1.Never turn down a job because you think it’s too small. You don’t know _____ it can lead.
A.how B.where
C.whether D.what
2.Face the problem bravely and you ______ a new way to success.
A.find B.found C.will find D.have found
3.—Alice, why aren’t you at work today?
—I    a day off.
A.have given B.have been given C.gave D.was given
4.Careers Advice service is only available to people on day-time courses.
A.to study B.study
财神爷的生日是哪一天C.studied D.studying
5.Don’t to spring-clean the whole house just because my mother is coming —there’s no need to do that. A.undertake B.attempt
C.bother D.hesitate
6.Although the Roma couldn’t be forced to pay taxes, they couldn’t vote ______they agreed to ______a government. A.unless, submit to B.until, correspond to
C.when, resign to D.while, compromise to
7.I’m not sure of the reason for the dog’s illness, but it ____ by eating too much.
A.may have been caused B.need have been caused
C.should have been caused D.must have been caused
8.—What do you think of the movie last night?
—When I got there it _______, so I only watched the end.
A.finished B.had finished
C.was finishing D.has finished
9.The teacher called Tom to his office because he was caught in the exam.
A.to cheat B.cheating C.cheated D.cheat
10.A good government is not to pick technologies, but to establish conditions ________ innovation is supported and encouraged into the marketplace.
A.when B.that
C.as D.where
11.When on holidays, the railways put on trains to make people’s travel more convenient.
12.This house is almost ________ to the one where I lived as a child.
A.identical B.manual
C.chilly D.enthusiastic
13.Chinese President Hu Jintao called for an immediate cease-fire in Libya _____ an even worse humanitarian crisis in the country at the BRICS Summit in Hainan Province.
A.to prevent B.to have prevented C.preventing D.having prevented
14.Muir succeeds ______ other designers have failed—her clothes are Original, yet stylish.
A.that B.what C.which D.where
15.Since we can do nothing about it, we _________ as well consult Mr. Smith about the matter.
A.can B.must
C.need D.may
16.more about the place where you live,and you will shoulder more responsibility to protect it
祝宝贝六一儿童节的祝福语A.Learning B.To learn C.Learn D.Learned
17.Tom is so creative a person that he alwa ys has lots of _________ ideas in his mind, and sometimes we don’t even know what he is thinking about.
A.mean B.novel
C.slim D.instant
18.---Sorry! I’m afraid that I can’t go to the magic show by David Copperfield with you.
--- .
A.It do esn’t matter.
B.Do as you like.
C.What a shame.
D.Take it easy.
19.Police have found ________ appears to be the lost ancient statue.
A.which B.where C.how D.what
20.Some pre-school children go to a day care center, __________ they learn simple games and songs.
A.then B.there C.while D.where
21.(6分)It’s not piano lessons or dance classes.Nowadays,the biggest extra-curricular activity in the west is going to a tutor.Pat,a mother in Canada,spends about 800 Canadian dollars a month on tutors when finding out half her daughter’s class have tutors.She feels like her child is going to fall behind because everyone else seems to be ahead.
Shelley,a mother of three,also has tutors constantly coming in and out of her home.She was always yelling when she couldn’t manage to get her children focused.When she gets a tutor once a week,they become focused for one entire hour and can get most of their homework done.
Tutoring isn’t simply a private school phenomenon.Nor is it in tended only for lower-achieving students.In Canada alone,seven percent of high school students reported using a tutor in 2010.That increased to 15 percent in 2015.
英语四级准考证号回Overall,parents hire tutors because they are worried school are not meeting their expectations,but there is also a culture shift.A special value is placed on education in Asia,where tutoring is viewed as an extension to the school day. As a large number of Asians emigrated to the west over the recent y
ears,their attitudes towards education have had an influence.
Another reason for the growth in business is parental frustration and their packed schedules.A lot of parents just don’t have time to help their children with homework and some others couldn’t help their children after Grade
3,according to a president of an American tutoring company.
There has been a noticeable change in the attitudes,too.Children used to get bullied(被欺负)for having a tutor, now it’s becoming the norm to have one.
Children don’t seem to mind that they have a tutor.One parent feels surprised that so many of her child’s classmates have tutors.For the amount parents pay in tuition,children should have as much extra help children with a tutor because_______.
1、Shelley decided to equip her children with a tutor because_______.
