Little Red Riding Hood
旁白:Long long ago,there was a pretty girl. She lived in the forest. Her grandma loved her very much. She liked wearing red hats. So people called her little red riding hood. One sunny morning,the mommy takes a basket and put some fruits in it.空间怎么添加背景音乐
We are flowers.we are dancing.Let’s go to play.
(音乐:teddy bear tunes)
Little Red Riding Hood:Hello everyone!Do you know who am I? Yes,I am little red
riding hood .It's a nice day. Where is my mum? Where is my
mum?Oh, she’s there.Hello mum. what are you doing?
Mum:Grandma is ill.Here are some apples and bananas for grandma.
Take them to Grandma.
Little Red Riding Hood:OK mum.
Mum:Good bye.
Little Red Riding Hood:Bye.
Mum:Be careful!
Little Red Riding Hood:Wow,Flowers!How beautiful!One flower、two flowers 、微博抽奖软件
three flowers.
Wolf:I am a wolf. I am hungry.Here is a little girl.
Hi!What’s your name?
Little Red Riding Hood:Hello,my name is little red riding hood. Wolf:Where are you going?
Little Red Riding Hood:To Grandma’s house, grandma is ill. Wolf:I will eat grandma, Look! ! Three little rabbits. (Three little rabbits.)
Little Red Riding Hood:Hello little rabbits. How are you?
little rabbits : We are find. Thank you~ Where are you going? Little Red Riding Hood:To Grandma’s house. Grandma is ill.
Good bye little rabbits.
little rabbits: Good bye, be careful.
Grandma:I am tired.
Wolf:I am very hungry. Where is grandma’s house? It’s here. Grandma:Who is it?
Wolf:It’s me little red riding hood.
Grandma:Coming coming
Wolf:Grandma, I Will eat you. (打饱嗝) I want to sleep.
Little Red Riding Hood:Grandma grandma
Wolf:Who is it?
Little Red Riding Hood:It is me, little red riding hood. Wolf:Coming coming.
Little Red Riding Hood:Wow You have a big ears.
Wolf:I can listen to your sweet voice
Little Red Riding Hood:Oh~ You have a big eyes.
Wolf:I can see your pretty face.
Little Red Riding Hood:Wow,You have a big hand.
Wolf:I can hug you.
Little Red Riding Hood:Oh no!
Wolf:I want to sleep.
Hunter A:Where is the wolf?(The hunter is coming. He find grandma and little red hood are in the house.The wolf is sleeping.)
Wolf:I am full.
Hunter:The bad wolf!Raise your hands.
Wolf:Help help don’t shut me. (声)
Hunter:The bad wolf is dead.
Little Red Riding Hood and grandma:Thank you.
