1. I (名词性物主代词) ________
2. well (比较级) ________
3. see (过去式) ________
4. thin (比较级) ________
5. get (过去式) ________
1. heavy (比较级) ________
2. cry (过去式) ________
3. go (过去式) ________
4. plan (过去式) ________
5. read (过去式) ________
3. 从每组中选取出不同类的一项。
A.writer B.bigger C.lower D.longer乔家的儿女结局
A.was B.were C.stay D.saw
A.her B.his C.my D.your
A.broken B.loud C.better D.fast
A.than B.read C.had D.did
4. How ______ (old) are you?
5. Mike’s fish is _______ (short) than _______ (Amy).
6. The ______ (one) dinosaur isn’t tall.
7. —Did you _____ (clean) your room last weekend?
—No, I _____ (play) football.
2020我想对你说8. I ______ (have) a cold and stayed at home all weekend.
9. Amy _______ (read) books every morning.
10. He ______ (visit) his grandparents next weekend.
11. Does John like ______ (go) boating?
12. I’m happy you feel ______ (well) now.
13. The TV didn’t ______ (work).
14. The Wu family _______ not happy with their room. (        ) A.was B.were C.is
15. Which is ___________, the red one or the blue one? (        )
怎样更改ip地址A.nice B.nicer C.strong
16. Thank you for ___________ in our hotel. (        )
A.stay B.live C.staying
17. Did you _______ it? (        )
A.like B.liking C.reading
18. Look, my grandpa ________ water. (        )
A.drink B.drank C.is drinking
19. His hair is shorter than ________. (        )
A.me B.mine C.her
20. Let’s go _______ next Saturday. (        )
A.fishing B.fish C.swim 21. —_______ you ________ a book yesterday? (        )中秋国庆同一天贺词
—Yes, I did.
A.Did; read B.Did; readed C.Do; read
22. Bob often _______ swimming in summer. (        )
A.go B.goes C.going
23. ______ it rainy last night? (        )
A.Is B.Did C.Was
24. Last Sunday, my father was very busy. He    1    (clean) our rooms in the morning. He    2    (play) football in the afternoon. Then he    3    (cook) dinner.
He    4    (fix) a broken chair in the evening. He was tired but very happy. Next Sunday, he is going to    5    (climb) mountains.
周结论1. How tall are you? (      )
2. How heavy is Mike? (      )
3. Did you clean the room yesterday? (      )
4. Which cat do you like?  (      )
5. Who is stronger? (      )
6. What did you do last Saturday? (      )
7. Did Amy read a book? (      )
8. What did John do yesterday? (      )
9. How tall is your father? (      )
10. What size are your shoes? (      )
26. A: Hi, Alice. How are you?
B: Hi, Chen Jie. I’m fine, thanks. And you?
A: I’m fine, too. You look so thin. How heavy are you now?
B: I’m 41 kilograms.
A: Oh, you are thinner. I’m 44 kilograms.
B: Really? But you look taller than me.
A: I’m 1.65 meters. What about you?
B: I’m 1.60 meters.
1. Alice is thinner than Chen Jie. (        )
2. Chen Jie is shorter than Alice. (        )
3. Alice is 1.60 meters. (        )
4. Chen Jie is 41 kilograms. (        )
5. Chen Jie doesn’t know Alice. (        )
27. Hello, I’m Peter. I’m 12 years old. Yesterday was Saturday. I cleaned my room in t he morning. Then I walked to my grandparents’ home in the afternoon. It was my grandpa’s birthday. I sang a birthday song for him. We cooked noodles together. We were very happy.
1. Today is Sunday. (        )
2. Peter went to his grandparents’ home on foo t. (        )
3. They weren’t happy. (        )
4. Yesterday was Peter’s grandma’s birthday. (        )
5. Peter sang a song for his grandpa. (        )
28. stayed, I, Sunday, with, my, home, at, on, grandma (.)
29. is, hair, mine, than, your, longer (?)
30. loud, people, listened, Room 301, the, in, to, music (.)
31. Amy washed her clothes last night. (对划线部分提问)