A.her children’s school is not meeting her expectation B.over half of her children’s classmat es have tutors C.her children’s homework is too difficult for her D.she had a hard time getting her children focused
2、In Canada,the population of high school students using a tutor grew by _______from 2010 to 2015.
A.7%. B.8%. C.10%. D.15%.
3、According to the passage,which of the following statement is TRUE?
A.Pat got a tutor because she can’t help her children with homework.
B.Shelley spends about 800 Canadian dollars on tutors every month.
C.Asians usually place more emphasis on education that Canadians.
D.Most students with the help of tutors have poor grades at school.
4、The tutoring business in the west has been seen in growth in recent years because_______.
a.a lot of parents are too occupied to help their children with homework.
b.children no longer get bullied for going to a tutor and getting extra help
c.many schools cannot offer as much help as their students need
d.Asians emigrating to the west have affected people’s attitude to tutoring.
A.a,b,c. B.a,b,d. C.a,c,d. D.b,c,d.
22.(8分)Sometimes we start a day with the previous day still in mind. We think about the mistakes we made in the previous day, how things went wrong, and how we felt bad about it. No wonder it becomes difficult to focus on the current day.
Here are some steps on how to start your new day fresh:
1. Take time to evaluate your day
At the end of a day, take some time to think about it. The purpose of this thinking time is not to regret how bad your day was, how things went wrong, or how people treated you badly. This w on’t do you any good. Instead, the purpose of this thinking time is to extract(吸取) lessons which you can bring to the following day.
2. Make a commitment to apply the lessons
After you extract the lessons, you should make a commitment to apply them. To do so, find some act
ionable things you can do to apply the lessons. Next, remind yourself to do them. Y ou may write them down if you want to.
3. “Close” your day
After you have spent the time to think about the day and extract the lessons, make a decision to “close” the day. You are done with it; don’t think about it anymore.
4. Bring only the lessons to the next day and nothing else
After you “close” a day, you should not bring anything out of it to the next day except for the lessons you extract. Focus on applying the lessons to the present. This way you will be able to start your day fresh without the burden of yesterday.
1、What will happen if we think too much about the past?
A.There will be a disaster. B.There will be good results.
C.We won’t have a pea ceful mind. D.We surely won’t finish today’s task.
2、When should we draw lessons from the past mistakes?
A.At the end of a day. B.When we make mistakes.
C.At the beginning of a day. D.When we regret making the mistakes.
3、Why should we extract lessons from the past day?
A.To set them down. B.To consider them again.
有时候会感到莫名的难过是什么歌C.To make a better decision. D.To apply them for future use.
23.(8分)On Remembrance Day members of the armed forces (soldiers, sailors and airmen) are commemorated (纪念).
The other common name for this day is Armistice Day which marks the date and time when armies stopped fighting World War Ⅰ, on November 11th at 11am in 1918 (the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month). Some 100,000 Canadian soldiers died in the First and Second World Wars.
In Canada, Remembrance Day is a federal statutory (法定的) holiday — with a notable exception of Nova Scotia, Northwest Territories, Ontario and Quebec — as it is in many other countries in the world where this day is observed on the national level.
All government buildings fly the Canadian flag this day and people remember those who fought for Canada during a two-minute silence at 11am. Many people wear poppies before and on Remembrance Day to show their respect and support for Canadian troops. Poppies are generally handed out free but often a voluntary donation is given in exchange.
In the United States this day is called Veterans’ Day and is also observed on November 11th.
Should Remembrance Day be a state holiday in every province?
We continue to receive lots of messages from people all over the country who are outraged (气愤的) why Remembrance Day is not a state holiday everywhere in Canada. Indeed, it would make sense to make this a state holiday in every province and territory — even in Ontario. But not everyone agrees. Send us your thoughts about this issue in the comment area near the bottom of this page.
Recently we received a comment from Jason and would like to post it on this page because we think that Jason makes a very good point in his message:
“Please DO NOT make Remembrance Day a statutory holiday in Ontario. Family Day is a much more appreciated break for families in the heart of the long cold depressing winter. Remembrance Day is better observed in a ceremony at your schoo l, community centre or place of work.”
1、What can be learned about Remembrance Day?
A.It was established on November 11th, 1918.
B.It is also referred to as Armistice Day.
C.It is not observed on the same day as Veterans’ Day.
D.It is held in memory of American soldiers that died in two world wars.
2、What usually take place to mark Remembrance Day in Canada?
A.The Canadian flag will appear on all buildings.
B.People hold a two-minute silence at 12 am.
