茶叶蛋的制作方法 家常茶叶蛋
What follows are just a few of the global destinations given World Heritage status by UNESCO. They could be your family’s next vacation.
Wildlife Wonders
The Okavango Delta in northern Botswana is one of southern Africa’s biggest and most biodiverse freshwater watersheds (流域) and a dream destination for animal lovers of all ages. It sustains the planet’s most endangered animals, including the largest remaining elephant population, cheetahs, African wild dogs, wattled cranes, and great white pelicans.
Fairy Chimneys
Central Turkey’s G reme National Park is a dry region of volcanic stone that takes fantastic forms, which often called fairy chimneys (仙女烟囱). Some of the most striking sights are villages carved into the volcanic stone. The G reme Open Air Museum, valley hikes, cave hotels, hot air balloon rides, and guided tours are highlights for all ages.
The Earliest Mummies (木乃伊)
Wrapped simply in reeds and decorated with hair and clay masks, Chile’s Chinchorro mummies are 2,000 years older than Egypt’s. At San Miguel de Azapa Archaeological Museum, only a few of the 300 samples are on view, while at Colón 10, visitors can see 48 mummies buried in the earth through a glass floor.
Dinosaur Fossils
Dinosaur Provincial Park in Canada gives some paleontologists (古生物学者) a chance to explore landscapes. Although visitors are not permitted to dig in this fragile environment, the park offers a full schedule of family-friendly fossil tours, guided activities, and dinosau
r displays. Families can camp out under the stars and dream of the days when various dinosaurs lived in this region.今年十一怎么放假
1. Which of the following highlights the Okavango Delta
A.Beautiful villages. B.Rare freshwater fishes.
C.Diverse wildlife species. D.Striking views of mountains.
2. Where should visitors go if they desire to see the earliest mummies
A.Botswana. B.Chile. C.Egypt. D.Canada.
3. What can visitors do at Dinosaur Provincial Park
A.Have a night camping trip. B.Explore landscapes in the valley.
C.Dig for man-made dinosaur fossils. D.Attend a lecture by a paleontologist.
攒够了失望的经典句子Born with severe hearing loss, Li has found her way to communicate with the world—through painting.
Before learning to paint, Li always felt lonely in a silent world. She knew she was different from her peers because she could not hear. But a painting class in primary school opened for her a door to creativity and a way of expression.
“I still remember my first mural, which was to help a kindergarten to design and paint its wall,” Li says. “The project made me realize how happy I was immersing myself into painting.”
To pursue her passion for art, Li went to study advertising design at a vocational and technical school. “Painting brushes can help me create a colorful world in my imagination, telling my thoughts on paper, instead of through voices,” Li said.
好看的3d动画Graduating from college in 2005, Li got a job as a typist at a public institute. But she could not communicate well with her other colleagues. Her husband understood how she
felt because he lost his hearing due to medication when he was 1 year old. He is also an art lover. In March 2016, under her husband’s suggestion, Li quit her job and joined her husband’s company, which specializes in 3D wall and ground paintings.
Wall painting is a demanding job because it requires people to work outdoors, whether in extremely cold or hot weather. As all the people are hearing-impaired in their company, communication with clients is the most common challenge that the team faces.
Now in many parks and scenic spots, the couple have created large-scale murals and interactive pavement painting that make onlookers a part of the drawings.
“My husband and I want to introduce painting to more people like us and help them find their own way to make a living,” Li says. Now Li has an apprentice who just graduated from college. While coaching the newcomer, Li is exploring her own style and hopes to become an illustrator and open her own exhibition one day.
“They’re energetic young people with a passion to create new things, and you can feel th
at in their paintings,” one of their clients said. “They’re also a professional, dedicated team, often working late into the night on the designs for us.”
Li hopes that their stories can encourage more hearing-impaired people to build their own careers and achieve their goals, regardless of how tough it may be.;
