Culture-themed landscape reflects the specific planning subject and cultural content,which plays a very important role,especially in city construction and shows the features of a city directly.Nowadays,the social economy develops rapidly,and affected by the material life that is improved constantly,people pay high attention to the demand in spiritual aspect.This wide demand promotes the developments of landscape design task which shows the features of the city.This type of landscape meet the residents’demand for entertainment,besides,it highlights the cultural features and thematic contents.Thus,this could push the development of the city.Though many cities carry out the task of city culture-themed landscape design in order to meet the residents’demand for entertainment,which just satisfies them in some extent.However,the problems existing in culture-the
med landscape design emerge constantly.The problems not only influence the standard of city culture-themed landscape design,but lead to more problems,such as wastes of resources and the ecological environment of the city. Therefore,people should focus on how to improve the standard of city culture-themed landscape design.This paper is aiming at study on city culture-themed landscape design in Shenyang and analyzes the related theory.Combined with the study on specific cases of city culture-themed landscape in Shenyang,this paper analyzes current situation and existing problems of city culture-themed landscape design in Shenyang.As a result,the corresponding solutions are put forward to those problems in this paper.Also,according to the real situation XiHe River landscape in Shenyang,the specific design plan is proposed in this paper,in the hope of improve the standard of city culture-themed landscape design in Shenyang.
This paper work on the following researches in the process of studying on city culture-themed landscape design.Chapter one is introduction,including the thesis background,intention,research overview in China and abroad,research ideas and
approaches.Chapter two is relevant theories of city culture-themed landscape design.In this chapter,some theories related to city culture-themed landscape design are mainly analyzed,including the definition and features of city culture-themed landscape,the constitution of city culture-themed la
ndscape,the principles of city culture-themed landscape design,and so on.Chapter three is analysis of current situation and problems of culture-themed landscape design around XiHe River ecological corridor in Shenyang Tiexi New District,that is,combining the specific case of city culture-themed landscape design in Shenyang,the current situation and existing problems of landscape design are analyzed.Chapter four is measures and suggestions of XiHe River ecological corridor design in Shenyang Tiexi New District,and relevant solutions are proposed to the existing problems of landscape design.Chapter five is design practice of XiHe River ecological corridor design in Shenyang Tiexi New District.According to the case of XiHe River landscape design in Shenyang,the plans of city culture-themed landscape reconstruction design are put forward.
Key words:Shenyang;City;Culture;Theme landscape;Design金融专业排名
第1章绪论 (1)
1.1研究背景及意义 (1)
1.2国内外研究综述 (2)
1.2.1国外研究综述 (2)
1.2.2国内研究综述 (4)
1.3研究思路及方法 (5)
1.4研究内容及创新 (6)
第2章城市主题景观设计相关理论 (7)
2.1城市主题景观的定义及特点 (7)
2.2城市主题景观的构成 (8)
2.2.1自然生态文化景观 (8)
2.2.2社会人文文化景观 (9)
2.2.3经济产业文化景观 (9)
2.3城市文化主题景观设计的原则 (9)
2.3.1地方特原则 (9)三年级中秋节手抄报画
2.3.2可持续性原则 (10)
2.3.3人文情怀原则 (10)
2.4城市文化主题景观设计的影响因素 (11)
2.4.1自然因素 (11)
2.4.2经济发展水平 (12)
2.4.3社会关注程度 (13)
2.5城市文化主题景观设计的理论依据 (13)
2.5.1景观设计三元素理论 (13)
2.5.2景观生态学理论 (14)
2.5.3环境心理学理论 (15)
第3章沈阳铁西新城细河生态廊道周边文化主题景观设计现状及问题分析 (16)
3.1周边景观设计现状 (16)
3.1.1紫烟薰衣草庄园 (16)
3.1.2沈阳怪坡风景区 (16)
3.2沈阳铁西新城细河生态廊道设计问题分析 (18)
3.2.1地方特不够突出 (18)
3.2.2缺乏浓厚的人文彩 (18)
3.2.3社会参与度不高 (19)
3.2.4景观与环境的协调性较低 (19)
3.2.5各个板块之间的衔接性不够紧密 (20)
第4章沈阳铁西新城细河生态廊道设计对策建议 (21)
4.1运用地方元素突出特 (21)
4.2强化人文情怀的融入 (22)
4.3提高社会的参与度 (22)
4.4实现景观与环境的协调 (23)
4.5增强各个板块之间的衔接性 (23)
第5章沈阳铁西新城细河生态廊道设计实践 (25)
5.1细河景观概况 (25)
5.2设计依据及原则 (26)
5.3改造目标与功能定位 (31)
5.4总体改造构思 (33)
5.5主题景点设计 (34)
5.6功能分区布局 (36)
5.7配套设施设计 (36)
结论 (38)
参考文献 (39)
攻读硕士学位期间发表的论文和取得的科研成果 (41)
致谢 (42)
