洛奇英雄传附魔出处(Lodge heroes enchant enchantment)Grade F [prefix] as percent, Tokyo
The name of the scroll, the effect of the scroll, the source of the scroll, the site of enchantment
狗狗名字大全Success rate of enchantment (minimum / highest)
Training Enchant Scroll balance +10 (when rank is higher than 3) unknown weapon 50/80
Fair, Enchant, Scroll, force, +1, intellect, +1, agility, +1, will, +1, 1 ships: Convention plains, battle 2 ships: final slingshot, all equipment except jewelry and magic book 50/80
Fitted, Enchant, Scroll, life, +5, physical, +2, power, -2, 1 ships: the wind of ruins, clothing, 50/80
重阳节放假Driven, Enchant, Scroll will, +2 intellect, -2 will, +1 (need will strengthen D), agility, +3 (need agility, enhancement, D), 1 ships: gold, leather, revenge, convention, all equipment except jewelry and magic book 50/80
Agile Enchant Scroll +6 2 agile ship: Inferno instruction book shoes 50/80
Bold Enchant Scroll +3 -7 +3 (agile force will need the strength enhanced D) 1 ship: Inferno armor 50/80 logo
Disciple's Enchant Scroll +6 -5 +5 (Agile intelligence intelligence need magic master D) 2 ships: ice Valley armor
Grade E [prefix]
The name of the scroll, the effect of the scroll, the source of the scroll, the site of enchantment
Success rate of enchantment (minimum / highest)
Tempered Enchant Scroll attacks +21 (requires cloth armor a mastery of D) 1 ships: Gold Leather weapons 45/78
Hardy, Enchant, Scroll, life, +7, force, -8, life, +4 (need light armor, mastery of C), defense +10 (need light armor, mastery of C) 2 ships: Western ice wall, final slingshot, 3 ships: burning villages, clothes, 45/78
Magical Enchant Scroll +15 +9 (magic attack attack need magic master C) 3 Ship: Ellis trust staff or sickle 45/78
Protective Enchant Scroll +45 -5 2 will ship defense: the southern ice wall, news source shield 45/78
Burly, Enchant, Scroll, life, +8, power, -2, life, +10 (life force C), intelligence, -2 (life force C), 2 ships: Berlin studies, counter strike, clothing, 45/78
国家建造师Daring Enchant Scroll +4 +3 (will will need will enhance C (+2) to enhance the skin C intelligence (-25) defense will enhance C) 1: BOSS: 2 ship ship chelunzhan ice 3 pyroxene ship: friend or foe, in desperation, the prince of all equipment in addition
to nothingness jewelry and magic book 45/78
Grade D [prefix]
The name of the scroll, the effect of the scroll, the source of the scroll, the site of enchantment
Success rate of enchantment (minimum / highest)
Vigorous, Enchant, Scroll life, +10 life, +12 (life force B) 2 ships: another slingshot, final slingshot, 3 ships: Crescent blade, Prince of nothingness, clothes, 40/76
Powerful, Enchant, Scroll, force, +6, agility, -3, force, +2 (need strength, enhancement, B), attack power, +5 (need strength enhancement, B) 2 ships: caves, spider weapons, 40/76
Empowered, Enchant, Scroll, magic attack, +20 intelligence, +2 power, -3 3 ships: the relic of the prince, the prince of nothingness weapon 40/76
Fatal Enchant Scroll (mistaken crit +1% for a monster to the title) attack +12 -3 3 ships under agile, formicate true double knife or spear 40/76
Heavy, Enchant, Scroll, defense, +82, force, -4, will, -2, 3 ships: Goblin chiefs, counterattack, day shield, 40/76
Quality Enchant Scroll will, strength, intelligence, agility (+2 need Inexcusably Ignorant title) attack, magic attack +5 2 ship 3 Ship: white tyrant: a dead end, nothingness Prince 4
ship: Ruins - all accessories and equipment in addition to the sanctuary of the magic book 40/76
闪电魔法卷轴敏捷+ 13力量- 2:5:2船魔族指令书船未完之事鞋子40 / 76
学徒的魔法卷轴智力+ 8敏捷- 1:4:3船门后的低于船狼王逃亡者5船:古代种族雪人,嘶吼的灵魂魔法书40 / 76
顽强的附魔卷轴体力+ 5 - 10 - 10攻击魔攻体力+ 5(需要冥想一)1船:老板车轮战衣服40 / 76
好的附魔卷轴力量,敏捷,智力,意志+ 3 3船:虚无王子所有装备除了饰品与魔法书35 / 74
中国有多少航母法师的魔法卷轴魔攻+ 30 - 3 - 5 4力量敏捷船:红射手武器35 / 74
磨练魔法卷轴攻击+ 25 + 2(一智力需要战斗精通)4船:平原之狼武器
学者的附魔卷轴智力+ 18敏捷- 5 - 5:4船狼王废墟霸者船:西部丛林头盔35 / 74
快速魔法卷轴敏捷+ 6 + 9 - 5智力力量4船:废墟猎人头盔35 / 74
可靠的魔法卷轴防御+ 7 4船:歌历亚所有装备除了饰品与魔法书35 / 74
坚固的魔法卷轴防御+ 135 4船:传说之地盾牌35 / 74前世情人 周杰伦
持久的魔法卷轴体力+ 8 + 7(一体力需要布甲精通)4船:废墟-圣域衣服35 / 74
优雅的魔法卷轴敏捷+ 15意志- 5 4船:狼王-逃亡者鞋子25 / 60
锋利的魔法卷轴攻击+ 60 - 2 - 2敏捷意志(需要战镰:生命盗取一)2船:暴君的挑战镰刀25 / 60
澎湃的魔法卷轴魔攻+ 55(需要轻甲精通一)智力+ 5 - 10 - 2 2攻击敏捷船:暴君的挑战法杖25 / 60