Part One: 亚龙湾度假区(Yalong Bay Resort)
1. 阳光、沙滩和海洋,童话般的世界。
Sunshine, beach and ocean, a fairy-tale world.
2. 水绿的海洋,是情侣的乐园。
Turquoise ocean, a paradise for lovers.
3. 这里是青春的海角,让你体验热带海洋的浪漫。
Here is the cape of youth, let you experience the romance of the tropical ocean.
Part Two: 西岛旅游区(西岛 Scenic Area)
1. 环岛漂流,探险之旅。
Island-round rafting, adventure trip.
鼠疫的传播途径2. 蓝天、青山、碧海,一站游西岛。
Blue sky, green mountains, blue sea, one-stop tour of Xidao.
3. 回归自然,尽情体验人与自然的和谐。
Return to nature and experience the harmony between human and nature.爽肤水排行榜10强
Part Three: 天涯海角旅游景区(Tianya Haijiao Scenic Area)
1. 天涯海角,世界的尽头,唯美的海浪给你带来美丽的情感。
Tianya Haijiao, the end of the world, beautiful waves bring you beautiful emotions.
2. 手牵手,漫步海边,你我相依相随。
Hand in hand, stroll along the beach, you and me depend on each other.
3. 一个人的旅行,留下爱情的回忆。
A solo trip, leaving memories of love.
Part Four: 南山寺文化旅游区(Nanshan Temple Cultural Tourism Zone)
这个冬天疫情为何此起彼伏1. 南海佛国,冥想之旅。
Nanhai Buddha Land, a meditation journey.
2. 高山流水,清幽有趣。让你远离尘世,体驗静谧之美。
High mountains and flowing water, quiet and interesting. Let you stay away from the mundane world and experience the beauty of tranquility.
3. 古树苍翠,和尚祝愿,心中宁静,浩瀚无边。
Ancient trees lush, monks' blessings, peace of mind, boundless expanse.
Part Five: 三亚市区旅游景区(Downtown Sanya Scenic Area)
1. 悠闲自在,漫步商业步行街。
Leisurely and relaxed, strolling through the commercial pedestrian street.
2. 热带风情,尽情体验夜生活。
Tropical style, enjoy the night life.
光疗甲怎么卸3. 精致美食,让你品尝到名菜美食的魅力。
冬天会出现极端寒潮吗Exquisite cuisine, let you taste the charm of famous dishes.