初中英语 基本词汇语法解析 以字母P开头的单词
Pacific  [pə'sɪfɪk]秋葵怎么做法最好吃
adj.太平洋的|| n. (the Pacific)太平洋
pack  [pæk]
n. [C]包,捆||vt.①(为运输或储存而)打包;②把 (食品等)装罐
    A pack of dogs took after the rabbit. 一狗追赶一只兔子。[a pack of—/伙]
    She packed her bags and left.她打包好行李就动身了。
package  ['pækɪdʒ]
n. [C]包裹,包,
    He brought me a large package.他给我送来一个大包裹。
page  [peɪdʒ]
n. [C]页,张
pain    [peɪn]
n. [CU]①疼,(身体某一部分的)痛;②(精神上 的)痛苦,苦恼丨丨此使痛苦,使苦恼
I have a pain in my head.我头疼。
It pains me to see you like this.看到你这副模样真令我难过。
paint    [peɪnt]
桃花的诗句n. [C, U]①油漆,涂料;②绘画作品
Please paint the wall white.请把墙漆成白的。
painter    ['peɪntə]
n. [C]绘画者,(油)画家
She models for a painter.  她为一名画家当模特。
painting    ['peɪntɪŋ]
pair  [peə]
I want to buy a pair of glasses.我想买一副眼镜。 [a pair of —副]
pal     [pæl]
n. [C]伙伴,朋友
palace  ['pælɪs]
常用搭配: the Childrens Palace少年宫,the Summer Palace颐和园
pale   [peɪl]
You look pale. Are you ok?你气不好,你没事吧?
pancake    ['pænkeɪk]
n. [C] 烙饼,薄饼
panda  ['pændə]
n. [C]熊猫
panic  ['pænɪk]
n.[C.,U]惊恐,恐慌||adj. ①恐慌的;②毫无理由的.极度的
    She wrote her name and address on a piece of paper. 她把姓名、地址写在一张纸条上。
    She spent the evening marking exam papers.她用一个晚上批阅试卷。
paragraph  ['pærəgrɑːf]
湘绣n. [C]段落
pardon   [ˈpɑːdn]
n. [U]原谅,饶恕,宽恕
—You’re very quiet today.你今天话很少啊。
—I said you’re very quiet today.我说你今天话很少。
parent   ['peər(ə)nt]
n. [C]①父亲,母亲;②(pl.)双亲
Hes still living with his parents.他还和父母住在—块。
park [park]
There’s a car park over there.那儿有个停车场。
Don’t park the car on this street.别把汽车停放在这条街上。
part  [pɑːt]
The story is told in three parts.这个故事被分为三部分讲述。
Shall we take part in the meeting?我们可以参加会议吗?(take part in 参加)
短语:1. take the part of 支持;
eg. Most of the women took the part of Martin Brown.
      2. part-time  adj. 业余的。
particular  [pəˈtɪkjələ(r)]
I have nothing particular to do this evening.  今晚我没有什么特殊的事要做。
We aren't able to cater for your particular needs.  我们不能满足你的特殊需要。
partner   ['pɑːtnə]
n. [C]①搭档,合作者丨②配偶,伴侣
Her partner for the game was Venus Williams.
She deferred to her partner in everything.  她事事都听从她的合伙人的意见。
part-time  [,pɑ:t'taɪm]
Part-time work is generally hard to find.兼职工作一般很难。
party    ['pɑːtɪ]
n. [C]①党,政党;②聚会
Did you go to their party?你参加他们的聚会了吗?
He betrayed his party and country.  他背叛了他的党和国家。
pass  [pɑːs]
Can you pass me the book? ( = Can you pass the book to me?)你能把那本书递给我吗? [pass sb. sth. = pass sth. to sb.把某物递给某人]
Pass the book on to me when you’ve read it.你看完 那本书后请传给我。粽子怎么保存[pass on to sb.传给某人]
passage   ['pæsɪdʒ]
n. [C](文章,乐曲等的)一段,一节
Read the following passage and answer the questions below.阅读下面这段文章并回答后面的问题。
n. [C]乘客,旅客
n. [C]①护照;②手段,途经
past[ pa:st]
n.[ U ]过去,昔日|adj.过去的,以前的|| prep. ①晚于;②从……旁经过
In the past he had to read by candle light.过去他只得在烛光下读书。
He walked past the house.他走过那所房子。
path  [pɑːθ]
n. [C]小路,路线,途径
Follow the path through the woods.沿着这条小路穿过树林。
patient   ['peɪʃ(ə)nt]
n. [c]病人丨丨adj.有耐心的,能忍受的,能容忍的
She was one of Dr. Shaw's patients.她是肖医生的病人之一。
She is very patient with young children.她对幼儿特别有耐心。[be patient with……有耐心]
pattern     ['pæt(ə)n]
n. [ C ]①方式,模式;②范例,典范;③图案,花样||vt.①构成图案;②模仿   
She pricked out the design from the pattern.  她根据样板刺绣出这一图案。
pause   [pɔːz]
n. [ C ]①中止,暂停,停止:②短暂停||v.暫停 停顿
But I pause at the door.  但我在门口停顿了一下。
pay   [peɪ] (paid, paid)
v.付钱;偿还;|| n.[U]报酬,薪水
We paid $35 for each ticket.我们每张票付了35美元。[pay for 付给,支付]
When can they pay a visit to the headmaster?他们什么时候能访问校长?[pay a visit to访问]
Why didnt you pay attention to the question mark?你为什么不注意问号呢?[pay attention to 注意]
P.E  [ˌpi'i] ( = physical education)
n, [C」体育
P. C.   ( = personal computer)
n. [C]个人电脑
pea [pi:]
n. [C]豌豆
peace [pis]
n. [U]和平
After years of war, the people long for a lasting peace.历经多年战乱之后,人民渴望和平。
peaceful   ['piːsfʊl; -f(ə)l]
peach   [piːtʃ]
pear    [peə]
n. [C]梨子,梨树
The pear is a delicious fruit and 1 like it very much.
peel   [piːl]
Could you peel the apple, please?请你削去苹果皮好吗?
pen 5寸照片尺寸  [pen]
n. [C]笔,钢笔
pencil   ['pens(ə)l; -sɪl]
n. [C]铅笔
I found a pencil and some blank paper in her desk.我在她的书桌里到了一支铅笔和一些白纸。
