题  目:暨南大学地址      日产2800吨熟料的预分豪华品牌汽车 
英文题目:    the Process Design of Kiln Department
        of 2800 t/d Clinker       
学  院:    材 料 学 院     
专  业: 无机非金属材料材料工程
班  级:  06级材料(3)班   
*  **      * * *       
学  号:    ************       
****    * * *       
2010年 6月10日

巨石强森的电影摘 要
The general introduction of the current development situation and the prospect of China’s cement industry were introduced, and the development of clinker calcination equipment were talked in detail. The content of this design mainly include the general design of cement factories whose daily production is 2800 ton and the kiln outlet handicraft design. On the basis of the clinker value have been decided, the ingredients calculation, the the material balance calculation , the selection of the main equipments and the selection of the storage were taken. The air fuel ratio, the series and separation efficiency of cyclone were determined. Then a material balance calculation and heat balance calculation to the preheater of the kiln outlet were made. After this, the specifications and size of the precalciner and the cyclone were confirmed. Finally, on the basis of the working process above, the design and drawing of the clinkering department were completed.
