《旅游初级英语(二) 》课程期末复习资料
一、 单项选择:
1. How many State-Protected animals are there in Huanglong?
A. 9 B. 21 C. 30 D. 12
2. Qinshihuang's Mausoleum is located in ( ) district.无抵押个人贷款条件
A. Nanping B. Lintong C. Songpan D. Luoyang 答案: B 秦始皇兵马俑在临潼地区
3. The Old Silk Road is ( ) kilometers long.
A. 4000 B. 3000 C. 2000 D. 7000 答案: D 丝绸之路由 7000公里长
4. Wudang Mountain, located in north western ( ) province, is a Taoist mountain.
A. Hubei B. Hunan C. Hebe D. Henan 答案 : A 武当山坐落在湖北省西南部
5. The ( )featured architectural styles of minority ethnic groups such as Mongolia and Tibetan.
A. Potala Palace B. Mogao Grottoes C. Chengde Summer Resort D. the
Outer Eight Temples
答案: D 具有蒙古和西藏少数民族建筑特点的是外八庙
6. In the ( ) century, Marco Polo came to Hangzhou.
答案: C 马可波罗是在公元 13世纪到达杭州的
7. The landmark of ( ) is Nuorilang Waterfalls with a drop of more than 20 meters.
A. Huanglong B. Jiuzhaigou C. Taishan Mountain D. Huangshan
答案 : B 落差 20 米的诺日朗瀑布是九寨沟的地标风景
8.The Old Silk Road starts from China's ( ) in the east.
A. Luoyang B. Taiyuan C. Xi'an D. Yinchuan
答案 :C 丝绸之路东起西安。
9. Potala Palace in ( ) is situated on Red Hill.
A. Lanzhou B. Yushu C. Lhasa D. Yinchuan 答案 :C 拉萨的布达拉宫坐落在红山上。
10. ( )Summer Resort is also called "Mountain Hamlet for Escaping the Heat".
A. Beidaihe B. Chengde C. Beijing D. Hangzhou 避暑山庄在承德
11. Suzhou in Jiangsu Province is more than ( ) years old.
A. 1500 B. 2000 C. 3000 D. 2500 苏州的历史超过 2500 年。
12. Bingling Temple is in ( ).
A. Shapotou B. Xi'an C. Lanzhou D. Linfen
Bingling 寺在兰州
13. Confucius concluded that jade had ( ) virtues.
A. 9 B. 10 C. 11 D. 12 孔子总结了玉承载的 11 种美德。
14. Which of the followings is not included in the "Four Treasure of Study" A. ink stick B. envelope C. ink slab D. paper 文房四宝中的笔墨纸砚,自然不包括信封了
15. The best paper of the "Four Treasures of Study" is said to be ( )paper. A. Hui B. Duan C. Hu D. Xuan 最好的纸要数宣纸
16. In China, tea can be classified into ( ) categories.
A. 3 B. 4 C. 5 D. 6 在中国,茶叶被分成 5 类
17. 党员发展工作总结During the ( ) Age, the making of bronze ware reached its peak.
A. Old Stone B. New Stone C. Iron D. Bronze 在青铜器时期,青铜器的制造达到了顶峰。
6. The overall aim of the National Museum of China is to ( )
A. collect relics B. preserve relics C. research on archeology D. serve the general public 中国国家博物馆最根本的目的是为大众服务。
二、 正误判断:
1. Is Huanglong Scenic Area located in Yunnan Province? (p198)
2. The Summer Palace features the best of China's ancient gardens. 颐和园是我国古代园林的最佳代表
3. The period of Stone Age is during 2000--250BC. (p297)
4. Ruins of Hemudu is relics of Stone Age. 河姆渡遗址是石器时代的遗迹。
5. In the earlier period of Buddhism in China, temple layout follows its Indian counterpart.
6. Is Chinese meaning of "World Biosphere Reserve"" 世界生物圈遗产
7. Is Huangshan located in southern Anhui Province? 黄山在安徽省境内
8. The Long Corridor of the SummerPalace was included in the Guinness Book of World Records in 2002 as the longest corridor in the world. (p209)
9. 二年级音乐教学计划Banpo Ruins near Xi'an is relics of Bronze Age. 西安的半坡遗址是石器时代的遗迹。
10. Zhoukoudian is the home of Peking Man.
11. Christianity is a religion centered in Jesus Christ as the supreme revelation of God.
12. Jade was not only a decoration, but also a symbol of ethics and customary behavior. 关于母爱的诗玉石不仅是装饰物,还是道德和传统行为的标志
13. The possession of bronze ware was regarded as a status symbol. 拥有青铜器,被看作是社会地位的象征
14. The Shang and Zhou dynasties ushered China into the height of the Iron Age.
15. Ancient Chinese society is divided into the Stone Age and the Iron Age.
16. Silk production peaked during the Tang Dynasty. 丝绸制品到达到了顶峰。 、
1. China is a vast land with great contrasts in landscape and climate. Consequently tour
ists may pay a visit anytime. 中国幅员辽阔,各 地气候差异很大,可以说一年四季都可以旅游。
2. The average piece of urban residential property rose by 10.2 percent between January and October. 城市住宅的平均价格在 1 月至
10 月上升了 10.2%。
3. Viewed from a distance, the island looked like a cloud. 从远处
4. Each tomb is located at the foot of a separate hill and is linked to the other tombs by a road called the Sacred Way. 每座山的山 脚下都有一座陵园,所有的陵园由被称为“神道”的路连接起来。
5. Taoist temples evolved from the traditional square-shaped Chinese courtyard. 道观格局是从传统的四合院演变而来的。
6. The trees will form a forest shelter which will protect the city