环境与职业医学 2012年1月 第29卷第1期 J Environ Occup Med,Jan. 2012 Vol.29 No.1
· 48 ·
防治;E -mail :
描写声音的成语fengyu237@hotmail [通信作者]田秀红主任医师,E -mail :txhchm@163 ;Robert S. Remis,
E -mail :rs.remis@utoronto.ca ;程华副研究员,E -mail :hcheng @scdc.sh
[作者单位]1.上海市闵行区疾病预防控制中心,上海 201101;2.闵
行区颛桥社区卫生服务中心,上海 201108;3.多伦多大学,加拿大 多伦多 M5T 3M7;4.上海市疾病预防控制中心,上海 200336
余峰1,张金玲1,凤玉英2,黄爱玲2,范赟2,刘娟3,Robert S. Remis 3,杨瑛1,田秀红1,程华4
摘要: [目的] 了解上海市闵行区娱乐场所女性服务人员(FEWs )的主要生活特征及艾滋病、性病(AIDS/STDs )相关知识态度行为情况,为制定、贯彻和评估针对AIDS/STDs 和性行为的预防干预计划提供依据。 [方法] 采用多阶段、整抽样方法选取2个社区的28家有商业性行为娱乐场所(其中大型场所7家,小型场所21家)的125名FEWs 并进行有关问卷调查。 [结果] 大、小娱乐场所FEWs 在年龄、文化程度、婚姻状况、月收入方面的差异有统计学意义(P < 0.01)。采用非条件logistic 回归进行多因素分析显示,已婚者安全套的使用率较单身者低,安全套使用知识得分高和安全套使用自我效能得分高是促进每次性交都用安全套的因素。 [结论] FEWs 人仍是目前预防AIDS/STDs 流行的重点人,其同时受到AIDS/STDs 感染的危险。
Knowledge and Practice of AIDS/STDs among Female Entertainment Workers in Minhang District of Shanghai YU Feng 1, ZHANG Jin-ling 1, FENG Yu-ying 2, HUANG Ai-ling 2, F AN Yun 2, LIU Juan 3, Robert S. REMIS 3, YANG Ying 1, TIAN Xiu-hong 1, CHENG Hua 4 (1.Minhang District Center for Disease Control and Prevention , Shanghai 200051, China ; 2.Zhuanqiao Community Health Service Center , Shanghai 201108, China ; 3.University of Toronto , Toronto M5T 3M7, Canada ; 4.Shanghai 大闹天竺豆瓣
Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention , Shanghai 200336, China ). Address correspondence to TIAN Xiu-hong , E-mail: txhchm@163 ; Robert S. REMIS , E-mail: rs.remis@utoronto.ca ; CHENG Hua , E-mail : hcheng@scdc.sh ·The authors declare they have no actual or potential competing fi nancial interests.
Abstract: [Objective ] To investigate the living features and the knowledge and practice of AIDS/STDs among female entertainment workers (FEWs), so as to provide evidence to design, implement and assess AIDS/STDs prevention and invention. [Methods ] A total of 125 FEWs, who were selected from 28 commercial entertainment locales (7 large and 21 small locales) in 2 communities by multistage cluster sampling method, were recruited for a questionnaire survey. [Results ] There were significant differences in age, education, marital status and monthly income between FEWs working in large locales and those in small locales (P < 0.01). Logistic regression analysis indicated that less condom use in married groups than in single groups (P < 0.01). People who had higher scores in condom use knowledge and self -efficiency test revealed a higher rate of condom use in each sexual behavior. [Conclusion ] FEWs, who are at the risk of infection at all times, are still the key population for AIDS/STDs prevention and control.
Key Words: AIDS/STDs; female entertainment workers (FEWs); living features 娱乐场所中从事商业2012党员转正申请书范文
1 对象与方法
1.1 研究对象
厦门景点介绍于2009年1月—2010年1月,采用多阶段、整抽样方法随机选取2个社区,从2个社区随机抽取大型娱乐场所(如KTV、舞厅、旅馆等,简称大场所)7家,小型娱乐场所[如美容、美发店(发廊)、按摩、洗足、浴室等,简称小场所]21家,其中大、小场所的比例为1∶3,共28家娱乐场所的125名FEWs 作为调查对象。1.2 调查方法
文章编号: 1006-3617(2012)01-0048-04 中图分类号: R174+.6; R512.91 文献标志码: A