1. Single Author 一位作者
書目 張慕皚。《近代福音信仰運動》。香港﹕宣道,1981。
注釋一 1張慕皚﹕《近代福音信仰運動》(香港﹕宣道,1981),頁70。
注釋二 2張慕皚﹕《近代福音信仰運動》,頁52。
B Graham, Billy. Just as I Am: The Autobiography of Billy Graham. San Francisco, Calif.: HarperSanFrancisco/Zondervan, 1997.
N1 3Billy Graham, Just as I Am: The Autobiography of Billy Graham (San Francisco, Calif.: HarperSanFrancisco/Zondervan, 1997), 45.
[有名的城市如San Francisco等,可省略州名。所以這注釋也可以這樣寫﹕Billy Graham, Just as I Am: The Autobiography of Billy Graham (San Francisco: HarperSanFrancisco/Zondervan, 1997), 45.]
N2 4Graham, Just as I Am, 53.
RL Graham, Billy. 1997. Just as I am: The autobiography of Billy Graham. San Francisco, Calif.: HarperSanFrancisco/Zondervan.
PR (Graham 1997, 53)
2. Two Authors 二位作者
書目 邢福增、梁家麟。《五十年代三自運動的研究》,文化集刊1。香港﹕建道神學院,1996。
注釋一 5邢福增、梁家麟﹕《五十年代三自運動的研究》,文化集刊1(香港﹕建道神學院,1996),頁99。
注釋二 6邢福增、梁家麟﹕《五十年代三自運動》,頁101。
B Fee, Gordon D., and Douglas K. Stuart. How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth: A Guide to Understanding the Bible. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Zondervan, 1982.
N1 7Gordon D. Fee and Douglas K. Stuart, How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth: A Guide to Understanding the Bible (Grand Rapids, Mich.: Zondervan, 1982), 35.
[Grand Rapids 在世界文化來說並不是出名的地方,但在基督教世界中,確是出名的出版地,因此Michigan州的州名可以省略﹕Gordon D. Fee and Douglas K. Stuart, How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth: A Guide to Understanding the Bible (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1982), 35.]
N2 8Fee and Stuart, How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth, 41.
RL Fee, Gordon D., and Douglas K. Stuart. 1982. How to read the Bible for all its worth: A guide to understanding the Bible. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Zondervan.
PR (Gordon and Stuart 1982, 132)
3. Mulitple Authors 多位作者
書目 葉萬壽等。《約會前奏》,文橋叢書34A。吉隆坡﹕文橋傳播中心,1996。
注釋一 9葉萬壽等﹕《約會前奏》,文橋叢書34A(吉隆坡﹕文橋傳播中心,1996),頁20。
注釋二 10葉萬壽等﹕《約會前奏》,頁22。
B Pelikan, Jaroslav, and others, eds. Religion and the University. York University Invitation Lecture Series. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1964.
N1 11Jaroslav Pelikan and others, eds., Religion and the University, York University Invitation Lecture Series (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1964), 30.
N2 12Pelikan and others, eds., Religion and the University, 35.
RL Pelikan, Jaroslav, and others, eds. 1964. Religion and the university. York University Invitation Lecture Series. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
PR (Pelikan and others 1964, 32)
4. Translation (or Work edited by the others) 翻譯或編輯著作
書目 麥格夫著。陳佐人譯。《宗教改革運動思潮》。香港﹕基道,1991。
注釋一 施乐会13麥格夫著,陳佐人譯﹕《宗教改革運動思潮》(香港﹕基道,1991),頁6。
注釋二 14麥格夫﹕《宗教改革運動思潮》,頁40。
書目 加爾文著。徐慶譽等譯。《基督教要義》。三冊。章文新編。香港﹕文藝,1986。
注釋一 15加爾文著,徐慶譽等譯﹕《基督教要義》(香港﹕文藝,1986),II.3.1。
注釋二 16加爾文﹕《基督教要義》,I.3.1。
B Calvin, John. The Bondage and Liberation of the Will: A Defence of the Orthodox Doctrine of Human Choice against Pighius. Edited by A. N. S. Lane. Translated by G. I. Davies. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1996.
N1 17John Calvin, The Bondage and Liberation of the Will: A Defence of the Orthodox Doctrine of Human Choice against Pighius, ed. A. N. S. Lane, trans. G. I. Davies (Grand Rapids: Baker, 1996), 34.
N2 18Calvin, The Bondage and Liberation of the Will, 56.
RL Calvin, John. 1996. The bondage and liberation of the will: A defence of the orthodox doctrine of human choice against Pighius. Edited by A. N. S. Lane. Translated by G. I. Davies. Grand Rapids: Baker.
PR (Calvin 1996, 25)
5. Editor “as” Author 編者為作者
書目 吳羅瑜,許志賢編。《你所念的你明白麼:神話語的詮釋》。香港﹕中神,1989。
注釋一 19吳羅瑜,許志賢編﹕《你所念的你明白麼:神話語的詮釋》(香港﹕中神,1989),頁49。
注釋二 20吳羅瑜,許志賢編﹕《你所念的你明白麼》,頁48。
B Anderson, J. N. D., ed. The World’s Religions. London: Inter-Varsity Press, 1950.
N1 21J. N. D. Anderson, ed., The World’s Religions (London: Inter-Varsity Press, 1950), 101-7.
N2 22Anderson, The World’s Religions, 111-12.
RL Anderson, J. N. D., ed. 1950. The world’s religions. London: Inter-Varsity Press.
PR (Anderson 1950, 121)
6. No Author Given 沒有列出著者
書目 《共產黨國際綱領》。北平﹕中共中央委員會,1930。
注釋一 23《共產黨國際綱領》(北平﹕中共中央委員會,1930),頁8。