up some bargains at the January white sale.(床单等白织物的大减价)
9. White-collar workers 白领办公室人士
10. White elephant 华而不实的东西
1. I feel blue. (忧郁,不开心)
2. blue talk/ blue film (黄的,下流的)
3. He was beaten up black and blue. (鼻青脸肿)
4. blue -collar workers (体力劳动者)
5. out of blue 突然,意外,毫无征兆
6. blue in the face 脸发青
1. green with envy 嫉妒
2. green-eyed monster 红眼病
3. He is green at his job. 新手,缺乏经验
4. He has a green thumb. 他很擅长园艺
5. have a green bonnet 生意破败,破产
1. blacklist(黑名单),black market(黑市),black day(凶日),black sheep(害之马),black future(暗淡的前途)
2. Since he was made manager, the company has been running in the black.(自从他当了经理以后,公司一直盈利。)
3. black tea(红茶)
4. black coffee(不加糖和奶的浓咖啡)
5. He came out of the fight black and blue.(打架之后,他鼻青脸肿。)
6. She gave her mother assurance in black and white.(她给她妈妈作出了书面保证。)
1. Be born in the purple 出身高贵,出身贵族