General Trade Import Standard Operation Procedure
一、Purpose 目的
This SOP is designed to establish a standard operational procedure for General Trade import, thus to meet the needs of MPS. 明确一般贸易进口作业流程,满足 MPS 需要。
梦见大便失禁二、Scope 范围
This procedure is applicable to all of General Trade import of MPS. 此程序适用于MPS 所有一般贸易进口作业。
三、Definition 定义
3.1.General Trade 一般贸易
It means that the company with general trading business license pays normal import/export duty & VAT and other charges, and then the imported goods can be processed at company without Custom幼儿园家长园地内容
s supervision and exported freely after Customs clearance.是指有进出口经营权的企业在进出口环节缴纳进出口关税及其他税费,并办理了各项海关手续后进口货物可在境内自行处置,出口货物运离关境后可以自由流通的海关通关制度。
四、Reference Documents 参考文件
4.1 Customs Law of the People's Republic of China 中华人民共和国海关法
4.2 Customs Import and Export Tariff of the People's Republic of China 中华人民共和国海关进出口税则
英语教师述职报告>兽 吴念4.3 PRC Customs Supervision and Administration of Processing Trade Goods Procedures 中华人民共和国海关对加工贸易货物监管办法
4.4 Goods Import & Export Management Regulation of P. R. C.中华人民共和国货物进出口管理条例
4.5 Regulations of PRC on Import and Export Duties 中华人民共和国进出口关税条例
五、Responsibility 职责
5.1 Product Development-Engineering 工程部
5.1.1 To provide original P/L and Invoice for HR & Facilities declaration.提供原始装箱单、发票等资料给HR & Facilities报关
5.2 HR & Facilities
5.2.1 Preparing formal Invoice and Packing List制作报关发票,装箱单
5.2.2 Declaring import向海关申报进口
5.2.3 Applying to Finance for transferring Duty and VAT向财务申请税费转账
科幻电影推荐5.3 Finance 财务部
5.3.1 According to HR & Facilities’ s request, to transfer Duty and VAT to Customs in time.根据关务要求,及时办理关税和进口环节增值税的转账
六、Procedure 程序
6.1 Product Development-Engineering aperiodically forwards HR & Facilities original Invoice, Packing List which are from Buyer.工程部不定期将采购提供的原始《发票》、《装箱单》给HR
& Facilities。
6.2 HR & Facilities makes formal Invoice 、Packing List、Product description file and The customs declaration form according to the information provided by Product Development- Engineering.
根据工程部提供的资料,HR & Facilities制作报关《发票》、《装箱单》、货物说明书。
6.3 After receiving and checking the Import Manifest, HR & Facilities sends the above information to Port Broker for clearance.收到并核对无误后,HR & Facilities将上述资料发给口岸报关行办理清关手续。
6.4 Port Broker declares import. If everything is ok, Port Customs issues Duty Bill.
6.5Port Broker faxes the Duty Bill to HR & Facilities which will apply to Finance for transfer.口岸报关行将税单传真给HR & Facilities,由其向财务申请转账。
6.6 Finance transfers the taxes to appointed Bank as requested, then HR & Facilities informs Port Broker that the transfer finished.财务按照HR & Facilities要求将税费转入指定的银行。
七、Notes 注意事项:
7.1 Original Duty Bill needs to be returned to Finance within 1 month after clearance.怎么制作
7.2 What licenses should be applied:
7.2.1 China Compulsion Certificate(3C for short): electric appliances, etc.
7.2.2 3C Exemption Certificate :such as connector, cable which voltage is lower than 36V
3C免办证明:电压小于36V 的连接器、连接线等。
7.2.3 Automatic Import License(O Certificate for short): it is mandatory for the materials that the Customs supervision item is “O” such as Inductor, etc.
自动进口许可证(简称O 证):海关监管条件为“O”的物料,如电感等。
八、 1 Invoice 发票
8.2 Packing List 装箱单
8.3 Product description file产品说明书