1.She to learn English when she was six.
A. begin
B. began
C. begins
2.A:Would you like to go to the cinema?
B:Id watch TV.
A. prefer to
B. Prefer
3. She has never to the U. S.
A.went B go. C.been
4.A:Which apples shall we buy?
B:I like the red.
C.Apple 5.He hurt when playing football.
h im
6.He looked terrible this morning.He too much last night.
A.might have drunk
B.must have drunk
C.Must drink
7.W e go skiing a lot in the winter months when we were young.
A.use to
B.are used to(
C.Used to
8.She along the motorway when her mobile rang.
B.was driving
9.A lot of damage i n the flat because of the burglary.
A.was done
B.was doing
10.If I more money,I would buy a lot of books.
B.have had
1.thriller(A)A person who connects and repairs water pipes,baths and toilets,etc.
3.optimist(C)Special shoes that people wear for running an d jopgging
4.bridegroom(D)A modern,tense and exciting film,with a complicated story and usually a murder.
5.plumber(E)A person who sees the future as good
(F)A person who is quiet and does not get angry easil y
(G)A love story;It is also funny
The plane took off 1 time. During the flight they talked about publicity. 2
Landing they went straight to the conference without 3 to the hotel.
Over the three days the meetings went well.David asked Xiaoyan to4 n otes.During the meetings she was busy listening and 5 down the decisions.The participants considered the changes to the website 6
a great improvement.They made some important decisions about publicity too.David was very pleaded.Sunday was a free day.David went 7 himself to see an old friend, 8 lived in Paris. Xiaoyan decided
to go to a museum and take a trip on the river in the afternoon. She also visited the cathedral before 9 on the river. It rained while she was on the river, but 10 the rain, she had a very enjoyable day and took a lot of photographs.
1. A.on B.in C.with
2. A.While B.Before C.After
3. A.go B.going C.reaching
4. A.do B.write C.take
5. A.writing B.write C.to write
6. A.are B.were C.is
7.A.by B.with C.in
8. A.whom B.who C.that
9. A.go B.went C.going
10.A.in spite of B.although C.because
Dear Vicky,
I am 13 years old. I am a schoolgirl. I have had a bad experience, and I don not know what to do. I t
hink one of the girls in my class at school is stealing from a local jewelers shop the other day I saw her go into the shop. Later in the day she showed me a new watch and new gold earrings.
I know that her parents are both unemployed and that they can not afford to buy her things like that. When I asked her where she got them from, she just winked at me .I really like the girl, and I don not want her to get into trouble, but also I don not want her to think that I have gone to the teacher behind her back.
I am really worried about her, and I am finding it hard to concentrate at school. Please tell me what I should do.
Lonely in London
Dear Lonely in London
You can not solve this on your own.If I were you,I would choose a teacher you really like and trust,and ask to speak to her/him about it in confidence.She/He will know what to do.ev录屏怎么用
Why don not you talk to your parents about it too?It is possible that t hey will be able to suggest ways of helping.Remember,it is good t o share your problems and worries with other people.