What's a Happy Family?
DO you love your family? Then May 15, the International Day of Families, is a good day to celebrate!
The United Nations started this special day in 1994. It wanted people to know how important families are. If all the families on Earth could be happy, then the whole world would be a more peaceful place.
What makes a happy family? Our readers say it's
1. Zhao Wei, 15, girl, Harbin Liujiu Lianzhong
Middle School, Heilongjiang :
"My parents seldom fight with each other. I fight
with them sometimes. They think I should not make
friends with some kids who they think are bad. I
think I've grown up and can make my own
decisions. But most of the time, my parents are right.
To me, family is like a soft sofa. I can be very
comfortable on it!" 2. Wu Hao, 14, boy, Nanjing Foreign Language School, Jiangsu : "My family is not rich. When I was a small child,
other kids had a lot of good stuff but I didn't. I asked my parents why. They told me that we didn't have much money. I began to understand my parents then.
work so hard. Family is like a nest . It's warm and safe." 3. Zhang Xun, 15, boy, Hefei No 45 Middle School, Anhui : "I am a naughty boy who doesn't study very hard. My parents always talk to me about this and they get very angry sometimes. I hope they won't get angry when they talk to me.
And I should behave myself (好好表现) and be a good boy.
My family is like my basketball. I love playing basketball. It makes me happy." 根据文章内容填空(每空词数不限)
The International Day of Families is on ______________. It was started by
Everyone has to work together to make a happy family.
__________________ in ___________. It calls on people to understand the
______________ of families.
Kids have different opinions about what make a ___________ family. Some kids like parents who __________________ with each other. Some kids want to do
_________________________ to help the family. Others think they should
_____________________ and be good children.
What is your opinion? Write it down on the following lines.
___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________
We Can Put on a Good Show
WANT to go to a maze  (迷宫) and make interesting friends there? Students from Beijing Jingshan School will show you how!
To celebrate Jingshan School's 45th birthday, students there decided to act out an English drama  (话剧) called "The Maze".
The drama is about a naughty  (顽皮的
) boy called
Jelly. He wants to run away from home because
his parents say he is a bad student. By magic, He
finds himself in a maze! Jelly makes a lot of
strange friends there. And with their help, he
learns how to be a good student and how to look
after the things around him.
Yan Ni, a 12-year-old girl is Jelly. She found it difficult to express herself in English. "I'm not a native speaker and I haven't learned many English words."  To Ma Jiayang, 14, boy, the most difficult thing
was behaving like a "leopard  (豹子)"!
社保缴费基数Leopard is a sly  (狡猾的) animal in the maze. He only smiles at people who are useful to him. "I'm actually an honest boy. It's hard changing into a leopard!" Costumes cause problems too.
Ma finds the leopard's tail annoying. "It's long. Every time I run, I fall over it!" Zhang Hanyu is a Badudu. Badudus are moles  (鼹鼠). The 12-year-old girl has to wear a heavy costume with only her face showing. "It's really hot," said Zhang.
Although they met difficulties, the students did a good job. They started working on the drama in April after school. And on June 18 and 19, they will perform the drama to the public at the Beijing Poly Theatre.
Besides acting, the students said they get a lot out of doing the drama. They have learned English words and made new friends.
Liu Zhitian, the teacher in charge of  (负责) the play, thought that teamwork should be the most important thing the kids learn.
"Most of the kids today are the only children in their families. They might not know how to get on with
others. But this time, they had to work together to make a good drama."
Jelly (second from right) with his strange friends in the maze. PHOTO BY TIANCHI 用文中的词汇填空(每空一词):
1. A ___________ is a place where people have fun finding the way out.
2. A ___________child likes to make trouble for others.
3. An ___________ person never tells lies.
4. If you don't like loud music, you'll find it ___________.
5. People usually have parties to ___________ their birthdays.
Hungry for Success
DO you cook? No? Then learn it at once! One day you might have to take an exam in it!
In Wenzhou, Zhejiang, students have to take an exam in life skills as part of their senior high school entrance examination  (中考). This year, the life skills exam is about cooking! From early May, about 5,000 Junior 3 students began to take this special cooking exam. More than 300 students from Wenzhou No 3 Middle School took the exam last week.
They took the exam in groups. Each group
had five to six students.
First of all, each student had to fry (煎) an egg
and cook some dumplings.
"I thought it was easy," said Chen Wenwen,
16, girl. "But when I turned the egg over, I broke it!" This was not the most difficult part. After the eggs and dumplings, the students had to cook some dishes together.
Accidents  happened during the cooking.
"Oil got hot quickly and we were afraid that we might get burned," said Ren Jun, 15, girl. "We just cried out and forgot what we had to do next!"
"We broke the sugar bag and almost all the sugar poured into the eggplant  we were cooking," said Chen Li, 14, boy. "We ate it as a dessert and called it 'Sweetheart Eggplant'". Even with all the accidents, the students still made lots of delicious dishes, like Mapo Tofu  (麻婆豆腐).
"We are not all good cooks," said Chen Yi, 16, girl. "It was good teamwork that helped us do it well."
The teachers were also surprised by how tasty the dishes were.
"I even learnt how to cook Cola Spare Ribs  (排骨) from one of the students!" said Zheng Chaofei, a teacher.
So, at the end of the day, all the students from Wenzhou No 3 Middle School passed the special exam!魔兽字体
)  Students from Wenzhou No. 3 Middle School taking their cooking exam. PHOTO BY ZHENG PENG
