作者:朱丽平 高国华
        摘要: 中国有着五千多年的文明历史,创造了无数光辉灿烂的文化,青铜器,甲骨,壁画,瓷器,兵马俑等不胜枚举。然而近些年由于人们急功近利的思想作怪,我国有很多文化遗产遭到损失,令人堪忧,所以作者通过多年工作经验,所见所闻介绍了中国文化遗产的现状,并提出了保护措施。
        Abstract: China has more than 5,000 years of civilization history, creates many splendid culture, such as, bronzes, Oracle bones, paintings, porcelain, Terra-Cotta Warriors, and so on. However because of the profit-oriented thinking in recent years, a lot of cultural heritage were lost, which is worrying. So the author introduced the status of China's cultural heritage through several years of work experience and what they saw or heard and proposed protection measures.半壶纱
        关键词: 文化遗产;考古;文物保护
        Key words: cultural heritage;archaeology;protection of cultural relics
拾人牙慧造句潮州人        中图分类号:G122 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-4311(2013)27-0276-02
