Australia Business Visa
1. 一份用英文填写的,并由申请人亲笔签名的申请表(456类申请表)。(表格签名保持与护照尾页签名一致)
One application form (Form 456) which written in English and signed with handwriting signature.
2. 一份用英文填写的,并由申请人亲笔签名的54类(家庭成员)申请表。申请表中必须包括所有亲属,即健在的和去世的。对于健在的亲属,必须注明其在澳大利亚、中国或其它国家的家庭住址。
Form 54 which written in English and signed with handwriting signature. All the family mem
bers’info need be fill in it.
3. 台湾人需要提交有效的台胞证。外国人需要提交有效的就业证复印件和居留许可复印件。
If the applicant hold Taiwan passport, you need offer the valid “Tai Bao Zheng”. If you hold foreign passport, you need offer the valid working permit copy and residence permit copy.
上海护照办理地点4. 申请费:715元人民币(一次入境和多次往返签证费用相同)。申请人可亲自来使馆交费或通过邮政汇款付费。请不要邮寄现金到使馆。
Visa fee is RMB 710yuan. (Single and multiple visa fee are the same. The visa type is decided by the consulate.) 慢性病医保
演唱会 门票5. 一份由澳大利亚邀请方提供的邀请信。邀请信应当包含以下内容:将在澳大利亚从事的商务活动的具体内容(包括培训或参加会议),一份在澳期间的日程表以及邀请方的具体并注明联系人姓名。未能注明以上内容会给您的申请评审带来诸多不便,亦可导
An invitation letter. (Original paper or scanned copy.)
关于树的文章The letter should include the purpose and duration of Aus business trip, schedule and contact info in Aus.
6. 一本有效护照(6个月以上的有效期)、名片及一张近期(六个月内)拍摄的彩护照像,该照片将附在申请表上。所有护照必须有本人的亲笔签名。
An valid passport which valid time should over 6 months. Original name card and one 2 inches-white background photo.
7. 一封由所在单位的法人、人事部门经理或相关部门经理签发的授权信。信件内容应包括:此次访问的原因,代表团全体成员的介绍,代表团成员在公司内的职务以及其在此次访问中的具体职责。
An original dispatch letter which issued by your Chinese company’s HR department. The l
etter need be signed with legal people or HR manager or department’s manager. And it should include the purpose, duration, schedule of Aus business trip and some info of the applicant like passport number, job title,etc.
8. 一份公司的合法证明。包括(必须包括):由工商部门发放的合法营业执照,贸易证明(尤其是货运提单),宣传材料或其它相关材料,可证明此次访问与贵公司的发展和经济利益有合理的联系。请提供复印件而非原件。所有未附加复印件的原件使馆将不予退还。
Chinese company’s business license copy. (It also need the English translation.)
飞机行李箱尺寸要求9. 需要提供一份详细的行程安排。
A business trip’s schedule. It should be written day by day.
10. 护照首页复印件及456申请表格第五页复印件一份.
Copy of your first passport page which has your photo and personal info. Copy of Form 456’s fifth page.
11. 签证授理需5-10个工作日
Usually it will take 5 or 10 working days to issue the visa.
Remark: The consulate has the right to order the applicant offer more visa materials and interview with the applicant if they’d like to.
Chinese applicant cannot apply for AUS ETA.
人造卫星From Aug 19th, 2009, if the applicant’s visa application is the first time, the applicant also need offer the HUKOU copy and personal financial documents.
如申请人:5年之内有澳洲签证并已使用过 可算作第二次申请 不需要提供户口本以存款证明
If the applicant applied Aus Biz visa within 5 years, the applicant’s application is the second time application. You cannot offer HUKOU copy and personal financial documents.
All the Chinese version materials need be offered the English translation.