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第三方支付对商业银行网银业务的影响——以建设银行为例 |
教 学 部 商学教学部
专业名称祝福老师的话简短 金融学
年 级 2013级
学生姓名 XXXX
指导教师 王建军
摘要: 如今的互联网飞速发展,被广泛使用的第三方支付方式给单体和公司产业网上支付带来了不同于线下交易的繁琐,另一方面,让商行感到了很大的危机的就是,第三方支付最近开始进军商业银行占领的营业领域。在仅仅十几年里,第三方支付企业从被开发到占领市场,就是因为它在服务上有优于商业银行网上银行的特殊优势。在以后的路里商业银行要保持支付行业中的龙头地位就要探究并学习第三方支付的成长经历,取长补短,将营业服务水平不断的提高肝火旺怎么办最好的去火方法。
关键词: 合作共赢 网银业务 推陈出新 第三方支付
The Impact of Third-party payment on Online Banking Services of Commercial Banks
Author:双离合器 XX X
Tutor:Jianjun Wang
Summary: Under the background of the network times,the spread of the third-party payment platforms benefits a number of enterprises and individuals.Besides,the third-party payment firms set out to take on new business in the field of comercial bank's traditional payment,which have threatened the online banking.There are a few reasons for rapid development of third-party payment organizations.The service of third-party payment is much better than online banking,which makes it easy to blossom over a decade.To meet such challenge,commercial banks ought to learn from experinces of third-party payment platforms,improve the quality of services.
Key Words: The third party payment; E-bank; Updated and innovated; Win-win