In 2019, Kangmei pharmaceutical and kangdexin were exposed to financial fraud, and their audit institutions: Guangdong Zhengzhong Zhujiang and Ruihua were on the cusp of the storm. Especially as one of the representatives of major domestic institutions, Ruihua is frequently punished by relevant regulatory agencies. Therefore, studying the causes of frequent audit failures at major domestic institutes has important implications for how other institutes can effectively prevent audit failures and improve audit quality. In this paper, by collecting the CSRC's official website published from 2013 to 2020 market supervision announcement, has carried on the summary to law firm audit failure cases, and analyzed the causes of the failure, Discusses the various reasons of audit problem, analyzes the shortcomings in the course of audit work.地下城徽章怎么镶嵌
In this paper, the research contents mainly six parts, of which the first part mainly centered on the introduction of domestic and foreign research present situation, the research train of thought and theory basis in this paper, based on previous research conclusion, this paper expounds the concept of audit failure., thus forming a more comprehensive understanding of research topic. Finally, the existing research results are reviewed.
The second part is the theoretical basis of the thesis, put the paper in the chapter firstly explains the subject related theory, illustrates the concept of audit risk related, and then to even have a concept o
f characteristic are introduced. Finally elaborated the related factors of audit failure.
The third part based on the SFC audit failure penalty notice issued in recent years, the study of accounting firms and a number of audit work, and an important indicator, probes into the related factors, points out the defects existing in the audit work, puts forward the optimal path.Finally, the results of audit failure are analyzed.
In the fourth part, taking In the empirical case study of ruihua, first on the company's basic situation were summarized, then the business operating conditions of the branches, business types, service objects and business income composition;Then,
the sample data are analyzed, and the relevant characteristics of audit failure of Ruihua Institute are Based on the different perspective on the research conclusion is summarized. Then the data statistical analysis results oriented, discusses the related reasons for audit failure of Ruihua Institute and the frequency of various reasons are elaborated;Finally, from the results of administrative punishment and other consequences, it analyzes the different effects of administrative punishment and audit failure on the capital market, industry and itself.
The fifth part, based on the empirical case studies and analysis, discusses the specific cause of the f
ailure of the audit, analyzes the correlation factors, points out the optimization and improvement in the opposite direction.
立冬节气吃什么食物Sixth part reviewed research on full text, and put forward the study of the defects, puts forward the related factors of audit failure, as well as the prevention and control measures, in order to promote the further perfect of our country's accounting audit system.
The effects of audit failure are discussed, and based on the empirical case study and analysis of some targeted improvement measures are put forward.In the time study, this paper analyzes the specific cause of the failure of the audit.,On the one hand, it finds out the main reasons of audit failure, which is helpful to implement rectification measures and improve audit quality;On the other hand, as one of the representatives in China, Ruihua Institute's experience and lessons of audit failure can be used for reference,It can improve the audit quality as a whole, Adjust the audit procedures, improve the industry management mechanism, improve audit quality, robustness and health security audit market development.
Key words: Ruihua Certified Public Accountants; Statistical analysis; Program execution; Quality management
第一章 绪论 (1)
第一节研究背景及意义 (1)
一、研究背景 (1)
二、研究意义 (2)
第二节国内外文献综述 (3)
一、审计失败相关研究 (3)
二、审计风险相关研究 (6)
三、审计失败与审计风险联系的研究 (7)
四、文献述评 (8)
第三节研究方法与创新之处 (8)你的微笑歌词 那英
一、研究方法 (8)
二、本文创新点 (9)
第四节研究内容与技术路线 (9)
一、研究内容 (9)
二、本选题拟采用的技术路线 (10)
第二章 审计失败相关概念及理论基础 (12)
第一节相关概念 (12)
一、审计失败的概念 (12)
二、审计失败表现形式及其特征 (14)
三、审计风险的概念 (12)
都匀毛尖简介四、审计风险的特征 (14)
五、审计风险与审计失败的区别与联系 (14)
第二节相关理论基础 (15)
一、代理理论 (15)
二、财务舞弊理论 (16)
三、信息不对称理论 (17)
四、理性经济人理论 (18)
第三章 会计师事务所审计失败现状、原因及后果分析 (20)
