Statutory Duties of the Guardian
夏日连衣裙1. 监护人应当履行监护职责,保护被监护人(指未成年人)的人身、财产及其他合法权益,教育和照顾被监护人。The Guardian shall fulfil his/her duty of guardianship and protect the person, property and other lawful rights and interests of the minor, educate and care for the minor.
The Guardian shall protect the physical and mental health, safety and right of honor etc. of the minor, and protect the minor from any infringement of his/her rights. The Guardian shall educate the minor on moral, intellectual, physical, aesthetic, labour and other aspects. The Guar dian‘s rights to fulfil his/her guardianship in accordance with the law shall be protected by law. If the Guardian does not fulfil his duties as guardian or infringes upon the lawful rights and interests of the minor, the Guardian shall be held responsible; if the Guardian causes any property loss for the minor, s/he shall compensate for suc
win7鼠标设置在哪h losses.
2. 管理被监护人的财产The Guardian shall handle the property of the minor
The Guardian shall manage the property of the minor and uphold the minor’s legitimate property rights and interests. The Guardian shall stop and eliminate any acts of violation to the minor’s property rights and interests, and repudiate the minor’s civil conduct on handling of property in accordance with the law as that is not commensurate with the minor’s ability to act, and take recourse to unjust enriched party.
The Guardian shall perform the duty of Guardianship in the best interest of the minor.The Guardian s
hall not handle the property of the minor unless it is in the minor’s interests. When making decisions relating to the minor’s interests, the Guardian shall respect the minor’s true will taking into consideration of the minor’s age and intelligence.
3. 代理进行民事活动The Guardian shall act as the minor’s agent ad litem
The Guardian shall be the minor’s agent ad litem for civil activities such as purchases and sales, leases and loans etc. The Guardian shall bear civil liability for the damages caused by the minor. When the legitimate rights and interests of the minor are infringed, the Guardian has the right and the duty to claim for damages on behalf of the minor.
4. 监护人可能面临的处罚Possible punishments for the Guardian:
Disqualification of the Guardianship.
Bearing civil liability such as: cessation of infringements; removal of obstacles; elimination of dangers; return of property; restoration of original condition;
repair, reworking or replacement; compensation for losses; payment of breach of contract; elimination of adverse effects and rehabilitation of reputation and extension of apology.
美国圣诞节放几天假Please Note: if the minor commits crime, the Guardian will not be imprisoned but may need to compensate for financial losses. However, if a Guardian makes use of a minor for criminal activity, s/he will receive criminal penalties.