学校名称: 美国哈佛大学(剑桥) Harvard University (Cambridge)
所在位置:美国,86 Brattle Street Cambridge, MA 02138
Details for Freshmen, Transfer, and Visiting Students
Freshman applicants
All freshman applicants—both international and U.S. candidates—must complete the Common Application, the Universal College Application, or the Coalition Application along with the required supplements. You will need to submit:
Common/Universal College Application
Harvard College Questions for the Common Application or the Universal College Application Harvard supplement
$75 fee or a fee waiver
ACT with writing or old SAT or new SAT with writing
Normally, 2 SAT Subject Tests
School Report and high school transcript
Teacher Report (2)
Mid-Year School Report
Final School Report
Transfer applicants
All transfer applicants must complete an application, along with our Supplement and some special forms for transfers. This includes:
Transfer application from the Common Application, Coalition Application, or Universal Application
Harvard College Questions and Writing Supplement for the Common Application
$75 fee or a fee waiver
ACT with writing or old SAT or new SAT with writing
TOEFL (if you did not attend high school in the US or an English-language high school)
College/Dean’s/Registrar’s report
College Transcript
College Instructor Recommendation (2)
High School Transcript
Visiting undergraduate applicants
There is a unique application for Visiting Undergraduate Students from another institution who spend a semester or year studying at Harvard. The requirements include:
VUS Application
$75 application fee
Tentative Plan of Study
TOEFL (if your native language is not English)
Statement of Purpose
Dean’s Letter of Permission
Faculty Recommendation (2)
Resume or Curriculum Vitae
Official high school transcript
Official university transcript
· 普通申请表/通用大学申请
· 哈佛大学问题及补充材料
· $75的申请费用或申请费用豁免证明
· 学业能力倾向测验(SAT)成绩或者带有写作部分成绩的美国高等院校考试(ACT)
· 通常需要2个SAT学科考试成绩
· 学生成绩报告单及高中成绩单
· 教师推荐信2份
· 学生期中成绩报告单
· 期末成绩报告单
· 从通用申请、联盟申请、或者是通用大学申请获得的转校生入学申请
· 哈佛大学对于通用申请表的问题及补充材料
· $75的申请费用或申请费用豁免证明
· 学业能力倾向测验(SAT)成绩或者带有写作部分成绩的美国高等院校考试(ACT)
· 托福考试成绩证明(如果你没有在英语国家院校,或者没有在英语授课的学校学习过,则需要提交托福考试成绩证明)
· 大学/主任/教务主任报告单
· 大学教师推荐信2份
和领导出差注意事项 高中成绩报告单
· VUS申请
· $75的申请费用或申请费用豁免证明
· 学习研究计划
· 托福考试成绩证明(如果你的母语不是英语的话,则需要提交托福考试成绩证明)
· 学术目的陈述
· 院长的许可信
教师节佳句· 院系推荐信2份2022高考必胜祝福语
· 学生期中成绩报告单
· 简历或者履历表
· 正式的高中成绩单保定糕点
· 正式的大学成绩单
Required standardized tests
We require standardized test scores from either the SAT or ACT (with Writing), and normally require two SAT subject tests. Note that the SAT II English Language Proficiency Test (ELPT) is not acceptable as one of the two SAT Subject Tests.
More information about standardized testing is included in our application process. You are only exempt from this requirement if your country does not offer these tests and traveling to take them would be difficult.
哈佛大学要求学生参加标准化测试,如美国学业能力倾向测验(SAT)或者美国高等院校考试(ACT),以及两个SAT学科考试。需要注意的是,两个SAT学科考试不认可SAT II英语语言能力测试(ELPT)。
English language proficiency
A strong knowledge of English is essential for successful study at Harvard, including the ability to understand and express thoughts quickly and clearly. Although you are not required to take the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or other proficiency exams, you may submit your scores if you have done so.
We encourage interested international applicants to have an interview if possible. If an interviewer is not available sufficiently close to you to make an interview possible, the absence of an interview will not adversely affect your candidacy.
