第⼀次接触到12C CDB和PDB数据库,且客户提供的是ORACLE⼀体机,只有访问权,费劲周折,今记录12C创建默认路径表空间语句和⽤户--创建默认表空间:
create tablespace tablesapce_name datafile size 500M  autoextend on next 100M;
create user username identified by password
default tablespace tablesapce_name ;
grant connect,resource to username ;
grant create any sequence to username ;
grant create any table to username ;
grant delete any table to username ;
昂拼音grant insert any table to username ;
未婚证明格式grant select any table to username ;
房地产营销策划grant unlimited tablespace to username ;
grant execute any procedure to username ;
泸州月grant update any table to username ;
grant create any view to username ;澳大利亚大学
